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Raw 9/6/04

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Randy Orton v. Kane

Eugene v. HHH in a steel cage

Plus, diva search stuff.


Personally, I thought that Eugene and HHH wouldn't mess with each other again after the debacle last week, but I guess Hunter has to get in the final word. I think the Kane/Orton match is non-title, but I'm not 100% sure on that.



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By the way, here's the full preview:


KANE VS. ORTON, Triple H vs. Eugene in a STEEL CAGE!

Sept. 6, 2004

First, Randy Orton spit in the face of Triple H.


And if that wasn’t enough, the WWE Champion then cost the The Game a victory over Eugene by interfering with a sledgehammer on the latest RAW.


Indeed, it’s been a busy couple of weeks for the Legend Killer, who now better shift his focus away from Evolution and direct it toward Kane. The Big Red Newlywed will face Orton on RAW (9/8 CT on Spike TV) this Monday.


And Kane doesn’t figure to be in a good mood after learning his new bride Lita secretly signed the Big Red Monster up for a match with Shawn Michaels at Unforgiven.


Of course, Orton probably had this coming. He didn’t exactly endear himself to Eric Bischoff, who booked the match just moments after Orton dropped the business end of that sledgehammer on the RAW GM’s foot.


Also, last week on RAW, Bischoff wanted Triple H to take care of Eugene once and for all. However, Randy Orton, who continues his defiance of Triple H and make life hell, interfered in the match and cost "The Game" the victory. This Monday night Triple H and Eugene will battle each other again. This time it will be in a steel cage! Will Triple H finally get what he wants and finish off Eugene? Or will Eugene get the victory once again? Find out this Monday on RAW!


Also, the $250,000 RAW Diva Search reached unreal heights this past week. It appears as though some of the contestants are developing a genuine disliking for each other. Watch this week to see who's next to be shown the door.



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I'm not quite sure what the point of this thread was. "The OAO We-Hate-To-Have-Fun-While-Watching-Mediocre-WWE-Programming Thread" is still at least 24 hours away from happening.....


EDIT: Yeah, I know. Forgot about that first HHH/Eugene match. Luckily, there were three other people immediately on my ass to notice my mistake.

Edited by NY Untouchable

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Did I happen to miss HHH/Eugene Part III? Or do all the kids refer to "three" as "IV" nowadays?

First one was a meaningless RAW match on the buildup to Vengeance. HHH was going to win, Bischoff came out and said that HHH needed to "destroy, not beat" Eugene, and then Benoit came out and accidentily laid out Eugene with the chair. Then HHH pedigreed Benoit.


Second one was SummerSlam. Third one was last week. So this week is #4.


I figured I'd start the thread because matches have been announced, so the board might have interest in the matches and might want to discuss them before the OAO thread on Monday.




Edit: I guess you remembered there was the meaningless one on RAW a while ago. But, I'm leaving this here because some others may have the same question.

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Triple H Vs. Eugene I occured on Raw, with the build-up being Trips liked Eugene and would have a "nice match" against him. Trips nailed a pedigree but never beat him, as this was the Benoit accidently chair-shots Eugene incident heading towards Vengeance.


II: SummerSlam


III: Last week

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Yeah, I forgot about that first HHH/Eugene match. Unfortunately, I edited the error before you posted your response, but after you had already seen it.


Either way, we can now focus on my incredibly witty remark instead.


"The OAO We-Hate-To-Have-Fun-While-Watching-Mediocre-WWE-Programming Thread"


HA! Brilliant.

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The first match ended in a no contest.




Triple H beat Eugene at SummerSlam



Eugene beat Triple H last week on RAW



So, the 4th match inside the cage is the rubber match, to my caculations.

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Hey, no Benoit in the preview.


Just like when he was the champ.

I was waiting for someone to say this. Considering he's in my sig and all, I think I might be biased, so I need someone else to help me out.



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Guest GreatOne
Hey, no Benoit in the preview.


Just like when he was the champ.

Yeah and no Edge, Jericho, Batista, or Regal either.............


Feel free to drop the 'RAW IS TEH SUXORS CAUSE IT ISN'T ALL BENOIT ALL THE TIME' act anytime...............

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Eugene's heat died the second Triple H was brought into the equation.


Just seeing how hard it is to remember how many matches they've had should be some clue as to why the angle has fallen off the face of the earth.

