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Do you think Locke will end up teaming with The Others? I can imagine him going to them and saying he doesn't mean any harm, he just wants to know their story and whatnot - trying to get more information on The Island, because they know it's special and he knows it's special, and he can probably relate more to them than any of the survivors. I could see him turning on Jack and preventing Jack from starting a war, or even costing Jack that war. Why would Locke be loyal to the survivors? Why would he be enemies with The Others? Who is to say which side is light and which side is dark?

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If we hear some shit like "the others" crashed on an airplane 20 years ago I'll mark out, and then I'll be like, "yo.......that's some bullshit" but then I'll probably mark out again. And then there will be some spinoff bullshit, "LOST: THE 80'S YEARS."


This show is completely absurd.

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I hope you are wrong about Libby being Hurley's ex shrink.


Eventually these associations would be too much without an elaborate explanation that I'm not sure they can provide.

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I said it several pages back, but the confrontation was a coming. "How long will it take to train an army?" Jack, where the fuck have you been, you've needed an army ever since Ethan.


Was Jack just wrong about Zeke having one guy with a gun, or was he wrong about Ethan being with them too (I suspect not)


They didn't show us Alex for a reason.


Michael fired 3 shots. Someone else fired 4. Are they related? I don't think so. I think the barefoot Others are different from these guys, and I think both Michael and them were warding off the Others.


Anyone catch the fact that Jack DIDNT have his tattoos in this episode's flashback. That means that he got them recently, after his divorce.


Locke was counting, observing, the number of pieces on the board. He's also acting more logically, Jack more emotionally.


Gabrielle was a hot piece of ass. Had to say it.


Zeke and his crew are probably Dharma survivors. So are the other Others.


And my friend was asked not to publish his pictures by ABC...so sorry.

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Zeke and his crew are probably Dharma survivors. So are the other Others

Soo, there are 3 sets of people living on the island?

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I'm thinking that there are only one set of Others on the island. The "leaders" which would include Zeke (can that be his offical name? It fits no nicely.), Goodwin, Ethan, and Alex. The shoeless ones are most likely some sort of soldiers, sent out to patrol and abduct.


I think Jack was onto something with the Others not being as strong as once thought. Zeke wanted the guns pretty badly, so it could be that they only have a few guns and rely mostly on stealth and numbers. Having all the guns in the hatch and guncase could be the edge that the 815 survivors need.


Where did Michael go? I think he's either with Danielle or Desmond. Don't know why, it's just a theory. And they both have guns.


The army training is a logical and essential step for the survivors. As far as troops go, we know that Eko, Ana, and Sayid have been trained; Locke and Sawyer also seem to be able to take care of themselves pretty well. If they did recruit Danielle, that would help their stealth factor. I could totally see Jin becoming a badass!


The survivors vs. The Others! I get goosebumps just thinking about it!!

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We get the idea that Jin was in the mob. He is a badass.


And one thing I picked up from this episode is that even though we have people who have bonds that can't be broken. Jin, Sawyer and Michael have sort of bond over the raft and they will always stay loyal to each other.

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Speaking of Jack's tattoos, it seems to me that he had the number 5 on his left shoulder, and he was telling someone (Kate?) about that 5 seconds thing he does to calm down and finish a surgery.


After the way Mr. Friendly (that's how M.C. Gainey's character was listed) said Jack had an interesting theory, I do not believe Ethan was involved with his group at all. I believe that they have Walt to study him, they are a part of Dharma, and they actually keep the Others at bay.

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I thought it was 10 seconds



also, did Zeke quote the Orientation film? I thought the thing he said about curiosity (the first one) was what Dr. Candle said in the film strip.

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Or maybe it was a bad pick-up line.


Hurley: "Have we met before?"

Libby: "Yeah, you helped me put my tent up."


Or something like that. He just gets nervous and says something dumb.

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Guest Evolution

To summarize my recap on InsidePulse:



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I don't think that the guy Jack's wife hooked up with could be Desmond, since he probably would have already left for the race around the world. I wouldn't be surprised if it's someone else from the show, though (my money's on Boone).

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I hope its not Boone. I mean, whats Jack going to do? Stomp on his grave?


Ha! I just got a really weird image in my head


Jack: *jumping up and down on Boone's grave* You ass!

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Unearth Shannons corpse and fuck her on Boone's grave.


Eh, Sayid'll probably do that eventually. Possibly in the Darren Aronofksy epsiode

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Nope. That episode will feature..........


- Charley's arm getting gangrene and eventually being amputated


- Rose getting addicted to diet pills she found in the wreckage after Bernard comments on how she hasn't lost any weight while on the island


- Kate and Ana Lucia doing an ass-to-ass show for The Others


- Michael reminisces about his momma

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Where did Michael go? I think he's either with Danielle or Desmond. Don't know why, it's just a theory. And they both have guns.


I think maybe those shots we heard weren't Michael vs. Others, but maybe it was Michael vs. Desmond. They've never met before, so maybe Michael though Desmond was an other and went after him.

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Nope. That episode will feature..........


- Charley's arm getting gangrene and eventually being amputated


- Rose getting addicted to diet pills she found in the wreckage after Bernard comments on how she hasn't lost any weight while on the island


- Kate and Ana Lucia doing an ass-to-ass show for The Others


- Michael reminisces about his momma


don't forget Hurley drilling into his brain to get rid of the Numbers

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"How long would it take to train an army?"





That was the biggest "non-wrestling mark out moment" I've ever had in my life. Period.

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Awesome episode. I think the shots in the jungle were Michael and Desmond, he did leave with a gun right?


What exactly happened when Sawyer went to shoot Mr Friendly? I wasn't paying much attention and I could of sworn there was a force field of some sort in front of him.


Right now it's like we know everything on the island, aside from a few things, we just don't know how it all comes together. What I'm really interested in is how the Others know all about the survivors. Names, what they've been doing, apparently what kind of person they are. It seems like something beyond general surveillance.


Are the other's dharma people? Do they control the smoke? If they're not, and they don't, who is? Why did the other's "let them stay on the island" if all they want is the children? Why do they want the children? So many fucking questions I have a feeling season 2 is gonna end just like season 1.

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Guest Brian

I noticed Zeke made mention that the survivors had gone into all the rooms, or something like that. I think Desmond, in keeping the numbers punched in, has managed to keep the Others away via the security system. The video was re-edited because of the massacr at the other side, which is where the Others got their initial gun supply but have since then had to rely on manpower for the most part.

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