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I don't think they ever wanted Claire. Or the baby.


I guess they wanted Walt the whole time.


And is Ethan, was he with those other guys?

That's what I was wondering...or was Claire's little flashback or her scratcing Danielle there way of saying Ethan was with her.

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Ethan was with Danielle trying to protect the baby from the others?


Damn...seriously, this is some deep stuff.

Danielle wasn't trying to protect the baby, she was trying to trade it for kid.

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Sawyer officially has the most badass staredown after seeing his look to the guys in the boat.

I jumped out of my seat. Evil Sawyer baby. Hellz Yeah!!!!!

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'The others said they were coming for the child, the others said they were coming for the boy.' This is what Danielle said.


Again...they never wanted Claire's baby. They wanted Walt.

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'The others said they were coming for the child, the others said they were coming for the boy.' This is what Danielle said.


Again...they never wanted Claire's baby. They wanted Walt.

Yeah, but Danielle didn't know that, she thought they wanted Claire's baby

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'The others said they were coming for the child, the others said they were coming for the boy.' This is what Danielle said.


Again...they never wanted Claire's baby. They wanted Walt.

Yeah, but Danielle didn't know that, she thought they wanted Claire's baby

Right. That's why she was so dissapointed.

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There's some rumor already going around that during the Kate/Hurley segment talking about 23, the time was 9:23 PM.


I didn't notice it, but still. That's pretty cool for a surprise.

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Absolutely amazing episode tonight. Lots of humor in it, and the death of Artz was awesome. Once Danielle said 'they wanted the boy' I figured they were talking about Walt. But didn't see the ship-napping coming. A little disapointed that we only saw a shadow of the monster, but better that than a toe or something stupid.

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Guest Brian

I knew something was up with the ship, I just expected Walt to have some sort of premonition. Talking about wasting their only flare, I knew they were going to lose Walt. I just kinda expected a monster.

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I was wondering why Sayid brought Charley to the airplane. It had to be intentional, and only he (Sayid) and Locke know about the plane. I think Sayid wants Charley on his side - it is not unknown for governments to hook soldiers on drugs to make them loyal and do whatever they (they gov) want. Sayid knows that Charley can kill a man, and he (Sayid) could probably figure out that Charley -a rock star- would have drug addictions and could be controlled. So, as LOTC said, the question becomes whose side is Sayid on?


I think it's Jacks side. Charley already stated his allegence with Locke, Locke got Charley kicked off the drugs, so why would Locke want Charley on his side when he's already on his side?

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Man...damn. Godfuckingdamn. There was SO MUCH GOOD here...and so much fucking bad. Answers, dammit, answers, I want answers - what is in the hatch, who are the Others, what is the monster, SOMETHING, ANYTHING...nothing, we get nothing. Fuck. I spent a whole season involved in this show, just to get fucked over because they want to do eleventy-billion cliffhangers. Give us SOMETHING.


That aside...I fucking loved this. Sawyer's infuckingtense staredown with the guys on the ship had me ready to explode, and then when they took Walt I swear to god I almost cried. I teared up. Fuck. Micheal screaming "WAAAALT" in the water gave me chills.


There was so goddamned much going on here that I'm having trouble remembering it all. But Locke and Jack's scenes...damn. All straight gold. "You like to play games, Locke?" "*big smile*". Crazy. And Hurley screaming not to light the dynamite because he saw the numbers was even crazier.


The Sayid and Charlie chasing after Danielle parts were also great. I didn't remember the plane having the drugs right away, so when I realized it I was like "oh fuck" and Charlie...damn. The look on his face when he realized he fucked up and left Claire with Danielle alone was fucking tragic. I'm tempted to say best acting of the episode came from him, but really everyone was spot on.


I will say this: the ending scene on the plane, where we FINALLY got the full score played, was fucking heartbreaking. Seeing everybody get on the plane, knowing what was going to happen to them, it was incredibly sad. The score was, for the record, one of my favorite pieces of music ever.


So all in all, kick ass episode that I loved. But fuck...give us some answers. We've been waiting forever. Just give us some answers.

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I think it was Ethan working on behalf of the Others, then they came across Danielle and she tried to get Claire away from Ethan; not to help her but to get the baby and trade for Alex as she planned to do tonight.