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Guest jfscjrs

Eugene Vs Triple H in a Cage Match should be an entertaining match. No matter how much I hate Eugene's position as a lower-Main Eventer, I'am actually looking foward to this match. and Kane vs orton should be decent.

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Hey, no Benoit in the preview.


Just like when he was the champ.

Hey, another Benoit-worshipper on the internet who thinks pro wrestling has a conspiracy against him.


Just like when he was champ.

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Eugene Vs Triple H in a Cage Match should be an entertaining match. No matter how much I hate Eugene's position as a lower-Main Eventer, I'am actually looking foward to this match. and Kane vs orton should be decent.

I think it's funny he went from feuding with Robert Conway to Triple H in a matter of three weeks.

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Yeah and no Edge, Jericho, Batista, or Regal either.............


Not a former Champ, Hasn't been a champ in 2+ years, Not a former champ, not a former champ. HHH, when having just lost the title, was still all over the WWE previews and still held up in the main event, high profile, ranks. Benoit, having just lost the title, fell oh so very far. YET, he is in a very similar position (ie: matches with Flair and Batista, very little time on TV, no attention in the previews) that he was as champ. Which either supports my claim that he was a lame-duck champion and shows that most people were blind to how he was treated because he had the title around his waist OR what they've been doing with him since he lost the title is fantastic and they're giving him the god push. Hmmm, I think the former sounds better.


Feel free to drop the 'RAW IS TEH SUXORS CAUSE IT ISN'T ALL BENOIT ALL THE TIME' act anytime...............


Well jeez, I started back in December of 03, why should I stop now??

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I bet Orton takes a savage beatdown in the cage by Evo after the Eugene-HHH match.

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Guest wildpegasus
Hey, no Benoit in the preview.


Just like when he was the champ.

Hey, another Benoit-worshipper on the internet who thinks pro wrestling has a conspiracy against him.


Just like when he was champ.

Yada, yada, yada -- Talk to the hand

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I bet Orton takes a savage beatdown in the cage by Evo after the Eugene-HHH match.

Matt Hardy joins Evolution as the new runt of the group?

Matt's having knee surgery that's going to put him out for damn near a year, so that wouldn't make a lot of sense.

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Guest jfscjrs
I think it's funny he went from feuding with Robert Conway to Triple H in a matter of three weeks.

I find it more sad than funny. Eugene should of just stayed feuding with the likes of Rob Conway,Maven, and Christian.


When the last shot of the Vengeance PPV had Eugene looking sad in the main-event. it freakin pissed me of. Triple H and Chris Benoit should of been the main and only focus in the main-event. not the retard.

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Guest Big Daddy V1
I hope Orton / Kane will be a title match. I hate non-title matches.

It's probably one of those ' don't cross the boss or you face the big monster guy' match.

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Guest SethforPrez840
I hope Orton / Kane will be a title match.  I hate non-title matches.

It's probably one of those ' don't cross the boss or you face the big monster guy' match.

Yeah.. good to see them pushing that creative envelope

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Guest GreatOne
Yeah and no Edge, Jericho, Batista, or Regal either.............


Not a former Champ, Hasn't been a champ in 2+ years, Not a former champ, not a former champ.  HHH, when having just lost the title, was still all over the WWE previews and still held up in the main event, high profile, ranks.  Benoit, having just lost the title, fell oh so very far.  YET, he is in a very similar position (ie: matches with Flair and Batista, very little time on TV, no attention in the previews) that he was as champ.  Which either supports my claim that he was a lame-duck champion and shows that most people were blind to how he was treated because he had the title around his waist OR what they've been doing with him since he lost the title is fantastic and they're giving him the god push.  Hmmm, I think the former sounds better.


Feel free to drop the 'RAW IS TEH SUXORS CAUSE IT ISN'T ALL BENOIT ALL THE TIME' act anytime...............


Well jeez, I started back in December of 03, why should I stop now??

It just occurred to me, what the fuck is supposed to be the point of your 'WAAAA BENOIT'S BEING HELD DOWN BY HHH' whine anyway? I don't believe you officially said why in the five weeks we've been going back and forth over this. You gonna start going on one of those all-successful-boycotts until HHH is jerking the curtain against G.I. Babaganouche? Of course the preceding will happen the day I get to romp in the garden with Reese Witherspoon..............


So you've been on this Benoit kick a full month BEFORE he was on RAW? Amazing.

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