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No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

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Guest Black Tiger

okay to think that? Its NORMAL!


PPV looks semi decent. I'll be joining the boyz at HOOTERS~! for the show. The only big draw for me is Kidman vs London, because of the possibility of London doing an SSP. Every one but Eddy, Rey, Cena, and RVD could fall of a cliff for all I care. I kinda like Nunzio, but WWE doesn't let him, wrestle the style he's best at.


I hope Spike loses the belt, because his heel run is that bad. You could see it coming a mile away, and he's got like no heat at all anyways.

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Guest Anglesault
Not sure how build up that involved a man being shot with a tranqulizer dart could be described as "good"

So...you get shot with a tranquilizer dart, I take it you aren't gonna want to get back at the man who shot you? Odd.


Read that sentence again, please.



Perhaps I just lead a sheltered life, but I've never encountered someone who was trying to shoot me with a fucking tranquilizer. This, sadly, means I have never gone on the warpath to get revenge for said action.


There is only so far you can suspend your disbelief. I draw the line well before "shooting a guy with a tranqilizer dart"


Hell, I thought the ether soaked rag was pretty bad.

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From the "Smackdown catching up with Raw" thread:


ATTENTION KURT ANGLE...MR. BIG SHOW TRIED TO KILL YOU! You were more serious with Eddie for breaking family values! Where the hell are YOUR values?


Seriously, Angle should want to put Big Show in the hospital, instead he decides to knock him out in the most bizarre of ways and then shave his head. That's just a whole new level of goofy.

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Guest Anglesault
From the "Smackdown catching up with Raw" thread:


ATTENTION KURT ANGLE...MR. BIG SHOW TRIED TO KILL YOU! You were more serious with Eddie for breaking family values! Where the hell are YOUR values?


Seriously, Angle should want to put Big Show in the hospital, instead he decides to knock him out in the most bizarre of ways and then shave his head. That's just a whole new level of goofy.

And Angle is the bad guy in the feud. Just over all terrible writing for this specific feud.

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Ive liked JBL as the WWE Champ. Hes done a good job to get everyone against him, but I think it too early for him to lose the belt, especially considering he may have to face The Big Show at SS04 (which btw, please dont be the last free Sky PPV, although I thik Sky are losing interest in the WWE, they have shifted RAW from Friday to Thursday and PPVs from Sky Sports 1 to Sky Sports 2). Imagine JBL, "Ive just beaten the UT, now Im up against TBS? O crap"


I like the build to Angle-Show as well. TBS was humilated, I think this will surprise everyone. Its nice to see TBS as a face, since he can be funny.


Eddie-Luther could indeed be the sleeper. I think Luthers got a decent moveset. That reverse sit-out neckbreaker looks wicked, whilst the double arm underhook butterfly suplex is sweet. All he needs is a good worker, cue Latino Heat.


Cena-Booker. O how the mighty have fallen. Hopefully, this will surprise everybody and be better then the 1st 4 matches. Cena needs helping and fast.


Rey\RVD vs Kenzo\Dupree. I dont mind the team of Kenzo\Dupree. At least they are not stale like Rey Rey and RVD. Like all the matches before it, its a case of hit or miss on the night.


London-Kidman. Please give them 15 mins, please please please. By far, on paper, Match of the Night.


Spike-Nunzio. Ive liked the boss, makes a change. Let them enjoy themselves out there and this will surprise alot of people.


6 Man Tag Match: Beats Dawn-Marie & Jackie for sure. Hass is looking good of late. Cant say the same about the others.


Overall a good card. SDs best since last years Vengence (which was in July for crying out loud) and WWE best since Bad Blood and Backlash.

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Guest Anglesault
I like the build to Angle-Show as well. TBS was humilated, I think this will surprise everyone.

And Show tried to kill Angle. Who should be the face?


And besides that, there are easier ways to humiliate Big Show (forgetting that this man tried to kill Angle and Kurt seems to not really care all that much) than to shoot him like...what the fuck does one shoot with a tranq dart anyway?

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Treating someone like an animal and scalping them against their will is pretty humilating to me. TBS is enjoying comeback face syndrome, check back to HHH for the effect of this. I think its a strech saying that TBS tried to kill Angle. Even given WWE booking, I dont think that was TBS intent.

