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Guest CronoT

The OAO "Thank GOD the Diva Search is over Thread"

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So Randy Orton takes a good 18 months to get over at least a LITTLE BIT...and Snitsky is here two weeks and has his own chants and shit.

I'm sure if Orton was first pushed as a baby killer...he would have had baby killer chants :P.


Hell, even Mae Young would get baby killer chants if they pushed her as one >_>

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Who needs Test?


Snitsky did the pumphandle slam better than Test ever did!

He strikes a close resemblance to Test as well...


...If Test was roided up and made faces to the camera during restholds.

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Is Gene Stnitsky his real name? I've never seen this guy before WWE.

No, he adopted "Snitsky" to be more marketable

Thanks. Ass. :P


I like how marks think the pumphandle position somehow makes the move more powerful.

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ChrisMWaters, Test used to DRILL the Hardyz with the PHPowerslam in 2000.

Maybe...don't remember that much about Test in 00.


Still, I'm liking Snitsky better than Test for some reason.


...though, speaking of Test, where is he at? Is he gone for good now?

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Guest CronoT
SNITSKY~! should unleash his baby killing powers on Marilyn Manson

Marilyn Manson gets X-Pac Heat from me.

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God fucking damn. I may have to start a new EWR game, just to sign Gene Snitsky and make him champ.


In a related note, how in the shithouse must Val be to have to be job boy tonight?

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Guest Trivia247

remember Test never really had a set finisher


first Pumphandle powerslam


then full nelson slam


then Flying elbow drop


then Big Boot


then the test drive



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Is Gene Stnitsky his real name? I've never seen this guy before WWE.

No, he adopted "Snitsky" to be more marketable

Thanks. Ass. :P


I like how marks think the pumphandle position somehow makes the move more powerful.

No one ever said that...Kane used to do the same thing without the pumphandle part and it was seen just as strong.


Plus, if pulled hard (Like Test used to do) it would sort of hurt more, your shoulder at least putting that kind of torque on it. But in the end the desired effect isn't to hurt the shoulder so that is pointless anyways, but point is, it would hurt more, possibly.

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