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Last Comic Standing 3

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Dat Phan does not understand how to use punchlines? When he made that joke about people speaking fake chinese to him and his response of "trucks, cars, phones..." was not funny. He should of finished with "Pickup truck, double wide trailor, whiskey, mullet".

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What's with the war room voting?


If you pick all their strongest, they'll lose a strong member, but most likely win the money. And if you pick their 5 weakest, you'll win the money, but they'll lose a nobody. And if you mix they'll still lose someone weak and maybe win the money.


There's no real stratagy to this.

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Speaking of stratagy.


It took me a little while to figure out why they picked Jessica, then it hit me...SHE FRIGGIN SUCKS! They figured if nothing else she would be an easy pick off and at least the 9 of them would make it through week one. Pretty smart actually. Cause Sue Costello or the black woman (don't know her name, funny though) could have outlasted much of season 2 on a good night.

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Speaking of stratagy.


It took me a little while to figure out why they picked Jessica, then it hit me...SHE FRIGGIN SUCKS! They figured if nothing else she would be an easy pick off and at least the 9 of them would make it through week one. Pretty smart actually. Cause Sue Costello or the black woman (don't know her name, funny though) could have outlasted much of season 2 on a good night.

Marina Franklin, but in interviews Jay Mohr described her as "cold". In all honesty, it wouldn't matter, as whoever was chosen was most likely to job.


And as for Jessica sucking, I bet that Bonnie sucks harder, if you know what I mean...

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I think people (guys) find Bonnie funny because she's hot. Honestly, she wasn't funny in LCS2

I agree with you there. But way back when she had a CBC "Comics" special, and it was rather good. I guess she works better in half-hour segments...

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On the block: Annoying blonde girl and Sean Kent for S1 and Kathleen Madigan and Corey Holcomb for S2


This week, Season One chose Ralphie May, Rich Vos, Tess and Rob Cantrell, and Season Two puts up Tammy Pescatelli, Alonzo Bodden, Jay London and Gary Gulman.


First up:

Alonzo Bodden - 8/10. Did his "buying a car routine"

Ralphie May - 0/10. Not funny, and a hearty "fuck you" for ripping on Toronto (which btw isn't nearly as cold as, say, Windsor/Detroit). And you're still a wigga.


Batting second:

Tammy Pescatelli - 0/10. Remember on Cheers when Cliff did his comedy routine that consisted of "What's up with that"? This was about the same level trainwreck, and actually forces me to bump Ralphie up to a 1.

Tess - 3/10. Anything after that is funny.

Edited by starvenger

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In the third slot:

Gary Gulman - 6/10. I'm a sucker for Seinfeldish observational humour

Rob Cantrell - 5/10. Up and down. Some good laughs and deafening silence.


Aaaaaand batting cleanup:

Jay London - 8/10. Strong stuff. And funny as well.

Rich Vos - 7/10. It was like Dennis Leary without the swearing.


My votes will go to: Jay, Alonzo and Rich.

Edited by starvenger

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I hate to say it but Jay London is getting repeative and dare I say boring & predictable. Please can we get some new material.


Its as if his 2 minutes was sponsored by Citi Bank, no thank you.

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I'm convinced that from here on Ralphie's going to open his bits with "Oh yeah, my father's still dead you know."


I know I'm being the asshole here, but he should have never made it through night 2, and he's pushing the sympathy button as hard as he can.


And is there any suspense to the cuts? Why save them to the end when they couldn't be any more obvious? No way was Kathleen leaving before Corey.


I'm hoping for Tammy to get cut next.

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So far:


Kent -- 7/10

Heffron -- 10/10, and I'm STILL LAUGHING at his set. (Between "I CAN'T BREATHE!!" and the bedroom doorstop noise, I'm going to break out in hysterics at least twice more this evening.)

Brown -- 6.5/10

Glass -- 7/10

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OK, the first four were pretty good:


Sean Kent 6.5/10 - Much better than 2 weeks ago

John Heffron 10/10 - I think I should just give Heffron and Bodden 10s and work the scale down from there.

Geoff Brown 7/10 - Apparently this is the grovelling segment of the show. I like how Brown plays off of some aspect of the competition

Todd Glass 8/10 - Hey, it was funny.

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Next two:

Dat Phan 6/10 - Surprisingly solid set from Dat. It wasn't incredibly funny, but the role reversal stuff was done well. I gotta say though, he does the worst fake Asian accent ever. It was the equivalent of believing that Kwang was Asian.


ANT 4/10 - His first joke was funny, then he did the Hitler thing and it was downhill from there. The recycled jokes weren't funny the first time, and they didn't get better this time around.

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Second half:


Dat Phan: 7/10. I actually liked it, especially the bit about disciplining his gf's kid.

ANT: 2/10. Horrible. My prediction comes true -- he's gone next week.

Mordal: 8.5/10. Too bad he ran out of time...seems like the last joke had more to it.

Madigan: 8/10. Good, solid set.


Either Kent or Geoff Brown will join ANT on the street next week.

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Rob Cantrell and Tammy Pescatelli are gone. You know, if Tammy had showed cleavage like she did this week, MAYBE she'd have had more of a chance of staying...

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Next two:

Dat Phan 6/10 - Surprisingly solid set from Dat. It wasn't incredibly funny, but the role reversal stuff was done well. I gotta say though, he does the worst fake Asian accent ever. It was the equivalent of believing that Kwang was Asian.


ANT 4/10 - His first joke was funny, then he did the Hitler thing and it was downhill from there. The recycled jokes weren't funny the first time, and they didn't get better this time around.

I agree that Dat Phan needs to stay away from impressions. Leave the funny voices to Madigan.

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Heffron - 10

Mordal - 9 (although there's more to that joke)

Madigan - 8

Glass - 7.5


the rest I didn't watch. World Cup was on and I'm not dealing with Dat Phan or Geoff Brown when I don't have to.

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Did anyone notice that when they went to the season 2 warroom right before the closing credits, ANT had his head buried in his hands and wouldn't look up at the camera? I think he might have been crying even. He must know he bombed and is getting kicked off.

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Heffron was on last night. Great set of new material, definatly the strongest of the night.


Geoff...damn, does the damn guy have to add damn into every other damn joke he has? ...damn. It stopped being funny.


Decient set for Dat, the girl under the arm at the mall bit was pretty funny. Although every single joke he has doesn't have to be about Asians and white people


Glass has a so-so set for him...but his average sets still make me laugh more then anyone else usually.


Ant was bad, Kathleen was good. Mordal was pretty good but flubbed near the end.


Season two was showing a little repetition, I think it doesn't help that season 1 had a year to cook up new material in between shows...although they're not showing it.


With Heff, Todd, And Kathleen I'm sure season 2 wins the money again. And I like the guy, but Jay Mohr needs to stop using the same jokes every friggin show.


And no suprise again with the cuts...but I give Tammy's clevage 9/10

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