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Guest Anglesault
Treating someone like an animal and scalping them against their will is pretty humilating to me. .

I understand how being shot like a beast would be embarassing, but I never bought the hair deal any time they tried it. I'm not all that into hair, I guess.


That doesn't change that Angle's response to attempted murder is trying to jurt the Big Show's feelings in the most bizarre and ludicrous way possible.


TBS is enjoying comeback face syndrome,


So don't program him with Angle. Angle, whatever he does to Big Show, as long as he doesn't attempt to muder him, is completely justified.


The idea that Angle is "bitter" at Show for the whole attempted muder thing is mind boggling.


I think its a strech saying that TBS tried to kill Angle.


He grabbed him by the neck and through him off a balcony onto solid concrete. He really couldn't have been trying to do much else.

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I understand how being shot like a beast would be embarassing, but I never bought the hair deal any time they tried it. I'm not all that into hair, I guess.


Scalping you used to be the ultimate form of humiliation in the native america.


That doesn't change that Angle's response to attempted murder is trying to jurt the Big Show's feelings in the most bizarre and ludicrous way possible.


Agreed. I think the beat down will be a 3 on 1 after tonight.


So don't program him with Angle. Angle, whatever he does to Big Show, as long as he doesn't attempt to muder him, is completely justified.


Who would you book him with then? The only other alternative was Eddie. It had to be Angle.


The idea that Angle is "bitter" at Show for the whole attempted muder thing is mind boggling.


I think Angle is playing the role of a sarcastic bitter man pretty well. Hes just playing with TBS. It will come.


He grabbed him by the neck and through him off a balcony onto solid concrete. He really couldn't have been trying to do much else.


What I was referring to was intent. I dont think that he intended or wanted to kill Angle. Come on, it was so fake, the way that was done. Like Kane raising from the flames Shane McMahon doused him. Another stupid feud that went on too long. What do you propose, a life vs death match, were the winner gets to execute the loser?


A better angle would be Angle still as GM and using him against Eddie. Then have the Angle-Eddie SummerSlam story line.


Just my opinions these, not a flaming.

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I say the show will be in color.

Other than that, I can make no promises.


None of the matches really leap out as, "Wow, this should be good". Come to think of it, none of them really leap out as, "wow, I won't want to go paint a fence and watch it dry now."


I got lost when killing someone became second to hurting their pride. Course, I got lost how Angle became a bad guy to begin with. I don't think Smackdown is supposed to make sense, I think they want us to beg them to waste 30 minutes on Tough Enough whatever the freak number it is.

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As for the topic of the thread...I won't be ordering it. Smackdown has just become too bland for me. I'm just not interested in seeing main event programs that involve Orlando Jordan and Mark Jindrak, and I don't know how anyone else can be. Jordan's involvement in the Taker/Bradshaw feud at least makes sense though. What does Jindrak even have to do with anything regarding Kurt Angle and Big Show? It's like he just randomly decided to run out and help Angle and Luther. And that whole segment was retarded too, I mean, a tranquilizer gun? Of course it wouldn't have been complete without the Michael Cole statement regarding Big Show's dignity being raped (oh, the irony). And why is Angle scared of Show, he's wrestled him on numerous occasions and defeated him for the WWE title. It doesn't make any sense.


As for the Hearse match, well the only time I make it a point to flip to Smackdown is when I know the Undertaker's coming on, because I still enjoy that bit of nostalgia and old-schoolness that he brings to TV, but I don't want to see this debacle at all. For me, JBL has been an enjoyable champion entertainment-wise but it looks like he's gonna drop it.


Another match of interest is John Cena vs. Booker T. Hopefully this crap finally ends, this could've been blown off at Summerslam but of course they had to drag it out for 2 more months. Just get Cena out of here and into the WWE title picture already before he loses his steam, but it might even be too late for that. They're gonna blow a huge opportunity to make a ton of money off of him, I mean it's obvious he's really marketable, look how many shirts he's had in what, a year since his popularity has been increasing?


