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The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

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Aug. 30, 2004


Last Monday on RAW in an act of defiance World Champion Randy Orton spit in the face of Evolution leader Triple H.  What will Triple H have in store for Randy Orton this week? Tune in Monday night at 9p.m.!


Now that Kane and Lita have officially tied the knot, what could possibly occur next? Tune in to Monday Night RAW to find out what happened after the “lovebirds” left the wedding chapel ring. Just as importantly, we’ll get an update on the condition of Lita’s soul mate, Matt Hardy, who was chokeslammed from the entrance ramp to the arena floor in brutal fashion by the Big Red Monster.


It’ll be interesting to check in with Chris Jericho and Edge following their back-and-forth battle last week in Anaheim, Calif. Edge thought he had that match won, but the referee first restarted the match — then disqualified the Intercontinental Champion in controversial fashion. And despite all that, Y2J still seeks Edge’s title.


Also, how will the voting go in the $250,000 RAW Diva Search after none other than The Rock got involved last week? Will your favorite survive another cut? Watch RAW (9/8 CT on Spike TV) to get all the answers … with a few surprises.


I hope Carmella stays just to keep pissing people off.

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There's nothing else I can see Kane doing at Unforgiven except facing HBK, so I guess Bischoff announces the match without HBK returning to Raw first. I guess the hardcore HBK fans might be excited.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Can someone open the REAL Raw thread? Perhaps we can have a RAW thread brand split. I suggest: Me, NY, Czech, RRR, and Deon on one brand, everyone else on the second, and AS and Drury on the third.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

They've never had... in the history of this "great" forum... TWO threads wrestle to BECOME ONE. Well it's gonna happen, August 30th! AND GUESS WHAT? This just happens to be the thread that sucks. This is the thread that was created because the NWA went under. This thread is a travesty.

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*edited by mods*


I hate Chris Benoit. Vince McMahon created wrestling. The DIVA Search is a rousing success. Evolution is the Solution. Stephanie McMahon is slim and trim. JR still has it. Ric Flair can wrestle circles around 90%, 95% of the roster. Sensible Randy Orton isn't the (sensible) saviour of wrestling.


*Has wig put on by Goldloss.*

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Oh, this sucks.


I saw the Czech Republic OAO Raw Thread this morning, and spent the entire hour in my Modern American Civilization class thinking of ways I can improve upon the "Sensible Randy Orton" saga. I then come back from my class and see that the thread has been closed.


What an absolute travesty! I don't know if I've ever seen a better, more creative thread in the WWE Folder - and it gets locked?!


This board gets more humorless by the day....

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Having re-read the REAL Raw thread for this date I can safely say that the ONLY reason it was deleted was because KJ Brackish had sullied it with a BRACK ATTACK. Therefore, delete his post and carry on.


Problem solved.

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Kill the stupid fucking drama... now.



This makes me so mad! Perhaps, for once in my life, it's time to leave behind the sensibility and become Reckless Randy Orton - a force to be reckoned with, no doubt! Yes folks, it's time.




Now, where's my pen and paper? I have a TSM petition to prepare!




Ah yes, in my top, right dresser drawer, like they always are! The first step of being reckless is to be sensibly prepared!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far, away...



"There will be no bargain, young Jedi..."



"Orton. And don't you think you're being just a TAD unreasonable?"






"I mean, you haven't even heard my terms yet, which by the way are MORE than equitable. I'm prepared to offer a public share of the REBEL ALLIANCE. Sure we've had a few setbacks recently, but..."



"NO young Jedi, you do not understand. For me, imprisoning Han Solo in a hunk of Carbonite is a matter of honor."



"Okay then, I'm sorry we couldn't do business this time, Mr. Hutt. I hope it doesn't rule out future...






"How about it, Jabba?"






"Sorry Leia, but if we're going to win this war, the criminal element will be crucial to our success. I can't risk endangering our relationship with the Hutts for ONE pilot and a Wookie. I've already talked to Prince Xizor, and he sees things my way. Sure you understand.





Jabba: "I like this young man, he's so..."


MONKEY THING: "Sensible?"


JABBA: Yessss....

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Randy, I think I'm in some serious trouble.



Now, hold on. Calm down and tell me what the trouble is. No reason to go all quacky-wacky on me.



I have a problem. I have a hot drink...





.....but no ice for it.



No ice? Good god, this must be the work of....





LOLZ~! Dam straight, muddafuckers~! I gots all the ice, so...if you want ICE.....I GOTS ICE, MOTHAFUCKA~! BUT IT'S ALL 4 ME~! w00t! w00t!



Oh, heavens no!


To be continued...

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Guest Quik
Can someone open the REAL Raw thread? Perhaps we can have a RAW thread brand split. I suggest: Me, NY, Czech, RRR, and Deon on one brand, everyone else on the second, and AS and Drury on the third.



Can I get on first brand? Here's some of my work.




See, I actually altar the images to make them weird or funny. See the sig? Aw yeah.

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Randy we need to discuss how we are going to get you over-uh



What do you suggest?



I have been talking with the boys backstage and we think you're missing the "IT" factor



What do you mean



It will totally reak of awesomeness dude



What is it?





You need more cowbell!

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