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Who's not voting in this presidential election?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

You're telling me you're willing to attach your name as an endorsement of confidence to one of the two dipshits who want to be in power?

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Guest Brian

You show that the youth vote is willing to come out and that they're dissatisfied with the system of politics. If both parties feel that the vote is substantial enough to sway, they'll make an attempt. If nine people are in a room, and the vote is two to one, then the six others voted for the winner too by not casting a vote. Besides, it's ten freaking minutes. For politicians to care, they need to see a unified vote, like the Seniors, and a strong vote that's willing to come out.

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A shitty two-party system is in place because you've been brainwashed to think that a choice for President has to be EITHER/OR, despite the fact that there used to be 4-way elections between 4 similarly powerful parties.


Nader's point in running in the '00 election wasn't to win, he and his supporters knew that, but to get something like 5-15% of the vote. I forget the actual number, but the point was if he reached that number, then the party would get a great deal more funding to be a real threat in the '04 election. He was tenths of a point away from that number.


So no, voting 3rd party isn't throwing your vote away. If everyone who wasn't going to vote anyway (and, more than any other case, literally be throwing their votes away) decided to vote 3rd party, just for the hell of it, major change to our political system might someday be achieved.

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Not voting for Bush, not voting for Kerry and I am DAMN SURE not voting for Nadar who only looks sane because the last third party candiates before him was Ross Perot and Pat Buchannan.


If I'm going to throw my vote away, I'm throwing it away on George Carlin or someone equally stupid.


Why? Cause then I can complain because I did vote and I won't need to shower off the shame of voting for any of these hacks. Also, voting third party "just for the hell of it" and to "shake things up" isn't exactly the best of ideas either if you don't like the candiate.


Americans should have the choice of "none of the above" when three worthless candiates are placed before them, not "hold your nose and pick one of the piles of sh*t you think stinks the least".

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Guest Brian

I recommend writing in if there's no real candidates, or if nothing else available, avoid that election, but still cast a ballot for everything else. If it means only voting for the things that interest you. go ahead. Otherwise, show them that what they're putting forth isn't worth it. And if neither of the two parties interest you, get involved in third parties at a local level.


Didn't Moore do something about running a "Ficus" in an election? By all means, write it in.

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A shitty two-party system is in place because you've been brainwashed to think that a choice for President has to be EITHER/OR, despite the fact that there used to be 4-way elections between 4 similarly powerful parties.


Nader's point in running in the '00 election wasn't to win, he and his supporters knew that, but to get something like 5-15% of the vote. I forget the actual number, but the point was if he reached that number, then the party would get a great deal more funding to be a real threat in the '04 election. He was tenths of a point away from that number.


So no, voting 3rd party isn't throwing your vote away. If everyone who wasn't going to vote anyway (and, more than any other case, literally be throwing their votes away) decided to vote 3rd party, just for the hell of it, major change to our political system might someday be achieved.

Not only that, but America remains one of the few democratic countries that is a winner take all system. In almost every other democratic country, getting 5%(or even less) of the vote still counts towards something and is acknowledged, like seats in the hose, or on the board or whatever....


I really do like the idea of a "none of the above" option, because I think the majority of american are disillusioned and don't truly in their hearts like any of the candidates, but are afraid of outright NOT VOTING, because of the guy the dislike MORE, winning.


So what would be the next step if the "none of the above" option won? Would they have to have a run-off election? Would it be more then 2 candidates?

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Find one issue you like and vote for someone who has a stance on that one issue, as MTV states: VOTE FOR SOMETHING! By not voting you don't count. Congress and the Pres only care about those that vote. Those that vote have a say, they are voting for something. By not voting, a person is not involved and pretty much does not get what they want.


For Example: I don't give a shit about the war on terror, but I do care about education. Bush has the "No Child Left Behind" policy and I don't agree with it, so I am not voting for Bush because of this issue. See, it is that simple I will be voting for something(god willing).


Not knowing the people running is a fucking joke. Everyone knows about Bush's plans seeing as he is the current fucking president and does these things called State of the Union addresses and it IS the news. Not knowing about Kerry might be a little harder. As in 10 mins of reading on the Internet. It isn't like a lot of people on this board can't pull themselves away for a few mins to do a little homework on who is running.


Bottom line, if you can legally vote, FUCKING VOTE! Don't be a dumbass and think that not voting is doing anything.



BTW: I can't believe AMikeSC, Tyler, KKK, and myself are all agreeing on something.

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Guest fanofcoils

Kerry and Bush have not made their agenda known mainstream yet, which is not a good thing. Some people don't vote because it benefits them more if they don't than if they do, however if everyone voted it would benefit society more than if they don't.

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I think the war in Iraq, attacking a country unrelated to the war on terrorism, is an unforgiveable sin. On top of that, John Ashcroft threatens my porn addiction. So for those reasons, I'm voting for John Kerry. He's not an especially inspiring candidate, but Bush is a BAD president.

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Guest fanofcoils

Attacking a country that possibly has WMD that can be used against us who won't remove their WMDs or prove they don't have any makes sense unless you rather have more money and less security.

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Some people don't vote because it benefits them more if they don't than if they do, however if everyone voted it would benefit society more than if they don't.

Some dogs are dogs who have tails while others have tails that wag more.

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BTW: I can't believe AMikeSC, Tyler, KKK, and myself are all agreeing on something.

We are? On what?


You seem to be more of a "Vote if you can" type of person, and I'm from the school of "If you don't want to vote, then don't. You'll probably vote for the Democrat anyway."


Now if you want to agree with me, Tyler and Mike on something, there's a thread in CE about some bitch torturing a kitty that's just waiting for you...

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