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OAO SmackDown! Thread - September 2, 2004

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Guest Staravenger

I see Spike is the new Nunzio. The really small guy of a three person group barks the orders to his much bigger partners.

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Guest Staravenger

Did Cole and Tazz say that their was going to be a special episode of SD to celebrate the 5 Year Anniversary of the Show, or was I hearing things?

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Guest Staravenger
A bit late on this, but Stamboli is fantastic. "Nunz, why you gotta keep smacking me?"

That was a great line, almost sounded improvised.


The Angle/Guerrero match so far has been very good, but for some reason I just can't really get into television matches because of commercials..and because these two just don't blend well to make a great match.

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Guest Anglesault

Show was pre empted here. Was the blow off as comedy driven as the spoilers made it sound?

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Damn, a great Eddie/Angle match is going on right now and this thread is only two pages?? Pathetic.

A great match...wouldn't that mean people would rather watch the match then take the time not watching..to post on a message board? for a lot..yea would be the answer.


Show was pre empted here. Was the blow off as comedy driven as the spoilers made it sound?

Not really...it was typical Eddie with your, ,use the chair fall down with the chair gig, or something similar. All he did was make a few faces and stuff behind the refs back while he was supposedly knocked out.

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Guest Anglesault
Damn, a great Eddie/Angle match is going on right now and this thread is only two pages?? Pathetic.

A great match...wouldn't that mean people would rather watch the match then take the time not watching..to post on a message board? for a lot..yea would be the answer.


Show was pre empted here. Was the blow off as comedy driven as the spoilers made it sound?

Not really...it was typical Eddie with your, ,use the chair fall down with the chair gig, or something similar. All he did was make a few faces and stuff behind the refs back while he was supposedly knocked out.

I read he also pulled Angle's tights down and there was a gag with his straps.


Perhaps it was for the benefit of the live crowd.

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Guest Staravenger

The tights thing (both) happend in the first few minutes. The rest of the match (until the fake KO) was a regular match with no comedy in it.

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Guest Anglesault
The tights thing (both) happend in the first few minutes. The rest of the match (until the fake KO) was a regular match with no comedy in it.

Still too much comedy for what should have been the blow off to a blood feud. Three separate spots?


I mean yeah, they weren't booked like they particularly disliked each other, but come on.

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Guest Staravenger

Well the pulling of Angles strap thing worked fine. I think it was on an Irish Whip attempt and Eddie just held him back and put him in a headlock. The pulling down the tights though is something I hate having to see.

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Yes. The original straps thing came off Angle pulling on Eddie's hair. Since Kurt has none, Eddie started utilizing the straps on Angle's singlet for the advantage. Once Angle pulled his own straps down, Eddie went for the sunset flip and pulled the singlet down, shaking up Kurt. Once Kurt regained his composure, is when the match got heated, leading to the low blows by he and Eddie.


Pulling down the singlet completely was excessive, but the rest of it worked.

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Guest Anglesault
Well the pulling of Angles strap thing worked fine. I think it was on an Irish Whip attempt and Eddie just held him back and put him in a headlock.

I'll wait and see it. It was described as a comedy bit in the spoilers, but if you say it isn't, that's great.


That being said, two comedy spots is still too much for me.

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Guest Staravenger

2 brief comedy spots in a 25:00 match isn't too bad (two commercial breaks included), but I like a little comedy now and then...like Heidenreich botching everything he does.

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Guest Anglesault
2 brief comedy spots in a 25:00 match isn't too bad

In any other feud, I would agree. But this is (more or less) the top feud on the show, and despite what they show on TV, these guys are supposed to be upset at eachother.

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I love how Michael Cole sticks up for anything Eddie does by saying Eddie just likes to have fun and the like.


Also, him calling Tazz "partner" was sickening.

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Guest Brian

Eddie and the singlet reminded me of Jackie Chan and the roof fight from "Who Am I". It was a smart comedy spot, and an effective one. Angle tried to cheat, and played right into Eddie's game, and Eddy took him to school using the singlet straps.

