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Celtic Guardian

Impact taping for 9/14 cancelled...

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Guest Staravenger

Why would they show Xplosion on FSN? It's bad enough already on CSS, they don't have to stink up even worse in Impacts place.

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Unlike next week, Xplosion was taped in Nashville before the PPV, not in Orlando. I was talking about the dark matches they run before the Impact taping starts, like Sabin/Red vs Kash/Dallas this week. They generally run 2-3 matches before taping the show and I remember them saying they'd tape the dark matches for future DVD releases or something like that.

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Guest Staravenger

But the matches woyld have no purpose, and I doubt they tape anything before the actual show that has anything to do with storylines.


Better to not show anything than show random stuff with no purpose just to fill up a week while everyone in FL has another heart attack over a 3rd Hurricane.

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Well, I just hope that they replay yesterday's episode cuz I forgot to record it. Stupid me. Oh yea....I FINALLY got my video capture card. Gonna encode all the old episodes of Impact that I taped. I missed the first two of weeks cuz of them moving it to 3 and then me forgetting to make it an hour instead of just a minute before and 2 minutes after the hour, so I taped like 2 1/2 minutes of it. GAHHH

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Well this was a smart move on TNA's part. Most of Florida is evacuating this weekend, I left this afternoon (friday). Although since moving down to Orlando, Mother Nature has not been on their side, a sign, perhaps?

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Wouldn't it make more sense for them to put together a show using some of the canned footage?


Total Nonstop Action Wrestling's scheduled taping of "iMPACT!" on September 14th will not take place due to weather conditions.


However, a brand new episode of "iMPACT!" will air this Friday on FSN at its regularly scheduled time (check local listings).


"iMPACT!" will begin its Tuesday taping schedule on September 21 at Universal Orlando Resort.


credit: TNAWrestling.com


Looks like they aren't gonna run a re-run, which i think is a smart move on their part.

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Guest Staravenger

Of course they won't call it a clip show. Every time the Simpsons airs one, they do television spots with the "new" footage, but don't call it a clip show.

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I'm assuming they'll be showing the dark matches with some interviews tossed in....for instance, last week's Kid Kash/Dallas vs Amazing Red/Chris Sabin match will probably air. Either that or the AJ/Shelley match from the week before.

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For instance, they can easily do a show like this from the dark matches the past few weeks:


Show the fireworks from last week and then go to the first match


Team Canada members Bobby Roode, “Hotshot” Johnny Devine and “Showtime Eric Young vs. 3 Live Kru. This seems to be the way TNA is running the pre-taping, show two good matches then give the fans a PPV style match. 3 Live Kru is super over with the crowd. Konnan and BJ James hit the mic with James doing a variation on the old New Age Outlaws pre-match mic ritual. BJ James got the win for the 3LK by pinning Young after a pump-handle slam.




Kid Kash and Dallas vs. Chris “the Future” Sabin and Amazing Red. Fans taunted Kash with a “we want tables “chant from last night’s loss to AJ Styles. It was an X division match until the almost seven feet tall Dallas got in the match. Dallas hit Red with a boot to the face and Kash hit a frog splash to get the pin




former IPW World champion “the Miami Pound Machine” Rod Steel vs. Amazing Red. This was a big contrast in styles. Steel is a natural heel and he showed it to the TNA fans. Shame the Orlando crowd doesn’t know Steel because he is a great worker. Red won after hitting a superkick after Steel blocked Red’s attempted power sunset flip.






Promo from Daniels about how he feels about Skipper holding the titles with Harris, interrupted by Storm, who says just because their partners are now champs doesn't mean the AMW/Triple X rivalry is over.


Christopher Daniels defeated Frankie Kazarian in a dark match.




Mike Tenay and Don West hype Victory Road and the Best Of Specials.


Six Sides of Impact with Jeff Hardy….Jeff finally talks about why the World Title means something to him and talks about how he plans to come for JJ again. Monty concludes the interview by Pouncing Hardy out of nowhere as he gets up from his seat.




Promo from Petey and Scott D’Amore about how they are going to complete their takeover of TNA by taking out its favorite son and that AJ should watch himself on the Victory Road.


A.J. Styles beat Alex Shelly. This was the match of night by far. This was just an awesome match and it's too bad that it wasn't on Impact. The finish saw Styles roll up Shelly for the win. Excellent match. (They can edit the post-match stuff and go straight to the post show promos).


I said either or with the second match because either one would work. I guess they would show the squash match, but if they wanted to kick-start Impact, they would show the tag match instead. But this is a very passable show and allows them to continue to start to build toward Victory Road, since they need every bit of momentum they can get right now.

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to be honest if that was the show they put together it would be better than most of the recent Impact shows anyway.


I agree...IMO, that would be the best show since the first week and since they have the footage in the can already, it could very easily be done and would allow them to continue the slow build toward Victory Road and maybe even begin to make Impact an event worth watching again

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Guest Dynamite Kido

They should do a best of the Wednesday PPV show, at least that way they could make it look like a big deal that the Wednesday PPV's are finish and giving people a look at what Victory Road may be like too wouldn't hurt...........

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AJ Styles vs. Alex Shelley

Kid Kash/Dallas vs. Sabin/Red

Team Canada vs. Team Mexico

Champion Jeff Jarrett in action


This is this week's line-up, according to TNAWrestling.com. From reading the spoilers, it should be one of the better shows because Styles/Shelley and Kash/Dallas v Sabin/Red were both said to be very good. I don't know which weeks the Canada/Mexico match and Jarrett match was taped though.

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Guest Staravenger

Unless you would assume Psycosis and La Parka as Team Mexico, then no. And I don't think they were ever given a team name, or wrestled dark matches.

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The only Team Canada vs Team Mexico match I remember was Williams, Young and Roode vs Abismo Negro, Heavy Metal and Mr. Aguila from the second show. It was average at best as Negro and Metal were terrible. Parka has never wrestled at the tapings so it must e this match.

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