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SD! Spoilers

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*Reads spoilers*


Well, there's 5 minutes or so of my life I won't be getting back.


Granted, I give so little a damn about Smackdown, I doubt I'd watch a good show if they had another one.

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Guest MikeSC
Geez, another SD missed by me.


They should just drop the ! because the show isn't exciting anymore.

Would no "!" make it more exciting?


...How about "Smackdown;"

...Or "Smackdown?"


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Anyone see London turning on Kidman in the near future, due to how Kidman has second thoughts using the SSP? Keep going with the angle that it's costing London in the long run (getting pinned, being attacked by Heidenreich post-match, eventually losing the titles).

I hope not, at least in the near future. They'd be better off playing out a feud between those guys & Knoble/Chavo first. Have K/C win the belts, then have London/Kidman split & feud.

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- We don't even get to see the 3rd Booker / Cena match because it was taped overseas and they only show the finish.


- Eddie continues to get buried.


- Undertaker isn't even on the show.


Yup, another Smackdown, another miss by me.

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Geez, another SD missed by me.


They should just drop the ! because the show isn't exciting anymore.

Would no "!" make it more exciting?


...How about "Smackdown;"

...Or "Smackdown?"


~ would work.

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*Reads spoilers*


Well, there's 5 minutes or so of my life I won't be getting back.


Granted, I give so little a damn about Smackdown, I doubt I'd watch a good show if they had another one.

Wow, thats just pathetic. First off, what were you going to do with those 5 minutes? Jack off to some pictures of Trish from that wedding?


Secondly, if you don't even care enough to watch SDown on even a good show, why do you bother reading the spoilers? So you can bitch in some thread, and show everyone how you'll so cool with your over 17,000 some posts on some internet message board.


Watch the women flock to you.... its amazing.

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Guest jfscjrs

Another Week, Another can't-miss SmackDown!.


Smackdown! has been my favorite wrestling show for a long time now and this week is no exception. sounds like a damn good show all around.


It still amazes me how people can say Raw is the better show nowandays just because the WWE brainwashed them to think so. If your gonna bitch about everything related to SmackDown! than just stay the hell away from all the SmackDown! related topics. its that simple.

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Guest Anglesault
Geez, another SD missed by me.


They should just drop the ! because the show isn't exciting anymore.

That's not fair. I mean look, they blew off a feud they were building up for months!


And tons of HI-LARIOUS things happened in the match!

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Geez, another SD missed by me.


They should just drop the ! because the show isn't exciting anymore.

That's not fair. I mean look, they blew off a feud they were building up for months!


And tons of HI-LARIOUS things happened in the match!

At this point, AS, the one thing you should be is used to the disappointments.


That doesn't mean they shouldn't still anger you - but you should come to expect them by now.


Eh, this week's show looks passable enough for me to watch it.

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::reads spoilers::


Wow, another episode of Smackdown that I won't watch*.


















*Granted, I don't actually have UPN on my provider, but who cares at this point...

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Anyone else love that the blow off to the Eddie vs. Kurt feud was a comedy match?

Fitting, eh? Sad thing is, Luther/Eddie will likely be a better feud because I can't see Luther playing the comedic heel goof. Then again, that's all anyone in the WWE thinks Eddie can do now, so who knows.


Another Week, Another can't-miss SmackDown!.


Seriously? I agree that I'm finding it better than Raw, but 'can't miss'? I think my fast forward button will disagree with you.


Kidman/London looks promising. Forgive me for bringing this old chestnut up again, but it's the perfect for London to do the Shooting Star. Have Kidman keep being hesitant to use it, until eventually London says 'fuck this' and does it himself. Of course, then we'll probably get a fake injury angle and London not caring about the opponent to turn him heel.


London, bump machine, and the prospect of seeing Cole running for his life could be passable. CCC looks like it could work. But, Kenzo is officially the worst heel on Smackdown as of this moment. It's like the lamest cheap heat and laziest booking ("I hate you because you're a Mexican pretending to be American". Didn't we do that last month?) rolled up into one, untalented goof with your generic Oriental gimmick. Oh, but with a twist. He SMILES! Only, it's not a good smile. It's a STUPID SMILE! Genius!

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Guest Staravenger
*Reads spoilers*


Well, there's 5 minutes or so of my life I won't be getting back.


Granted, I give so little a damn about Smackdown, I doubt I'd watch a good show if they had another one.

Wow, thats just pathetic. First off, what were you going to do with those 5 minutes? Jack off to some pictures of Trish from that wedding?


Secondly, if you don't even care enough to watch SDown on even a good show, why do you bother reading the spoilers? So you can bitch in some thread, and show everyone how you'll so cool with your over 17,000 some posts on some internet message board.


Watch the women flock to you.... its amazing.

