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picked it off another message board (a general one, not a Lost board), its just on a photobucket account. However, I've read a few other posts around the internet commenting on seeing an "arab looking man that mighta been Sayid" from the scene, which prompted someone to take a screencap.

Looks authentic.

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RRR, my theory was that Kate killed her father, (which I guess she did) although I thought it was the Army Dad.


And hell yeah for my "what cliffhanger would they give us for 6 weeks"? That's pretty good.


I was the same way, "don't push the buttons Mike."


Do you really think Locke & Eko are enemies; I didn't catch the dialogue?

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1) I don't think Locke and Eko will be enemies. They'll be good foils, but hell, they're working together . Why else would Eko help Locke complete his temple?


2) Dad? --- Badass way to go on hiatus.


3) Note: In the film, what caused the "Incident" was not failing to enter the numbers, but communicating with the outside world via the computer.


4) Electromagnetic fields + Blast Doors. You do the math. The conclusion is obvious.


5) The preview was a smashup of the next 3 episodes.


6) Mr. Eko also stands his ground against whatever Locke stood against.


General thoughts:


1) Our survivors disconnect from their reality is waning. Sayid talked to Kate about what he had seen. Hurley's in the open about the numbers. I imagine Jack will talk about it soon. They're figuratively waking up.

2) Isn't it amazing that with so little dialogue, Mr. Eko has replaced so many characters as THE most intriguing guy on the show.


3) Swann was a well-known remote viewer. Somehow, whatever is in the brains of our lost-a-ways finds itself on the island. Mental Projection? ESP? Something buggy. Note comment #4. EM does muck with our brainwaves.




Meaning: healed by Jehovah, or Jehovah will support


the son of Amon, and his successor on the throne of Judah (2 Kings 22:1; 2 Chr. 34:1)


His history is contained in 2 Kings 22, 23. He stands foremost among all the kings of the line of David for unswerving loyalty to Jehovah (23:25). He "did that which was right in the sight of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his father." He ascended the throne at the early age of eight years, and it appears that not till eight years afterwards did he begin "to seek after the God of David his father." At that age he devoted himself to God. He distinguished himself by beginning a war of extermination against the prevailing idolatry, which had practically been the state religion for some seventy years (2 Chr. 34:3; compare Jer. 25:3, 11, 29).


In the eighteenth year of his reign he proceeded to repair and beautify the temple, which by time and violence had become sorely dilapidated (2 Kings 22:3, 5, 6; 23:23; 2 Chr. 34:11). While this work was being carried on, Hilkiah, the high priest, discovered a roll, which was probably the original copy of the law, the entire Pentateuch, written by Moses.


When this book was read to him, the king was alarmed by the things it contained, and sent for Huldah, the "prophetess," for her counsel. She spoke to him words of encouragement, telling him that he would be gathered to his fathers in peace before the threatened days of judgment came. Josiah immediately gathered the people together, and engaged them in a renewal of their ancient national covenant with God. The Passover was then celebrated, as in the days of his great predecessor, Hezekiah, with unusual magnificence. Nevertheless, "the Lord turned not from the fierceness of his great wrath wherewith his anger was kindled against Judah" (2 Kings 22:3-20; 23:21-27; 2 Chr. 35:1-19). During the progress of this great religious revolution Jeremiah helped it on by his earnest exhortations.


Soon after this, Pharaoh-Necho II. (q.v.), king of Egypt, in an expedition against the king of Assyria, with the view of gaining possession of Carchemish, sought a passage through the territory of Judah for his army. This Josiah refused to permit. He had probably entered into some new Alliance with the king of Assyria, and faithful to his word he sought to oppose the progress of Necho.


The army of Judah went out and encountered that of Egypt at Megiddo, on the verge of the plain of Esdraelon. Josiah went into the field in disguise, and was fatally wounded by a random arrow. His attendants conveyed him toward Jerusalem, but had only reached Hadadrimmon, a few miles south of Megiddo, when he died (2 Kings 23:28, 30; compare 2 Chr. 35:20-27), after a reign of thirty-one years. He was buried with the greatest honors in fulfilment of Huldah's prophecy (2 Kings 22:20; compare Jer. 34:5). Jeremiah composed a funeral elegy on this the best of the kings of Israel (Lam. 4:20; 2 Chr. 35:25). The outburst of national grief on account of his death became proverbial (Zech. 12:11; compare Rev. 16:16).

