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There's a Hurri-heel coming through!

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Guest Shoes Head

Sorry guys. Helms is just another cruiser with a neutered moveset and an IT worker's physique. His heel turn won't amount to much of a push.

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Alright, Hurricane Jobber Pool.


4 weeks.

How long did it take from the time he was put on Raw and won the tag titles until he became a jobber? As soon as the TLC match happened he just became that guy who hangs around with Kane once in a while.

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I think they're setting him up just to put over Rosie, who in-turn will be putting over Simon Dean (Rosie is the fattest guy on the roster, it's like the only feud SD could possibly work). Either it'll be Rosie/Hurricane at T.T. or Simon Dean vs. Rosie at T.T.

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Guest Sylvan Grenier
Oh sure WWE...


4 Major Hurricanes hit the US and kill a bunch of people here and in other countries, and they are going to turn Hurricane heel....


It should happen at the next show they do in Florida just for good measure.

They could be changing his name, you know...

He should come out to Brass Bonanza and be called The Whaler.

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Guest Quik

Are there any faces that need to be put over? Is that why they turned him?


Or does this just mean that they want to push Rosey? This certainly wasn't done for Helms' benefit.

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Guest Anglesault
Alright, Hurricane Jobber Pool.


4 weeks.



Two weeks of Hurricane being a super ass.


Third week, Hurricane comes out and continues being a super ass, when Randy Orton's music hits to a tepid reaction. He comes out, puts Hurricane in his PLACE~! as the crowd goes mild, and walks away. This will all be part of a larger angle where HHH pisses off Orton beforehand.


Hurricane then goes on to lose the blowoff with Rosey and decends into jobberville.

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Guest CronoT
- The plan right now is to turn Hurricane heel. WWE management figured that the character no longer had any potential as a face and feel that he would make an interesting heel.


credit: 411




Will Ric Flair get involved in the angle?


Wouldn't it be better just to give him a different gimmick if he turns heel?


Will they wait until they do a show in Florida before doing the full turn?


Will he feud with Rosey? *shudder*


Is this the end of merchandising pay-offs for Shane Helms?


Tune in to Raw every Monday...


...same Hurri-time!


....same Hurri-channel!

So, let me get this straight: Helms is the wrestling equivalent of Eagle Scout, and now they're going to have him pull a Jekyll & Hyde. Gee, that's only been done more times than Dick Cheney's heart attacks.

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Alright, Hurricane Jobber Pool.


4 weeks.



Two weeks of Hurricane being a super ass.


Third week, Hurricane comes out and continues being a super ass, when Randy Orton's music hits to a tepid reaction. He comes out, puts Hurricane in his PLACE~! as the crowd goes mild, and walks away. This will all be part of a larger angle where HHH pisses off Orton beforehand.


Hurricane then goes on to lose the blowoff with Rosey and decends into jobberville.

So we're going by the week he does the big job as the first week of his depush?


I thought we were counting down to the week he gets actually put in an insignificant jobber match as the starting point.


Let's be clear on the rules, here.

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I could honestly see him becoming the new fourth Evolution member, rounding them out...

This is where I stopped reading this thread. Jobber Helms belongs in Evolution like Dubbya belongs in Mensa.











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WWE management figured that the character no longer had any potential as a face and feel that he would make an interesting heel.

Translation: having completely blown Hurricane's potential as a face and somehow missing the great interaction he had with Rock when he was a heel, Hurricane will now be jobbing to Orton as a heel, rather than as face.

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Helms in Evolution could work. You have Helmsley announce he's on the search for someone he can mold into the next big thing (Lesnar pun not intended). Talk about how Orton ruined his chance, and it has opened the door for someone new. Let it carry across the RAW locker room and tease dissension amongst faces and heels alike about who is willing to take the low road and join Triple H. Flair can start confronting Helms about his temper tantrums and losing streak, and pull the old "I told you so" stunt on him a few times. This gets Helms riled up, he turns on Rosey or whoever full-on, gets confronted by Flair who applauds the move, and "vouches" for him to enter Evolution after some hesitation by HHH and Batista. Run with it for a while and if they decide to turn him back face, I'm sure running out in costume once again would get a big pop. You could even also turn Flair face as he could grow accustom to advising Helms, and have a teacher/student relationship.

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why would Flair turn on Batista. In kayfabe, Batista could rip Flair limb from limb. Shit, Batista could rip most folks limb from limb, and I doubt Helms would be able to stop him.


Not that it couldn't happen, but I can't see the Batista/Flair tandem breaking up.

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Do something where Batista grows jealous of the attention Flair focuses on developing Heel-icane into a star, and both he and Triple H grow weary of the old man. You could also have Batista go into more of a roid rage mode and perhaps cost himself a title match, etc. by getting DQ'd/doing something stupid, and Flair could rag him for it for not listening to him.

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