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Guest Doyo

Jesse Ventura questions official 9/11 story

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Guest Doyo

Poor Jesse goes from Governor, to his own MSNBC show, to doing interviews for Black Op Radio. I give the guy credit for always speaking his mind, though.




Audio: http://www.total411.info/ventura911.rm




BLACK OP RADIO HOST ANITA LANGLEY: On the current situation, do you see any parallels [to the JFK assassination] with the way the 9/11 has been treated?


FORMER MINNESOTA GOVERNOR JESSE VENTURA: Well, you know... At first, again, I wanted to believe 9/11, you know. But the problem I have with 9/11 is just a real simple one. I'm trying to figure out -- and of course they're now attemPting to answer it somewhat -- how we could have failed so miserably in not having air defense.


Because if you look back particulalrly -- I don't know if you're familiar -- remember Payne Stewart, the golfer?


LANGLEY: Yeah, that's been brought up a few times on this program...


GOV. VENTURA: He was flying in a private jet. And when they had that mechanical malfunction that apparently killed everyone on board, and the jet was up there flying on automatic pilot; well it only took them a matter of minutes to scramble a fighter jet and have it up there on the wing. And had Mr. Stewart's plane, if it looked like it was going to go down and hit a metropolitan area, of course they would blow it out of the air. But when they saw it was just going to land in a field in Nebraska [sic. - actually South Dakota], why they just let it go down and crash on its own.


And the problem I have with 9/11 is that. Where the heck was our defense? Who was sleeping at the wheel? While all of these planes... I mean, I've been to air traffic control when I was Governor, and you've got a dozen people there looking at these dials, watching every plane in their sector. They know where it's going and they know what direction it's supposed to be going


Now, how is it that these planes were able to be hijacked at half hour intervals, turned directly opposite the way they're supposed to be going and no bells went off, no emergency sirens went off, no fighter jets were scrambled? Just what the hell happened in that area of time?! And that's the part that troubles me about 9/11.


HOST LEN OSANIC: Yeah, I find it troubling that the Pentagon got hit at all.


GOV. VENTURA: Yeah, I mean, here's the Pentagon, the head of our military. How was this plane able to circle the city of Baltimore [sic. - actually Arlington] at least once, picking out a target, and then drive into it, and we didn't have -- nothing up in the air? There wasn't one scrambled fighter jet up there to defend in any way, shape, or form? Wow.


OSANIC: Or a missle battery to defend the Pentagon...


GOV. VENTURA: Yeah. Anything, anything! And the thing that troubles me about the Bush Administration, nobody ever gets fired...



-Minnesota's U.S. Senator Mark Dayton recently raised similar questions in a Congressional hearing, as reported by The Village Voice. Hopefully those two are stepping carefully, lest they wind up like another Minnesota politician, the late Sen. Paul Wellstone.


The full Ventura interview can be accessed via the Black Op Radio archives. Ventura, a JFK-assassination buff, spends most of the interview discussing his interest in that case, particularly focusing on a recent book called "Harvey & Lee" concerning the TWO Oswalds!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Hey, isn't that a legitimate question?



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The whole thing is sorta futile to get into. Theories and all that will sell a lot of books for people, like the JFK assassination.


There's a thin line with all this.




The top book (Welcome to Terrorland) teeters with the claims of CIA links to flight schools. Although the stuff about Mohammad Atta liking pork chops and having a stripper girlfriend is explainable. Read up on the Takfiris




basically they disregard Islamic law to blend in and execute their missions


that accounts for Atta's Beastie Boy fandom, the strip clubs and all that.


So yeah, there's a thin line between 'rational' and 'crazy'. Considering the 'poisoning of the well' (intentional and unintentional).


(The Rotten.com library isn't too bad.)

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I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but I think its at least good to ask questions. So easily can these questions be turned in witchhunts. "So YOU were the one who was asleep at the wheel!!!" etc etc.

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Ventura would spend entire shows talking about JFK conspiracy theories.


In this interview it just sounds like he's asking why it took so long for jets to scramble and how air traffic controllers could of missed those planes. Not exactly far-fetched conspiracy questions.

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Hey, isn't that a legitimate question?



It is. And maybe we'll get an official answer someday.


