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Did anyone notice when Boone was on the radio, it sounded like the guy on the other end said:


"There was no Oceanic Flight 815."

Yeah, I heard that. Just another thing that won't be explained for weeks and weeks and weeks

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Am I the only one to think Boone isn't going to die?  Just seems like a swerve so they can hit us later  w/ someone else.

Yeah, next week is 6.20 and the major character death isn't supposed to happen until 6.22.


I've read that next week people are looking for Locke since he's dissapeared, so I'm betting we don't find out much more about the light coming from the hatch.

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"Let's go son" And he takes his son up to the altar to sacrifice him to God, Abraham did. And at the last second, God spared Abraham's son, as it was a test of faith.


Yeah, Boone's F'ed up. But does he die? I dont think so

Locke helps his dad by giving him a kidney, gets screwed over.


Boone (Locke's, I guess, surrogate "son"), helps Locke by going into the plane to look for whatever, plane crashes.




I'm not sure Boone'll die, but possibly someone involved with the Boone situation who isn't Locke

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Guest Wart
Did anyone notice when Boone was on the radio, it sounded like the guy on the other end said:


"There was no Oceanic Flight 815."

He said "There were no survivors on Oceanic Flight 815"


I downloaded the episode last night and thats what it sounded like to me, anyways.

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Did anyone notice when Boone was on the radio, it sounded like the guy on the other end said:


"There was no Oceanic Flight 815."

He said "There were no survivors on Oceanic Flight 815"


I downloaded the episode last night and thats what it sounded like to me, anyways.

either way could be fucked up, if you think about it



EDIT: Closed captioning says it's the second one

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Guest guerillagenius
from tvtome.com Episode Guide


Deus Ex Machina= God from the machine; refers to an implausible ending where everything is solved and justice is served.

The episode title is also similar to the title of Chapter 48 of Watership Down "Deus ex Machina." (Watership Down is the book that Sawyer was reading that came from Boone's suitcase).


We find out that Boone (Ian Somerhalder) had a nanny named Theresa who fell down a flight of stairs and broke her neck.


Maggie Grace (Shannon), Malcolm David Kelley (Walt), Dominic Monaghan (Charlie), and Emilie de Ravin (Claire) do not appear in this episode. Naveen Andrews (Sayid) appears, but does not speak.


Locke (Terry O'Quinn) recovers from his paralysis; it seems the Island did not want him to get into the plane.


We find out that Locke's (Terry O'Quinn) father used his mother to subconsciously convice Locke to give him a kidney. Locke finds that his legs cannot be hurt, as he proves with the shrapnel/pin/hot stick.


There apparently was a plane crash from 2-10 years ago on the island by heroin smugglers posing as a pastor and missionaries. Someone also responded to the signal Boone sent out: someone might be looking for them.


Boone is able to transmit to another person that there are survivors of the Oceanic Airlines flight.


The drug that was being smuggled on the crashed plane Boone (Ian Somerhalder) and Locke (Terry O'Quinn) find is heroin---the same that Charlie was addicted to (and Locke knows it). Coincidence? Not on this show.


Sawyer (Josh Halloway) gets a makeshift pair of glasses in this episode after getting headaches caused by reading too much.


When Locke's mother (Swoosie Kurtz) ask where items are located in the store at the beginning. Locke (Terry O'Quinn) says "isles 8 & 15." Flight 815 was the flight and they were two of Hurley's lotto numbers. These numbers have importance because they keep putting them in our face!


When Boone (Ian Somerhalder) contacts the outside from the Beechcraft radio, he states that they are survivors of Oceanic flight 815. Closed Caption reveals that he was answered with..."There were no survivors of Oceanic Flight 815!"...a possible clue to the plot.


The actual Deus Ex Machina in this episode is Locke's (Terry O'Quinn) dream of the crashed plane, seemingly a message from on high that will lead himself to a way to get into the hatch. And appanrently, it does....or at least does something.


Sawyer (Josh Holloway) is reading a new book Madeleine L'Engle: A Wrinkle In Time (about time travel and a 5th dimension), this links into ideas that the radio transmission boone (Ian Somerhalder) gets is not "there were no survivors..." but "We're the survivors from..." and in fact Boone (Ian Somerhalder) isn't talking to someone off the island but himself either in the future or in a parrellel dimension of some sort.

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Guest Evolution

Those were statues of the Virgin Mary that had heroin in them, right?


Virgin Mary = Immaculate Conception = Mama Locke


So if that really was a Virgin Mary statue, the fact that it had heroin was meant to be a deception to fool somebody. Just like Mama Locke was a deception to fool Locke into giving up the kidney.


Edit: I seriously typed Immaculate Reception at first.

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Some DVD/show news:


Back in February I commented that I'd like to see a killer seven disc set for Lost, because I didn't feel six discs would work, given the number of episodes they were producing. Yes, a six disc set could hold all 24 episodes of the show (4 episode per disc), but would we be left with scraps for extras?


In the past week we've learned that the finale will be 2 hours, and there will be a special "bonus" episode airing in April, giving the show 26 TV hours of material. This news prompted me to call Disney again and ask about the disc count, and I heard back from them today. The set will include seven discs, not the previously reported six. This is excellent news for fans of the show, since it will allow DVD producers more room for the extras.


This is the second product Disney has revised in the past week. Last week we reported that the previously announced Full Frame release of Desperate Housewives will be released in Anamorphic Widescreen (1.78:1).


Please note: TVShowsOnDVD.com does not participate in April Fool's Day news postings.

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They were saying $59.99 to begin with...which usually means about $50 retail, and less if you get it on sale durring the first week. I doubt it'll be much more.

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it's that bonus episode they're showing that recaps all the stuff




I hadn't seen this mentioned, but in Walkabout, Jack tells Rose (I think that's her name. The black chick) that the people in the rear of the plane are dead, and she says "They're probably thinking the same thing about us."

"No, WE'RE the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815" = people in the rear of the plane somewhere?

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just saw it. AWE and also SOME.

Locke really sold his soul to the "Devil" there, sacrificing Boone to get to the secret of the hatch.

What if the island keeps making him do "bad" things to get closer and closer to the 'center' of the mystery, like what if he's forced to use charley to do something and the only way he can do it is to give charlie some of that heroin? Locke could go down a seriously dark path.

Hey maybe the hatch leads down to Hell, and the island/force is the devil, slowly forcing everybody to become evil. nah, too supernaturally.

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AICN is reporting that tonight's episode...


is the one with the major character death. It's Boone.


Also, the two part finale will be titled Exodus and the flashbacks will be to the flight and crash.


April 6 - 1.20: Do No Harm (Jack III)

April 27 - Recap Show

May 4 - 1.21: The Greater Good (Sayid II)

May 11 - 1.22: Born to Run (Kate III)

May 18 - 1.23: Exodus: Part 1

May 25 - 1.24: Exodus: Part 2 (Two Hours)

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Jin was running around in the woods totally confused... like a deer in the headlights.

I know it's counterproductive to quote a spoiler ... especially with another spoiler tag, but ... why do they make Jin seem like such a bitch? He seem like he was such a badass pre-crash ... and they have him be such a bitch on the island.

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