I don't really know what else is on the card, because I find myself not paying attention and/or watching Survivor during Smackdown. London and Kidman I remember, I'm actually somewhat intrigued by that story, well at least for the first time Kidman walked out, now it's just redundant. Hopefully it ends here, with a Kidman retirement. That guy is everything Smackdown represents, mundane.

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Guest Anglesault
That doesn't change that Angle's response to attempted murder is trying to jurt the Big Show's feelings in the most bizarre and ludicrous way possible.


Agreed. I think the beat down will be a 3 on 1 after tonight.


That will be somewhat better. I think Angle should be flipping out in a violent (not cartoonish) fashion pretty soon though.


Who would you book him with then? The only other alternative was Eddie. It had to be Angle.
Then Big Show had to be a heel and they had to turn Angle. Or perhaps, and yes, it's hard for them, but maybe they could have displayed some sort of long term booking prowess and figured out a way to write off Show that was more conducive to booking plans.



I think Angle is playing the role of a sarcastic bitter man pretty well. Hes just playing with TBS.


No, I mean Tazz and Cole are acting like he's this bitter jackass for being even a wee bit mad at the man who through him off a balcony.


What I was referring to was intent. I dont think that he intended or wanted to kill Angle


Well, what was his intent in that situation?

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Who would you book him with then? The only other alternative was Eddie. It had to be Angle.




Then Big Show had to be a heel and they had to turn Angle. Or perhaps, and yes, it's hard for them, but maybe they could have displayed some sort of long term booking prowess and figured out a way to write off Show that was more conducive to booking plans.


Thats a double turn. I can only remember them getting that right once, being Austin-Hart. So, you would scrap TBS then?



I think Angle is playing the role of a sarcastic bitter man pretty well. Hes just playing with TBS. 




No, I mean Tazz and Cole are acting like he's this bitter jackass for being even a wee bit mad at the man who through him off a balcony.


Agreed. Cole particulary has been very lousy of late. I like Angles cocky bitter sarcastic persona personally.




What I was referring to was intent. I dont think that he intended or wanted to kill Angle




Well, what was his intent in that situation?


He didnt go up there with the intent of doing that to Angle. Angle came up after TBS was there. TBS was pissed off at losing his job. Angle got in his face. I know that didnt justify his actions (god were trying to justify morality of actions in wrestling) but I wouldnt go as far as saying that he was out to murder Angle and that it was one big scheme.

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Well, Show needed a haircut anyway. And since Angle is bald they couldn't do a hair versus hair match, so obviously this was the only way they could have settled this.





Man, why do I feel so dirty suddenly...

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Thats a double turn. I can only remember them getting that right once, being Austin-Hart. So, you would scrap TBS then?


No, he means they should have found a better way to get rid of Show when he went down injured. If they REALLY wanted face Show vs heel Angle when Show returned (but I doubt they'd even thought this far ahead back then) they should have had Angle force Show to put his job on the line. At least then Show would have a reason to be angry at Angle, rather than making himself look like a complete idiot by

1.) Putting his job on the line at will

2.) Then taking it out on Torrie

3.) Then trying to kill Angle, who was trying to save Torrie

Bringing Show back as a face was stupid, considering how he left. To being him back as a face AGAINST Angle was just pathetic.


He didnt go up there with the intent of doing that to Angle. Angle came up after TBS was there. TBS was pissed off at losing his job. Angle got in his face. I know that didnt justify his actions (god were trying to justify morality of actions in wrestling) but I wouldnt go as far as saying that he was out to murder Angle and that it was one big scheme.


Yes, he did try to kill Angle. Heck, he was going to do it to Torrie. Angle came, tried to save Torrie, and got thrown off the balcony by Show. Show didn't seem to regret his decision afterwards, or show remorse. He was a heel. He should have returned as a heel.


Another match of interest is John Cena vs. Booker T. Hopefully this crap finally ends, this could've been blown off at Summerslam but of course they had to drag it out for 2 more months. Just get Cena out of here and into the WWE title picture already before he loses his steam, but it might even be too late for that. They're gonna blow a huge opportunity to make a ton of money off of him, I mean it's obvious he's really marketable, look how many shirts he's had in what, a year since his popularity has been increasing?


Well, I enjoyed the last match they had. Prior to that, it sucked.