Either way, it doesn't deserve your ridiculous response. No one here has said anything of the sort.

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Guest thebigjig
Hey, isn't that a legitimate question?



It is. And maybe we'll get an official answer someday.


Either way, it doesn't deserve your ridiculous response. No one here has said anything of the sort.

Well... its not really all that ridiculous.


The average response from the right for the last year and a half is that if you don't support the President whole heartedly, and that if you question ANYTHING, then you're not patriotic, and by default, since you don't support the CAUSE then you don't support the troops.

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Guest MikeSC

OK, I'll call you on this:


Name ONCE that has happened. ONE single time. Links, names, the whole nine yards.


I'm sick of you bitching about something that NEVER occurred.


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Guest Mindless_Aggression

All I have to say is that I wish Jesse was still in office so I could see more headlines like "Ventura headlocks the issues" and "The Body piledrives taxes!"

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OK, I'll call you on this:


Name ONCE that has happened. ONE single time. Links, names, the whole nine yards.


I'm sick of you bitching about something that NEVER occurred.


Every fucking day, in every fucking state, in every fucking small town, large city, RV lot, & National Park for the last 900-something days.

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Christ. Have I got to repeat this again?


If you disagree with Republicans you're a terrorist-loving commie.


If you disagree with Democrats you're a children/senior killer, anti-education and anti-clean earth.


Now I had to endure nearly a decade of liberal bitches accusing me and my GOP brethren of wanting to give schoolchildren dog food, grandparents cat food and all the while poisoning the air and water.


So whenever I hear some whiny Left-wing hippy bitch cry about being called un-American, I just want to beat the shit out them with a baseball bat or brick. It comes with the terrority. Get over it...

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Guest thebigjig
Christ. Have I got to repeat this again?


If you disagree with Republicans you're a terrorist-loving commie.


If you disagree with Democrats you're a children/senior killer, anti-education and anti-clean earth.


Now I had to endure nearly a decade of liberal bitches accusing me and my GOP brethren of wanting to give schoolchildren dog food, grandparents cat food and all the while poisoning the air and water.


So whenever I hear some whiny Left-wing hippy bitch cry about being called un-American, I just want to beat the shit out them with a baseball bat or brick. It comes with the terrority. Get over it...

There's a major difference than just regular political bickering and nonsense, compared with the tone that exists today and ever since 9/11 that says if you criticize the president, you are being unamerican, and that if you don't support the war, you're against the troops


Christ, listen to a Toby Keith song sometime Mike... this attitude may not have been directly said by any politician, but the tone DOES exist, and it's quite prevelant. I've even seen debates on Hannity and Colmes about the exact same thing, one particular one being quite memoriable when Hannity was whining and bitching about something a Democrat said about the President, and he talked about how you need to stand behind the President regardless of whether you agree with him or not, in a war time situation... and the liberal guest brought up the times that Hannity blasted Clinton during the Kosovo war and of course, when a Republican congressman (forgot his name) called Clinton a scumbag, and the only response Hannity and HIS guest Anne Coulter could think of was... "well it was true!" completely ignoring the entire POINT


I'm not saying that ALL conservatives believe this, but fuck man... crawl out of that Utopian Republicans can do no wrong world of yours and join us in reality


EDIT: Some comments not directed to KKK, including last comment

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The "scumbag" comment was made by Dan Burton from Ind.


And I remember the shitstorms that went down after the '94 election -- you want to reduce the rate of increased spending? YOU'RE STARVING CHILDREN. It was disgusting, and the GOP bent over and took it all. Personally, I see little difference in the tone during that time and right now -- it's just that the shoe is on the other foot...

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Guest thebigjig
The "scumbag" comment was made by Dan Burton from Ind.


And I remember the shitstorms that went down after the '94 election -- you want to reduce the rate of increased spending? YOU'RE STARVING CHILDREN. It was disgusting, and the GOP bent over and took it all. Personally, I see little difference in the tone during that time and right now -- it's just that the shoe is on the other foot...

I honestly don't see how you can possibly think that a certain hypocritical tone HASNT existed between BOTH parties. This isn't a "shoe is on the other foot now" situation, because to say that you're automatically assuming that Republicans didn't engage in rhetoric or scare tactics until recently, which is absurd.