You don't have to attack the dude like that, but you have a point. If you don't care about watching SD, even if its good, why bother? Just read a review from JHawk Friday to find out what happend.


I hope I remember to tape this week, sounds good. I still like RAW better, but SD is starting to improve. Of course, Eddie/Luther and UT/JBL as the top feuds kind of kill that.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

What about Raw makes it better then Smackdown?


The Diva Search?


The Kane/Lita/Matt soap opera angle of predictability?


Boring Women's matches were the only thing anyone marks for are Gail Kim submissions,Molly Holly and beaver shots?


Boring 20+ minute HHH nonsense rambling promos to start the show?Gimme Eddie/Kurt comedy over this shit anyday.


The absence of Hurricane just about every show?


The de-evolution of Benoit's WM push?


The fact the tag champs are still riding 2 year old cheap heat and have 0 character?This Tajiri/Rhyno pursuit is so thrilling I tell ya,especially since it would seem no one else gives 2 shits enuff to try to win the tag belts besides them despite all the guys creative has nothing for.


The fact that a retard is the most over face on the show and has garnered bigger reactions in one night then the current champs entire career combined?




Too many sheep around these parts nowadays.

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Guest Staravenger

We can play the same game about Smackdown.


How about Cruiserweights getting 2:00 of airtime on SD?


Kurt Angle always having to play a comedy role?


Eddie Guerrero de-push since GAB?


Luther Reigns push?


RVD held down?


Kenzo Susuki...Period?


The Bashams? The stale Dudleyz?


JBL the Racist?


Zombie Taker?


The bad on SD is a lot worse than RAW.

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- We don't even get to see the 3rd Booker / Cena match because it was taped overseas and they only show the finish.

Thank God! Another clash of styles match between those two is something we don't need.

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Another Week, Another can't-miss SmackDown!.


Smackdown! has been my favorite wrestling show for a long time now and this week is no exception. sounds like a damn good show all around.


It still amazes me how people can say Raw is the better show nowandays just because the WWE brainwashed them to think so. If your gonna bitch about everything related to SmackDown! than just stay the hell away from all the SmackDown! related topics. its that simple.

Hi Michael Cole

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Guest jfscjrs

We can play the same game about Smackdown.


How about Cruiserweights getting 2:00 of airtime on SD?: At least the cruisers are getting airtime everyweek on SD! and are actually in a feud now. I rather see a 2:00 cruiser match than any Woman's match on Raw.


Kurt Angle always having to play a comedy role? oh please, remember 2001? this is NONTHING compare to all the comedy hes done than. Kurt Angle is actually making SD! watchable show. I have no idea how he is bad for SmackDown!.


Eddie Guerrero de-push since GAB?: So if hes not in a WWE title feud, than that means he automaticlly depushed? yeah, uh, that make sence.


Luther Reigns push: LR has actually been the best new "Hoss" the WWE has brough in. hes an above average wrestler with a cool move. his match with Eddie Guerrero was a really good match.


RVD held down?: RVD is actually overrated. hes a good wrestler but not great. hes fine where hes at.


Kenzo Susuki...Period?: One wrestler actually makes SD! a bad show? uh, right


The Bashams? The stale Dudleyz?: When was the last time the Bashams were even on SD!? and if you wanna talk about the dudleys being stale. look at their run on Raw, at least their actually doing something different with the dudleys on SD! for a change.


JBL the Racist? your about 2 month to late.


Zombie Taker? being an Undertaker fan myself, hes actually been the best part of SmackDown!, and argubly gets the biggest pops of the show. how exactlly is Undertaker one of the worse parts of SD! exactlly?


The bad on SD is a lot worse than RAW.: Now this made me laugh, I guess Mcmahon brainwashing the fans into thinking Raw is the better show has actually worked. How is anything on SD! been any worse than that Diva search bullshit, the Kane/Lita storyline which has nonthing to do with wrestling, Triple H saying the same bullshit over and over everyweek, the overexposure of Eugene, Woman's matches that leads to nonthing.


Me, I'am a wrestling fan myself, so I guess i'll stick to SmackDown! thank you.

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How about Cruiserweights getting 2:00 of airtime on SD?: At least the cruisers are getting airtime everyweek on SD! and are actually in a feud now. I rather see a 2:00 cruiser match than any Woman's match on Raw.


Point to jfscjrjseiswhatever. Besides, there's plenty more than 2:00 worth of cruiserweights on most of the shows recently.


Kurt Angle always having to play a comedy role? oh please, remember 2001? this is NONTHING compare to all the comedy hes done than. Kurt Angle is actually making SD! watchable show. I have no idea how he is bad for SmackDown!.