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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A small thing that bothered me: Locke screwing up while typing in the #s, having to think about it and make a correction. The Locke that they've shown us for the past 1+ seasons is the kind of guy that would have those numbers memorized, backwards & forwards.

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Still, it contradicts the Locke that they've shown us for most, if not all, of this series. The cerebral, in-control fountain of knowledge that they've led us to expect would NOT be doing simple typos like a TSM message board poster.

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Nah, I dont think it contradicts. He was rushing, 20 seconds left. If Locke had missd that error, than fine you have a point, but it was a plot device plain and simple.




Who says time is moving forward on the island?

It is certainly within the realm of physics for time to in fact stand still.


If you believe that the universe is in fact a series of infinite stills (like animation) where the observer (soul) journeys through each, then time in fact can go forward or reverse. Yeah this is quirky quantum physics, but it is being discussed. There are massive problems with time in the quantum verse.


I said before that I believed there to be electromagnetic forces at work.


I now believe these electromagnetic forces are:

1) Mucking with Time

2) Mucking with Lostaways Memories

3) Mucking with Physics Laws


I may have to back away from nanobots in favor of a more EM theory, and that because of these unique properties, our lostaways are experiencing a reality without time. Remember, Locke's Watch? Not working.


Please refer to the "Double Slit" experiment which shows how information in the present affects our perception and memory of the past.


Horses, Pigs, Dead Fathers...

Edited by Stephen Joseph

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Oh, it was most assuredly a plot device to add to the intensity of the moment.


It just didn't sit well with me. Locke is the kind of guy that types in the numbers without fail, regardless of how little time is left on the clock.

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Locke and Eko are bound to clash. They are both men of strong belief, but they believe in different things. The first episode of the season was "Man of Science vs. Man of Faith" and was resolved peacefully, this is "Man of Faith vs. Man of Faith" and tell me the latter doesn't end up with more bloodshed than the former. Locke believes in the island, Eko believes in the bible. Problem is, the bible talks about worshoping false idols, and the island certainly would be that. Locke knows what Ekos beliefs are, and he probably knows how Eko would react to some of the stranger elements on the island and how he would interpret them, which will make it interesting to see what games Locke plays with him.


It will also be interesting to see what happens when Eko finds out about Lockes beliefs. I think Eko sees through Lockes fake smile, I think Locke knows Eko sees through the fake smile, but they are currently trying to feel each other out before they make their respective move. Locke sees this as a game, he knows he needs to have the right people on his side, and he knows Eko could be a big threat to him.


I never gave much thought to this before, but it's interesting that both sides had outside forces threatening them. Why didn't you see the security system affecting the tailies? Why didn't you see The Others rush and take away the 48 survivors like they did with the tailies? The first night the 48 were on the beach they say trees toppling over. The threat was pretty clearly established. Ditto with the tailies and the others.


I always draw back to Locke breaking down, crying, when he can't get into the hatch. That is the real Locke. The Locke we see 99% of the time, the confident one, the hunter, the gamesman, that's a mask. The Locke we see 1% of the time, with the hatch, the little mistake when the pressure from the island was on, that's the real one.

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Yeah, so far there hasn't been anything to suggest that the SS is linked in any way to the Others, so it'd probably do whatever it does to them, too, so since the SS is on one part of the island, the Others only really go after the other part

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Guest Vitamin X

Man, I have to say I marked out for the return of the Sawyer we all know and love last night. "Well, I'd have to say that's about the sweetest thing I'd ever heard come outta your mouth." "... You know that horse, Freckles?"


I also still think there's an incredible more amount to Locke's knowledge of hunting, gamesmanship, and all that than we've known. I think his story is the one I'm most interested in finding out, especially since (at least I don't think so, to my recollection) it wasn't explained how he became handicapped in the first place. Nor did we know how he ended up working at that toy store/department store in middle age.


I agree with LOTC that he and Eko are bound to clash, because of the same reasons he mentioned. There is something weird though, about the way that Locke's character has been written this season. Last year, he was more of a leader, more confident, took the initiative with finding out whatever the island may hold in store for them.. and it seems that, ever since he clashed with Jack at the beginning of this season over leadership roles, he's kind of taken a step back and become more of a quiet, "wise old man" type figure to the front survivors.