As I said, I can identify a lot of rhetoric on both sides, and most of it doesn't bother me because I realize that it comes with the territory. However, I do get angry whenever I am called a "terrorist sympathizer" whenever I criticize the President, and I do get angry when some conservative fuck tells me I don't support the troops... I take it personally because I DO support the troops! I have friends that are in the army and in Iraq for Christ's sake. And more than that, I DO love and care for this country. And what pisses me off more, is that I don't nor have I ever accused a Conservative that I disagree with, of NOT having a deep love for the country.


I have such a hard time arguing with people that literally believe that there is only ONE way to be a true American...


to be a Republican

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This isn't a "shoe is on the other foot now" situation, because to say that you're automatically assuming that Republicans didn't engage in rhetoric or scare tactics until recently, which is absurd.

The fact I point out both sides doing this, imo, shows that I do catch the rhetoric on both sides. Or at least I thought it did.


I do get angry whenever I am called a "terrorist sympathizer" whenever I criticize the President.


Well that's because you are.


What pisses me off more, is that I don't nor have I ever accused a Conservative that I disagree with, of NOT having a deep love for the country.


Don't let it piss you off. Just enjoy it. This may not be 100% on topic, but I think it's fitting enough:


Yesterday the better half and I had our engagement pictures taken. We were at some park with a big-ass lake. Anyway, we were with our photographer and we started talking about how a few years ago our local government brought Canadian Geese back to the area and now the park is "overpopulated" with them and now the government is trying to get local hunters to take them out. I said "It's too bad we can't do this to the inner city. 'Oh, there's too many people in this building *makes machine gun sound.*'"


Now our photographer is a Penn State grad and from recent talks I can tell he's a commie. He shook his head and called me a heathen. I said "Thanks -- I know I'm going to hell" and moved on to take some more crappy photos.


dood, you need some kkkounseling


I went to a shrink when I was a kid and my parents were splitting up. Didn't take then, won't take now...

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Guest MikeSC
OK, I'll call you on this:


Name ONCE that has happened. ONE single time. Links, names, the whole nine yards.


I'm sick of you bitching about something that NEVER occurred.


Every fucking day, in every fucking state, in every fucking small town, large city, RV lot, & National Park for the last 900-something days.

Not quite the same as naming a specific time or person, is it? I could mention Harkin calling Cheney a coward for not serving in Vietnam --- specific person and all. I could mention McAuliffe saying that Bush probably went AWOL.


You give these vague "happens all of the time" rather than the specific "He said this". I can give specifics. I can claim that John Kerry is trying to silence dissent by the way HIS people tried to get TV stations to not run the SVBT ads and his people have tried to get bookstores to not carry their books (and tried to get their publisher to cease publication). I can, at the bare minimum, provide EXAMPLES that are not exactly vague.


You can't do the same. You live and die with this assumption that is not borne of actual truth.

Christ, listen to a Toby Keith song sometime Mike

Thanks, but no thanks.

I'm not saying that ALL conservatives believe this, but fuck man... crawl out of that Utopian Republicans can do no wrong world of yours and join us in reality

"But...but...he's not MAINSTREAM. You can't judge all conservatives by the fringe"


And, until you pull me quotes of Toby ACTUALLY saying that, I won't fully buy it --- hate to burst your bubble.

I honestly don't see how you can possibly think that a certain hypocritical tone HASNT existed between BOTH parties. This isn't a "shoe is on the other foot now" situation, because to say that you're automatically assuming that Republicans didn't engage in rhetoric or scare tactics until recently, which is absurd.

Hell, I'll go ahead and blow your mind. I'm presently in the running for a paying slot as a writer for a web site --- and in a column I wrote, I flat-out state that the change in discourse in politics can be traced DIRECTLY to the 1994 Republican takeover.


Yup. The GOP wanted to get their vision passed --- no matter what others wanted. And the Dems didn't like being the minority party and they proceeded to ALSO coarsen their dialogue.

However, I do get angry whenever I am called a "terrorist sympathizer" whenever I criticize the President

And, again, WHO said it? Go ahead, provide links and names. Otherwise, stop bitching.

