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yeah, I'm gonna have to sit through a boring-ass school award ceremony (I'm getting an award, so go me, but still) while Locke/Sayid is going down. I'll tape it, but still...

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Because this type of episode needs a preview 24 hours ahead of schedule.



Next Episode:

Wednesday, May 4, 8/7c

"The Greater Good"

After burying one of their own, tempers flare as the castaways' suspicions of each other grow -- and an unlikely survivor vows revenge. Meanwhile, Claire and Charlie struggle to calm her newborn.


Who's everybody's pick for the "unlikely survivor"?


I'm saying Walt.

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Are you kidding? Shannon and Jack are tied with the two people who'd most likely want revenge.


Fun fact: The issue of Entertainment Weekly that feature the Lost guys on the cover was the magazine's eight hundred and fifteenth issue.

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Are you kidding? Shannon and Jack are tied with the two people who'd most likely want revenge.

No, I meant that the motive is there, but Shannon herself wouldn't... oh wait, she'd just get Sayid to do it. Nevermind. I change my choice to the old woman then.

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new episode of LOST tomorrow! Finally!!!!


When is the season finale?


Lost should switch to non-stop seasons. 24, Battlestar Galactica, and The Shield all go with non-stop seasons this season, and it has helped the quality and momentum build from week to week.

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I think it would be awesome if Kate conned Sawyer into going after Locke for her, only for Sawyer to turn around and strike a deal with Locke to kill Kate.


No real reason for Kate to die, I'd just like to see Sawyer fuck her over big time 'cause he seems to be the only one who recognizes her for what she is.

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btw, I just noticed - Locke's scar matches Anakin Skywalker's in the new Star Wars movie. Coincidence, I'm sure, but funny-weird...

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I'm not a big fan of Sayid as a character, so I wasn't too excited about this episode. However, I did miss about half of the episode because my friend decided to have a heart to heart with me during the last half of LOST. So I didn't get to watch it like I wanted to.


Next week does look REALLY good.

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Guest wildpegasus

So what happened in the first 15 minutes? I completely forgot about the show and only disovered it was on because I was setting up my grandparents VCR.

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I'm underwhelmed for the first time in a while. Solid ep but nothing really special. Sayid's story was kind of a letdown.


Next week looks off the chain, though. I freaked when I saw Walt telling Locke not to open the hatch.

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Yeah, the preview was more eventful than this weeks episode :)


I hated that they tried to make Sayid into a "good guy workin for the CIA against the terrorists", just like they made Jin "a good guy reluctantly working for Suns pop". I mean FUCK, have some balls and make someone genuinely bad in their previous life. They don't all have to be understandable.


Jin and Michael fucking rule as a team. I can't believe they made those 2 a good team.


I don't like how Sun is becoming all Kate-like, trying to put her nose in things.

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I thought it helped the Sayid character out. Once he started doing his shit with Shannon his character really turned for the worse. For the first, say 10 episodes, he was one of my favorite characters and then that just stopped for the good portion of the 2nd half of the season.


I thought the Republican Guard turned CIA guy was kinda eh, but it did have it make sense and all come together. Especially the final segment when he was leaving the suicide scene.


So what about Locke confessing he hit Sayid? Not that big of a shock, but glad they gave in on one of the secrets.


And as hot as Evangline Lilly is, her character Kate is REALLY starting to get on my nerves. The whole drugging Jack was not cool, though it was for the greater good (title of the episode means more than just Sayid.) Ahh. I have a feeling they are going to go the sympathy route with her episode, but so be it.


I can however see the fact we've gone forever with a new episode and this one was somewhat underwhelming.

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One thing this episode did very well is make it perfectly clear that Sayid is sitting right on the fence during this whole thing.


Good- Jack


Undecided- Sayid


Evil- Locke.


It was well done because Sayid cannot trust Locke but is way too intrigued about what he knows to fully side with Jack (as seen when Sayid suggests that they open the hatch).


I was kinda dissapointed that it was Locke who hit Sayid. I was always looking forward to the theory that it was Walt and Locke was just covering for him, though I suppose they could still pull it off.


They should do Sawyer vs Locke on the basis that Locke planted the idea that it was Sawyer who knocked out Sayid, which in turn led to the torture, knifing etc.

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One thing this episode did very well is make it perfectly clear that Sayid is sitting right on the fence during this whole thing.


Good- Jack


Undecided- Sayid


Evil- Locke.


It was well done because Sayid cannot trust Locke but is way too intrigued about what he knows to fully side with Jack (as seen when Sayid suggests that they open the hatch).

There's no set in stone fact that Jack is the good guy and Locke is the bad one. A lot of people think it's going to be the other way around before the season is over.

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One thing that bugged me was about how the cliffhanger revolved around Jack's quest to go find John Locke at the end of last episode...and it was solved when Kate convinced him not to go in the first SEGMENT?

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One thing that bugged me was about how the cliffhanger revolved around Jack's quest to go find John Locke at the end of last episode...and it was solved when Kate convinced him not to go in the first SEGMENT?


Whaaa? That was gay.

I don't think Jack is done with Locke yet

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I love this show, but fuck them for doing this off-on bullshit. They deserve the backlash for those moves alone. This episode was never meant to be a blow-away episode, positioning-wise. Right now they are building towards the blow-away season finale, so why would you risk upstaging it? It was a transition episode meant to further some things along, and to wrap some things up; the mistake was they had it after a month-long wait and after a kick ass episode w. lots of shit happening. Looking back, they should have had this episode a month ago and leave the cliff-hanger as Sayid asking Locke to take him to the hatch.

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