Point against. Everything Angle has been doing recently has been making me switch off. Comedy feuds I can deal with. BAD comedy feuds, maybe. BAD comedy feuds in the main event position? Bad for Smackdown.


Eddie Guerrero de-push since GAB?: So if hes not in a WWE title feud, than that means he automaticlly depushed? yeah, uh, that make sence.


He has been de-pushed though. He's looked like pure crap one way or another in the way he's been booked recently.


Luther Reigns push: LR has actually been the best new "Hoss" the WWE has brough in. hes an above average wrestler with a cool move. his match with Eddie Guerrero was a really good match.


Batista, no he isn't and no it wasn't.


RVD held down?: RVD is actually overrated. hes a good wrestler but not great. hes fine where hes at.


Feuding with KENZO!?!


Kenzo Susuki...Period?: One wrestler actually makes SD! a bad show? uh, right


Uhm, I think you could call that 'avoiding the issue' there. Nobody said Kenzo on his own made Smackdown bad. They just said he sucks. Which he does.


The Bashams? The stale Dudleyz?: When was the last time the Bashams were even on SD!? and if you wanna talk about the dudleys being stale. look at their run on Raw, at least their actually doing something different with the dudleys on SD! for a change.


True, and Bubba plays an excellent heel still. Doing something different though? Like, what?


JBL the Racist? your about 2 month to late.




Zombie Taker? being an Undertaker fan myself, hes actually been the best part of SmackDown!, and argubly gets the biggest pops of the show. how exactlly is Undertaker one of the worse parts of SD! exactlly?


Taker is not the the best part of Smackdown as he's seemingly only on every other week (on average). What does he bring to the table? The same 'Everyone fears the Undertaker' storyline we've been having since 1991?


The bad on SD is a lot worse than RAW.: Now this made me laugh, I guess Mcmahon brainwashing the fans into thinking Raw is the better show has actually worked. How is anything on SD! been any worse than that Diva search bullshit, the Kane/Lita storyline which has nonthing to do with wrestling, Triple H saying the same bullshit over and over everyweek, the overexposure of Eugene, Woman's matches that leads to nonthing.


It's NOTHING, not nonthing. But, yeah, you have a point here. Aside from Kenzo's character the bad on Raw is worse than the bad on Smackdown.

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Eddie Guerrero de-push since GAB?: So if hes not in a WWE title feud, than that means he automaticlly depushed? yeah, uh, that make sence.

OK, I prefer SD to Raw, also, but I take exception here. Eddie hasn't had a big win since WMXX. Lost every match to JBL, lost to Angle at Slam, and lost the 2/3 match here. That's *6* months since he's scored a prominant win.


Additionally, they're probably going to be building up Luther, so expect Eddie to be doing some more high-profile jobs.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

My point wasn't that Smackdown isn't some great show whereas RAW is utterly horrible.


I'm just saying that if you compare the two both are doing very shitty right now in terms of providing entertainment.


The only difference is Smackdown is taped so you have the chance of finding out how bad it will suck before hand.Raw you have to anticipate the suck but can still keep hope that they might pull a 180 and actually start doing some good booking.

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Guest Anglesault
Kurt Angle always having to play a comedy role? oh please, remember 2001? this is NONTHING compare to all the comedy hes done than. Kurt Angle is actually making SD! watchable show. I have no idea how he is bad for SmackDown!.

Remember how all that comedy in 2001 was funny? He's been really, really lame in his comedy skits since the Austin days. They need to cut that aspect of his character, because he simply can't do it any more.

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The difference between that Kurt and this Kurt, is that the Kurt of now is pretty much like the top guy, so him goofing off would be odd. While the Kurt of 2001 was playing off of Austin who was the top guy. This comedy stuff could work if he's back to being the strong and funny lackey to someone else who has a higher position (in terms of card placement) than him.

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Guest Staravenger

I was simply proving a point when you actually sit and think for a few minutes, almost everything on RAW or SD could be horrible. Doesn't mean everyone should agree one show has to suck and one has to be great. Both shows are hit and miss, period. No more arguing about it.

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Guest Anglesault
This comedy stuff could work if he's back to being the strong and funny lackey to someone else who has a higher position (in terms of card placement) than him.

They sort of did that with brock last year. It came off very gay. literally.

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Thank God! Another clash of styles match between those two is something we don't need.


Sadly, this feud is the only thing that keeps me interested in SD right now.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I think there is more potential for better matches on RAW, just because they have more depth. But in terms of storylines, I think SD is easier to take. On RAW they have that throw stuff against the wall mentality and you wind up with crap like Lita-Kane.


Both shows are very lackluster IMO. And whats worse is that I dont see anything appealing up coming on either side. And this is usually the time when you can start to see things that will develop in 4-6 months, but this year I see absolutely nothing like that.

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