Ive liked JBL as the WWE Champ. Hes done a good job to get everyone against him, but I think it too early for him to lose the belt, especially considering he may have to face The Big Show at SS04 (which btw, please dont be the last free Sky PPV, although I thik Sky are losing interest in the WWE, they have shifted RAW from Friday to Thursday and PPVs from Sky Sports 1 to Sky Sports 2). Imagine JBL, "Ive just beaten the UT, now Im up against TBS? O crap"


Yeah, I can't wait for Show vs JBL. Hold me back.

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Speaking as someone who reads the recaps but who's only seen 3 hours of Smackdown in six months, it seems as though Anglesault's arguments about the Big Show/Kurt Angle fued make a lot of sense.


I did see the episode where Angle got thrown off of the catwalk/balcony, but I was so annoyed by that, the JBL mega-push, and the Heyman/Undertaker feud I felt like *I* needed to throw someone off of a balcony and take a few months off.

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I did see the episode where Angle got thrown off of the catwalk/balcony, but I was so annoyed by that, the JBL mega-push, and the Heyman/Undertaker feud I felt like *I* needed to throw someone off of a balcony and take a few months off.


UT-Heyman went real well then. I was sure Hein would have cost UT at SummerSlam.



No, he means they should have found a better way to get rid of Show when he went down injured. If they REALLY wanted face Show vs heel Angle when Show returned (but I doubt they'd even thought this far ahead back then) they should have had Angle force Show to put his job on the line.


A returning superstar nearly always come back as a face. Look at Angle (who was a heel before injury) and HHH (who was a heel before injury).


Yeah, I can't wait for Show vs JBL. Hold me back.


Dont be surprised if thats what you actually get at SS.

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Uh, the buildups to these matches may be a little longer than usual (hardly any of them can be called "good/great: though)...


But the matches themselves still look awful.


Slow and Angle?

Reigns and Eddie?

Taker and JBL?

Nunzio and Spike?

Rico, Haas, Jackie Six Man?



All matches that are medicore at best.


Kidman/London could be really good, especially if the crowd gives them a chance.

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I had no idea this was even today...


How sad...


Unless my friend orders it so we can all watch (and laugh at) it at his house in a big group, I won't even waste my time.

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Kidman/London could be really good, especially if the crowd gives them a chance.


I don't think a chance will be given.


The people who bought tickets for this PPV are the kinds of people who are paying $300-$21 to see JBL vs. Undertaker in the main event.

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No, he means they should have found a better way to get rid of Show when he went down injured. If they REALLY wanted face Show vs heel Angle when Show returned (but I doubt they'd even thought this far ahead back then) they should have had Angle force Show to put his job on the line.


A returning superstar nearly always come back as a face. Look at Angle (who was a heel before injury) and HHH (who was a heel before injury).

Nope. Rock last year returned as a heel. Benoit in 2002 returned as a heel. Eddie in 2002 returned as a heel. And just because they always come back as a face, it doesn't make it right.

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Guest Anglesault

Who would you book him with then? The only other alternative was Eddie. It had to be Angle.




Then Big Show had to be a heel and they had to turn Angle. Or perhaps, and yes, it's hard for them, but maybe they could have displayed some sort of long term booking prowess and figured out a way to write off Show that was more conducive to booking plans.


Thats a double turn. I can only remember them getting that right once, being Austin-Hart. So, you would scrap TBS then?

I wouldn't program him with Angle.


He didnt go up there with the intent of doing that to Angle.


You're right. He went up there with the intent of doing it to Torrie. After you explain that, then you can use the "shit happens" defense on the Angle situation.

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I think Cena/Booker is going to have to be really, really good in order to have a point in the series.


I'm not watching the show, but why do I have the feeling Taker is going to lose and come back in a few months as Biker Tiker?

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I'd really like to see a Scotty 2 Hotty (face) vs. Shawn Michaels (heel) match...after seeing those 2 brawl during the show of the Draft Lottery.


Glad to see Jindrak has worked the moveset.

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No more Narcissist Jindrak. He's back to being normal boring Mark Jindrak who will get wins now because he's in Kurt Angle's group.


So is anyone here ordering this tonight?

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