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Guest SteveyP93

Tomko = Bruiser Brody 2004

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Guest SteveyP93
In the ring, he’s patterned his style after the late Bruiser Brody, a marauder remembered for drawing the entire arena into his controlled chaos. Like Brody, Tomko can brawl - and he can wrestle.


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Guest Trivia247

and yet Brody seem to have more character depth than some tattooed guy who can do the Can can for a finishing move.

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That is an insult to Bruiser Brody. While Brody's matches aren't great, or even good, Tomko is only half the character that Brody was, if that.


wwe.com doesn't know what the fuck they are talking about.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

That's fucking ridiculous, the next Bruiser Brody? More like the next Van Hammer.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Speaking of which, what is Tomko's finisher anyway? Is he still using the big boot where he falls on his ass? I've been changing the channel out of habit whenever he's in the ring of late.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Tomko is the next Nathan Jones or Giant Gonzalez if he's anything. This is almost as bad as the Bradshaw = Stan Hansen crap.

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If you take away Brody's charisma ... and ability to get the fans to cheer and/or boo him (depending on which territory he was in) ... and original look ... and the fact that he was actually a pretty frightening guy, they might be right.


Nah, even without all that, Brody > Tomko.

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Guest Evolution
Speaking of which, what is Tomko's finisher anyway? Is he still using the big boot where he falls on his ass? I've been changing the channel out of habit whenever he's in the ring of late.

He uses a torture rack neckbreaker now.

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Guest Astro

Brody was capable of *** - **** matches, let's not forget he was damn good in his day



Granted these were matches with Race, Bockwinkel and Flair but Brody knew what the fuck he was doing



/Brody mark

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I thought the Predator was the newly failed Bruiser wannabe. Very stupid, stealing ideas from a b-indie Japanese fed there Mr. McMahon.


What's next a HHHustle-1 PPV?

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Except that 10 years from now when someone says "Tyson Tomko" it'll usually be followed up with..."sounds familar, what did he do?"

How sad is it that I, and possibly more people here, will remember Tomko for what he did in a thread we made rather than what he actually ended up doing? I swear, I have clearer memories of Tomko being the businessman that accompanies Fertig on Raw than the match he had last night. AND THE FIRST THING NEVER HAPPENED

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Guest Big Daddy V1

I swear, that has to be the worst comparison ever......yeah, can't think of anything else that's worse.....

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Let's look on the bright side - Brody spent a lot of time in Japan so maybe Tomko will too. 360 days per year would be nice, and then he can come back the other 5 (or 6 in leap years) to visit his family over christmas. I'm not sure the Japanese deserve that much Tomko though.

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