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Guest Vitamin X

Also, the LOST drinking game..



Opening shot is of someone's eye...........drink 1

Flashback scene......................................drink 1

A character appears in a different character's flashback......drink 2

A shocking secret is revealed................drink 2

Someone stares into the water..............drink 1

Someone dies.......................................drink 2

But doesn't really.......................drink 1

A character not on the plane appears........drink 1

Episode ends on a cliffhanger................drink 2

A sexual innuendo, heat or slash............drink 1

The monster/polar bear appears or is heard.......drink 1

A fight, not involving Jack or Sawyer, happens.......drink 2

LOST at the end..................................finish your drink



Patches someone up.........................drink 1

Tries to rescue someone/plays the hero.......drink 2

Gets in a fight....................................drink 1

Fights with Sawyer.............................drink 2



Gets in a fight...................................drink 1

Gets in a fight with Jack....................drink 2

Is asked for an item by another character...........drink 1

Smiles..............................................drink 1

Comes on screen.............................drink 1

Gives someone a nickname.............drink 2



Says, "What?!"................................drink 2

Flirts with Jack.................................drink 1

Flirts with NOT!Jack.........................drink 2



Says something cryptic....................drink 1

Uses a knife....................................drink 1



Fiddles around with something..........drink 1

Camera shows his long, girly fingernails.....drink 1



Uses herbs or roots to cure someone........drink 2



Acts possessive..............................drink 1



Mentions/uses drugs.....................drink 1

Mentions DriveShaft/sings.............drink 2

Uses British slang..........................drink 2



Holds her baby..............drink 1

Writes in her diary.......................drink 2



Says "Dude".................................drink 1



Calls for Vincent..........................drink 1

Argues with Michael....................drink 1



Calls for Walt..............................drink 1

Argues with Walt........................drink 1



Is referred to by anything other than her name.........drink 1

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Man, I have to say I marked out for the return of the Sawyer we all know and love last night. "Well, I'd have to say that's about the sweetest thing I'd ever heard come outta your mouth." "... You know that horse, Freckles?"


I also still think there's an incredible more amount to Locke's knowledge of hunting, gamesmanship, and all that than we've known. I think his story is the one I'm most interested in finding out, especially since (at least I don't think so, to my recollection) it wasn't explained how he became handicapped in the first place. Nor did we know how he ended up working at that toy store/department store in middle age.


I agree with LOTC that he and Eko are bound to clash, because of the same reasons he mentioned. There is something weird though, about the way that Locke's character has been written this season. Last year, he was more of a leader, more confident, took the initiative with finding out whatever the island may hold in store for them.. and it seems that, ever since he clashed with Jack at the beginning of this season over leadership roles, he's kind of taken a step back and become more of a quiet, "wise old man" type figure to the front survivors.


That was Rudo.


Oh, and just for fun everybody toss out a WHACKY THEORY!~ The whackier the better.


Curry sez: Locke kills Mr. Ecko.

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Wacky Theory: Hurley somehow figures out a way to prove that he is indeed worth 150 million, and thus will win over Libby due to his "personality".


I also think Eko will find out or knows that Locke couldn't walk/was in a wheelchair before the crash.

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4) Electromagnetic fields + Blast Doors. You do the math. The conclusion is obvious.

At the risk of sounding like a dumbass, what's the conclusion?



I REALLY enjoyed last night's episode, and the fact that the Black Stallion was real lends more credence to, what I like to call, the Gold Car Theory. Some of you may have heard of it before, but I'll sum it up anyway. If you remember from Season 1, a gold sedan appeared in at least three different flashbacks, having a major effect on the events of each character. The ones I can remember are:


1. The gold car that hit Michael

2. The gold car that was in the parking lot where Locke worked

3. The gold car that stopped Kate in her getaway


Season 2 has allowed us to add Desmond and now the Black Stallion to the list of devices that have been used to bring the Lostaways together on the island. The fact that Desmond was wearing a Dharma shirt when he met Jack and that the Initiative deals in zoology leads me to believe that everything HAS happened for a reason. Not a spiritual reason. A literal one.


The question is... what do you think?

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