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Quick WWE survey

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1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. True

2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. Flase

3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. False

4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.

5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. No change

6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. WCW - True, ECW - False

7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. True

8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. True

9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. True

10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:

Raw: Kane

Smackdown: Rob Van Dam

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1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. True

2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. False

3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. False

4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. True

5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. False

6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. True

7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. False

8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. True

9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. True

10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Rob Van Dam

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To answer the original questions....


1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago.


Raw: TRUE, Smackdown: FALSE


2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago.


TRUE, 2001 sucked.


3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago.




4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.




5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.


Since 2001, definitly.


6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.


Yes, if only for some competition.


7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years.


False, I think we're going to see some current Indy feds grow to be larger than we ever dreamed of.


8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style.


Yes, because the injury rate was so high. No, because most of the matches feel the same now.


9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown.


Right now, yes.


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the

moon, it would be:


Charlie Haas

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Guest Kaspar Kucera

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. - True


2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. - False


3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. - False


4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. -False


5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. - :lol: False


6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. - True


7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. - False


8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. - False


9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. - False


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Tajiri or Chuck Palumbo

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Guest Real F'n Show

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago.



2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago.



3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago.



4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.



5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.



6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.



7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years.



8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style.

False. It would be just as easy to abolish house shows.


9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown.



10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:


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Guest Big Daddy V1

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago.



2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago.



3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago.



4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.



5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.



6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.



7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years.



8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style.



9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown



10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:


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1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. TRUE


2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. FALSE


3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. FALSE


4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. FALSE


5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. FALSE


6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. DEFINATELY


7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. FALSE - TNA


8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. IN THE LONG RUN - TRUE


9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown TRUE


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: RAW - CHRISTIAN, SMACKDOWN - CHARLIE HAAS

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Guest Undying Fury

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. False

2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. False

3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. False

4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. False

5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. False

6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. True

7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. False

8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. False

9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. True

10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Rob Van Dam

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Guest Joshua A. Norton

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago. False

2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago. False

3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago. False

4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years. True

5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years. False

6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence. True

7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years. False

8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style. False

9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown. True

10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Shane Helms

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1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago:



2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago:



3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago:



4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.



5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.



6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.



7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years:



8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style:



9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown:

Well DUH!.


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:

RAW: Shelton Benjamin

SmackDown!: Rene Dupree

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Guest JoeyStyles

1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago:



2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago:



3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago:



4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.



5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.

false, they are worse than ever


6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.



7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years:



8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style:



9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown:

JBL screws it up for everybody at SD


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:


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Guest GreatOne


1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago.


True, on RAW we were about to head into the obligatory Goldberg title reign while Smackdown featured the Angle/Cena feud that everybody (Anglesault) loved so much.........


2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago.


Angle-wise true, match-wise false. You could literally come up with fresh combos for months.


3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago.


Writing wise, true, although I'd dare to say not by a helluva lot. Character-wise you had Austin whooping ass and Rock ragging on everybody, whereas I truly believe they had to rush Orton/HHH to wake people up.


4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.


Somewhat true.


5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.


See #3


6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.


I'll spare the ECW comments, WCW I wouldn't want anything to do with if we're talking NWO circle-jerk, Russo's WWE South, or 'WCW: The Last Stand'. Summer 96 WCW true.


7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years.


False, I can't honestly see TNA-mania runnin' wild or having the next Hogan, Rock, or Austin in that timespan.


8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style.


True, the guys that have gotten hurt this year I don't know that you could say it was a result of the in-ring style..........


9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown.




10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:


Christian for the sake of having a believable uppercard heel on RAW. Smackdown needs Big Show, Booker T or a heel-turned Cena to replace/complement Bradshaw--who I have no problem with actually.

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1) The WWE product is better now than it was one year ago:



2) The WWE product is better now than it was three years ago:



3) The WWE product is better now than it is five years ago:



4) I believe the in-ring product has improved in the last three years.



5) I believe the storylines/feuds/angles have improved in the last three years.



6) I wish WCW and ECW were still in existence.

Certainly, but not 'Vince's WCW' and 'Vince's ECW'.


7) The WWE will have no real competition in the next five years:



8) It was smart for the WWE to go to a "less is more" in ring style:



9) I believe the RAW brand is superior to Smackdown:

Undecided. Smackdown has a different vibe to it recently and I'm actually enjoying JBL.


10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be:

RAW: Batista.

SmackDown!: Rey Mysterio.

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1) True, but not by much.

2) False.

3) False.

4) True.

5) Depends. If you mean have gotten better than they were three years ago, during the InVasion angle, true, I suppose. If you mean since before that, false.

6) True.

7) False.

8) True to some extent.

9) True.

10) If I could convince Vince Macmahon to push one guy on either roster to the moon, it would be: Chris Jericho.

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