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I'd actually rate this match above the WrestleMania match simply because there weren't so many slow transitions and more was done with the match, more specifically, the submssions. Still below their SS encounter, IMO.


The comedy spots were well done for what they were and Eddy kicking Kurt flush in the dick was fantastic. Eddy was smooth tonight, the Angle Slam reversals all looked good and he whipped out a headscissors which I haven't seen him use in a while (though I don't always watch SD and never buy their PPV's.)


Eddy pulling Hebner that inch or two forward to get him in front of Angle was a brilliant move on the part of Eddy and further hammered home the fact that Eddy will, at all times do whatever it takes to win. These actions were further reciprocated by the crowd who were HOT for the this-close-to-dq atmosphere created when Hebner woke to find Angle with the chair. They wanted to see Eddy get vengence stemming from the earlier dq on the aforementioned dick kick.


The ending is not so great as it's basically not so much a blowoff for Eddy/Angle as it is a startup for Eddy/Reigns. Though Angle was fucking Godly when he cinched in Anklelock 2K3 on Eddy, the way his legs were crossed and hooked gave a feeling of no escape for Eddy.


Eddy/Luther might actually be good but it's shit that it had to happen at the expense of a faux-blowoff.


And Luther is definetly going to get over if Eddy sells all his moves like he did that one.

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I loved the main event. The first fall was one of the most entertaining segments in a long time. The DQ kind of stunk, but it fit with the actions throughout.


One thing I didn't like was that Kurt kept going for the Angle Slam, even after the first attempt cost him a fall, and the second and third were reversed as well. After that, you'd figure he'd move on. The finish helped re-inforce that the Ankle Lock is kind of weak, but the Ankle Lock '03 is death.


I do hope that look on Angle's face at the end wasn't a sign of a turn. And that Big Show's anger management isn't the same. He'd finally become really good at being a monster, so there's no need to take him back to comedy. And SD! needs the heels, of course.

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Guest Staravenger

Just a quick rant on DQ's in 2/3 Falls. A DQ finish for someone saves face for them. If you are pinned clean or tap out clean twice in the same match, it makes you look bad. Of course, Jericho/Benoit had two clean falls followed by an iffy one, but thats the exception mainly because it made both men look good.


2/3 Falls in the past (late 80s-early 90s) almost alwasy featured two regular falls and a DQ. In WCW, they did this a lot, for example Flair/Eaton on a Clash in 91 and Luger/Simmons from a PPV in 92, both big main events, had them. In WWF Tag Team 2/3 Falls like Bulldogs/Foundation from an '87 SNME and Demolition/Foundation from SSlam 90 featured a DQ Fall.


Hardcore Rules matches like Austin/HHH or HBK/HHH where there are no DQ's/CO's obviously can't count.


I know Austin beat Rhodes for the US Title in 2/3 Falls, but don't know if it was a 2-0 falls with two clean (or non-DQ/CO) wins.

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Guest Ray
One thing I didn't like was that Kurt kept going for the Angle Slam, even after the first attempt cost him a fall, and the second and third were reversed as well. After that, you'd figure he'd move on.

I think that had to do with Angle's arrogance. He was embarrassed by Eddie in the first fall, and became arrogantly obsessed with hitting his Angle Slam. Seems like that's why he kept going back to it.

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I'm sorry, I just don't see all the attraction about that glorified jobber London and Kidman sucks ass period....I just don't see anything in either of them that a shitload of other guys on the roster don't have. My opinion who is equally talented and better on the mic than them? Noble, Noble, Noble!


Angle/Guerrero-HOLY SHIT! Great chemistry between the two in the ring and it needs to be said....KURT ANGLE is THE MAN. He is amazing, incredible, the very best today. If anyone can pull of some kick ass matches, it is these two guys.

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Guest Anglesault

I saw the match!


On the comedy: The both tight bits were just needless unabashed comedy. The chair routine however, worked well with the finish.

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