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Best Match of the Decade So Far?
Toshiaki Koala, in General Wrestling
Best North American Match of the Decade So Far?
76 members have voted
1. Best North American Match of the Decade So Far?
Cactus Jack v. Triple H (RR 00)6
Cactus Jack v. Triple H (No Way Out 00)1
The Rock v. Triple H (Judgement Day 00)3
Chris Benoit v. Chris Jericho (RR 01)2
TLC (Wrestlemania 2000/SS 00/Mania X-7)0
Chris Benoit v. Steve Austin (SD!, Edmonton 01)2
Steve Austin v. The Rock (Wrestlemania X-7)26
Kurt Angle v. Chris Benoit (Royal Rumble 03)17
Chris Benoit. v. HBK v. HHH (Wrestlemania XX)7