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Guest ally mccoist

Why would they go with what the fans want when Vince & co. clearly know best?


I dunno, maybe to make some money. Since thats the whole point of the company.

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Joy should have won it. Carmella will get picked/worked, and then will get dropped in a month when Vince realizes how badly he screwed up with the work....

Hey, we can only hope. That's the best case scenerio. Ha! No one wins!

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Why would they go with what the fans want when Vince & co. clearly know best?


I dunno, maybe to make some money. Since thats the whole point of the company.

The point of the company is to put out what Vince and Hunter want, regardless of whether it's good for business. It's been like that for a long time, and won't change anytime soon.

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Carmella = future Women's Champ, either if Trish gets injured or they decide to just use her in Christian's feuds.


Christy = Torrie's new girlfriend / rival, will promote Chef Boyardee ravioli by eating it..well, you know...



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I think I'm one of the few who doesn't think the Diva contest is rigged. See, with Carmella the whole point is that she HAS to stay for there to really be any significance to the contest. The fans voting might realize that it is intended for Carmella to stay around to be the heel, thus they keep voting for her. Makes sense...sorta.


As far as this PPV goes, I have no idea. It all depends on the list of contenders. I personally think that Orton will win this contest, simply because he is the guy feuding with HHH at the moment and thus enough markish fans will be brainwashed to simply vote for the man intended. Much like the Diva contest.

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Anyone else think this is the card we'll see (at least partly)?


HBK vs Christian

Jericho vs Edge (IC Title)

Regal/Benoit vs Flair/Batista (tag titles - Benoit/Regal beat La Res on Raw either this week or next)

HHH vs Orton (World Title)

Obligatory womens match

Kane vs someone who pissed Bischoff off earlier that evening

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I predict a clusterfuck womens match right after the Diva Search contest segment. Maybe have Molly challenge the divas to another dance off which would lead to classic Paul E. run-in-aroma match with Stacy, Nidia, Trish, Jazz, Gail Kim smacking each other around for 5 minutes. Then Kane comes in to chokeslam everybody 911 style.

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I think I'm one of the few who doesn't think the Diva contest is rigged.  See, with Carmella the whole point is that she HAS to stay for there to really be any significance to the contest.  The fans voting might realize that it is intended for Carmella to stay around to be the heel, thus they keep voting for her.  Makes sense...sorta. 

The sad thing is there isn't any significance or there ever will be one for the DIVA contest, the fans have shit on it from the start but Vince is so senile to understand what the fans want and when he hears Carmella getting booed he thinks she's getting "heel heat" instead of "get the fuck off the ring" heat.

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It'll probably end up being the fan-insulting thing WCW did in July 2000:


Asking fans to vote on WCW.Com on who should fight Booker T for the WCW Title, Sting wins the poll, but on his way to the ring, Goldberg destroys him and takes the shot.

Not to mention if you went to WCW.com, there was no poll at all.

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