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"Why did I do that to you~!>?~}?|"


So far, this episode has blown my mind TWICE in two fucking segments.


Locke and Jack talking to each other, Jack saying "you like to play games", they have the greatest feud going. Fuck yeah,


RRR: Getting tired of running down stairs for the commercial breaks.

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So far, this is not only one of the best LOST episodes ever, it's one of the best Season Finales ever. My god, all the references and inside jokes.


"Who the hell is Hugo, and what's he doin with 120 million dollars?"


"Uh, Jack... you've got a piece of Artz on you"


*Jack looks back*

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The story of Pandoras box was, that after it was opened, the only thing that was left was Hope.


The look on Lockes face was amazing. How Sayid led Charlie to the heroin was amazing. This is, quite possibly, one of the best television watching experiences I have ever had. Love it.

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This shit's intense.


I really hope the hick guy doesn't get killed off. He's my favorite character.

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They can't just, you know, NOT HAVE A CLIFFHANGER!


"They were after the boy" and then it being Walt was fucking insane. Sawyer getting shot - insane. Hurley seeing the numbers - insane. Oh my jesus. Jacks conversation with Locke, Locke on the plane, Hurley giving Walt the Thumbs Up, Hurley reading the comic book, Charlie with the heroin, Artz helping out Claire, Boone with the puffer...


Oh, AND THE OTHERS ON THE SHIP! Man, I was like "no way... that's not a boat... oh shit, that's a boat.... they can't be saved, can they? Oh shit, they look like pirates... OH SHIT, either the others or the government... OOOOOH SNAP THEY'REAFTERWALTNIGGANOOOOOO!


Fucking cliffhangers...

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I think LOST is one of the only shows that really, REALLY, fucks with me. Like, geniuinely surprises the fuck out of me. I can't think of any other show that has done that on such a level. I can say with 100% certainty that I didn't see the Walt thing coming, even though it makes perfect sense now that I look back. And anyone thinking that they have no material for more seasons, whatcha thinking now?~!


I think this is my favourite show ever.


Sorry Firefly. Sorry Angel. Sorry Joss... I'm with a new J now.

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We have to assume that those 3 were either with Danielle on the ship and that blonde was Alex or I don't know.


I don't fucking know. Holy shit. If they fucking killed off Sawyer I'm going to fucking FLIP THE FUCK OUT.

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