Damn, its 4 hours after the ending of the show and I'm still in shock about it all.

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Everyone played their roles perfectly tonight.


Michael talking to Sawyer about being a hero, or just wanting to die was fantastic. Sawyer has the best staredown, it's hands down. Walt was great when talking to Sawyer. And Jin... great to see him give Michael the watch, that was a pretty good moment. Man, I just wonder how Jin, Michael, and Sawyer are going to get back... they were what, 15 miles away Michael said?


Hurley running through the airport was GOLD. Everything Hurley did tonight was great. He has easily jumped up to my top 5 favorite characters on this show.


Locke and Jack has to be one of my favorite on going feuds. "We're gonna have a Locke problem." I'm just trying to wonder where this is going to lead up to.


Sun was perfect in her role tonight. Just trying to keep Claire and Shannon calm.


This had to be my favorite season finale. One of the few shows I wish didn't have to go off for the summer.

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Maybe the others took Claire because there was a prophecy about a young child who will *insert grand scheme here*. But then they found out it wasn't that baby because *insert reason here*. So they went for the next closest thing. They let Claire go after whiping her mind, Danielle saw an opportunity to get a baby and tried to get her (and it).


OOR Danielle stopped Ethan with a trap, tried to get Claire, Claire ran away, Ethan came to and they (Dan and Ethan) ended up stopping each other.

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Really reflecting back on it, and I'm sure I'll re-watch most of the episodes this summer, but I think it's safe to say from where the show is now and when I thought it was going to be when I saw the Pilot.


Man...I couldn't have even predicted what it turned into. I mean, damn.


Also, major credit to them for having basically everything spot on in the flashback at the end when they boarded the plane. You know that they filmed this months after the original taping of the plane crash and it really was perfect as far as outfits, who sat where, etc.

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What I love most about the show is how it has progressed. The pilot seemed so long ago. A lifetime, even. The physical transformations, and reminding us of it in the flashbacks, have been amazing. I was thinking, watching the episode again, "remember when Jack first met Kate?", and "remember when Jin was fighting Michael over that watch?" So much has happened and changed. Very rewarding.

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Definately. It seems like ages ago that Jack was hanging out with Vincent in the forest. It does feel like a lifetime as far as this show goes...basically telling us how good it really is.


My only, only fear is that they bit too much then they could chew for. Will we ever know exactly why the plane crash? What the numbers mean and why it brings these people together? Who are the Others? Why the fuck was there a polar bear on the island? Why can't anyone pick up the transmission on this radio tower near the Black Rock (which we never saw)? What the hell is really in the hatch? What happened to the tail section of the plane? What is the damn monster?


I do have the feeling they are going to go down the route of "Okay, they got the hatch open. Now it's time to figure out how to get IN the hatch." Consideirng the ladder was destroyed (from the explosion...maybe, but I doubt it.) The most frustrating part of this show is you get answers, but it just leads to more questions.


There's definately a loooooot of stuff to cover in the next season. Hopefully we get more answers then they gave us this time around.


I wish they gave us more tonight as far as answers. Maybe like what Kate exactly did, or why Locke was paralyzed. Something simple and important, but not too revealing of the whole show.

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Ok, here's my theory.


There is a battle between Jack and Locke, that is clear. They have played up tension between the two all year, but until now only Locke has realized that Jack is a threat. Locke, though, isn't looking to eliminate Jack, but rather he is looking to elevate Jack. Locke knows the value of duality - as shown by his conversation with Walt (one black, one white) - so he knows that Jack is an important player in his (Lockes) fate.


The ultimate battle is between Science and Religion/Faith. How I see it right now, you have two types of people who have been on the island - the scientists who created the hatch and the security system, who want to study the island, and the people of faith (the others) who are on the island to worshop it. Now, we know that the others exist, but we do not know if the scientists are still on the island. The scientists could have came in the 1950's, which was -I believe- when the ship mentioned in Hurley's episode was dated. That ship could have found an island and set up an observation post. The religious people could have been there longer. They could have even been on the pirate ship and survived there for hundreds of years. Infact, the religious people could have killed the scientists and taken their technology (the boat), which gives some indication of where Jack/Locke may go.


I strongly suggest checking out this Paradise Lost site. If you read the simplied summary, it gets kinda freaky in how LOST manages to parallel it.


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