And what pisses me off more, is that I don't nor have I ever accused a Conservative that I disagree with, of NOT having a deep love for the country.

And none have accused you either. You might need to get your hearing checked.

I have such a hard time arguing with people that literally believe that there is only ONE way to be a true American...


to be a Republican

Now, I can be mean and mention what people like Moore and Ted Rall have said about Republicans --- but it's not fair to do so, right?


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Guest thebigjig

I guess you're under the assumption that I only argue politics HERE with you fine people...


and I assure you I don't.


When I find the time, I'll scan a few of the 20 letters I've received over the past two months after my local newspaper printed one, ONE of my letters to the editor criticizing Bush (though moderately... I questioned his logic, but I didn't throw any of the typical far left insults at him as some of you would probably expect) where I was called a "pussy liberal communist cocksucker" and "unamerican terrorist towel head lover"


Why do you think the "You're a pinko commie liberal" sarcasm comes from when we throw it around for laughs? Do you know how many times I've been jokingly called a Commie by KKK? Where do you think that humor comes from, the sky? No, it's because of the far right bullshit pimped by Anne Coulter and Sean Hannity to name a few, usually stemming from the "you're either with us or the terrorists" mentality following 9/11. I'm not gonna look up a transcript from Hannity and Colmes from 2003, but I KNOW I've heard Hannity say that if you question the president, you're showing unamerican tendancies.


Do you even remember the era of FREEDOM FRIES?!

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Guest MikeSC

I'll be blunt, I've not heard Hannity say that. I've never heard him say that anybody who criticizes the President is un-American. It is very much a red herring tossed out by the left.


Do you think I haven't received some exceptionally unpleasant e-mails from the left? I used to post on pandagon.net briefly and defended Bush and the e-mail I received from that would have made your toes curl. I simply ignored it. As you're so fond of saying, you can't generalize all of the left by the actions of the kooks, right?


And Freedom Fries was due to hatred of the French --- something I'll always support.


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Guest Jdogfour20
I'll be blunt, I've not heard Hannity say that. I've never heard him say that anybody who criticizes the President is un-American. It is very much a red herring tossed out by the left.


Do you think I haven't received some exceptionally unpleasant e-mails from the left? I used to post on pandagon.net briefly and defended Bush and the e-mail I received from that would have made your toes curl. I simply ignored it. As you're so fond of saying, you can't generalize all of the left by the actions of the kooks, right?


And Freedom Fries was due to hatred of the French --- something I'll always support.


Yeah i liked freedom fries to untill i realized we were being stupid. so the french dident agree with the war in Iraq so they are not our friends anymore?

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I'll be blunt, I've not heard Hannity say that. I've never heard him say that anybody who criticizes the President is un-American. It is very much a red herring tossed out by the left.


Do you think I haven't received some exceptionally unpleasant e-mails from the left? I used to post on pandagon.net briefly and defended Bush and the e-mail I received from that would have made your toes curl. I simply ignored it. As you're so fond of saying, you can't generalize all of the left by the actions of the kooks, right?


And Freedom Fries was due to hatred of the French --- something I'll always support.                       


Yeah i liked freedom fries to untill i realized we were being stupid. so the french dident agree with the war in Iraq so they are not our friends anymore?

It's not that they didn't support it; it's that they viciously cock-blocked while defaming our image across the world in a massive political power play. A bit different, I'd say.

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Guest GreatOne
so the french dident agree with the war in Iraq so they are not our friends anymore


Let em disagree with us, that's fine. But at least stay the fuck out of the way when doing so. You didn't see Japan leading the anti-US movement...........


Of course the fact Chirac and Hussein were monkey-spanking each other didn't help their cause...........


And keep in mind that a good chunk of the books circulated in France the last couple years have been about the '911 conspiracy', some friends indeed........

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Yesterday the better half and I had our engagement pictures taken. We were at some park with a big-ass lake. Anyway, we were with our photographer and we started talking about how a few years ago our local government brought Canadian Geese back to the area and now the park is "overpopulated" with them and now the government is trying to get local hunters to take them out. I said "It's too bad we can't do this to the inner city. 'Oh, there's too many people in this building *makes machine gun sound.*'"

This is why kkk rocks





...carry on

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