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The OAO Raw Thread for 08/30/04

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What are you talking about man? That's never ever been done before

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Guest Black Lightning
Rhyno and Tajiri really need a name. How 'bout Tokyo Ford?

I've heard them referred to as Tajyna. I kinda like that.

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Guest Quik

This Tajyna/La Resistance feud reminds me of the Baseketball playoffs.


If Tajyna wins the singles match, they will go on to face LA Resistance in a round robin playoff to determine whether they get the title shot in 2 weeks or 1 year. If the match is a draw, a one man sack race will be held on consecutive Sundays to determine the validity of the number one contendership. If La Resistance wins, there will be a 2 on 1 handicap match where Tajiri must be blindfolded and forced to eat his own weight in potato chips.

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Guest Quik

Did we ever find out if the Boneless Buffalo Wings stopped what was ailing Edge?


I knew he should've gotten the potato skins.

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Guest Quik

I wonder if Cena's gimmick is starting to seep into his personal life.


I still think the greatest angle they could do would be Cena saying "nigga" in one of his raps, thinking its acceptable. Then Booker T kicks his ass.


And Papa Roach sucks.

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...they went through all that trouble for the GC game?

I still can't understand why RAW 2 didn't get any TV commercials.

probably because they knew it sucked donkey nuts

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