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Patty O'Green

FEEDBACK for Dirty Deeds 2004

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I knew this pay per view would have problems when the booking thread wasn’t made until the middle of the month! An omen! I’ll make the booking thread for Worlds Without End with great haste!


I had to write the ending portion of the Casket match. That was hard because I’ve never seen a casket match in my life. I suppose it ends when you shut the casket on someone, but how many spots can you have in a match that revolve around shutting a lid on someone? If it reads poorly or doesn’t make any sense that’s because I had to rush it in order to get the show up tonight. I've co-written two PPV mainevents and it was only because no one else would/could do it.


More later. Read the round robin match. Its groovy.

Edited by Patty O'Green

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AMAZING job with the Round Robin Gauntlet match, KC.


Seriously. I loved it. Definitely a Match-of-the-Year candidate.


More thoughts on the PPV later.

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That Round Robin match was off the something for something else. Seriously, nice work KC, that was tremendous.


All the stuff was good.


The opening match told a terrific story, and the point about the GPX in non-gimmick matches was well received. Nice to see the NNMX staying involved in that one.


The Mahcine/Justice Inc. match was, well, not much of a MATCH but the segment was well written and served its purpose.


Cruisin' and Bruisin' was funny and I hope it stays.


Good to see some old-rime heelin' from Black T. Fun little match between Tony and El Dandy.


The RR was of course incredible. I loved the story told with Leon, and the first match was especially well done, I thought. The end was well done as well. Done. Well. ...Yeah.


Blur/Father was good...Father got more offense than I thought he would but that's not a bad thing. The ending with the submissions was especially cool.


The ME was great and to me it did a lot to elevate Axel and get him over as a babyface. I actually thought he'd win but the ending was also well done (becuz of HEELZ omg) and it made both guys look good. Kudos.


Any feedback pour moi is appreciated. I know the match was short. Truth to tell, I haven't been feeling very motivated lately, and that's why I haven't been around. I might take a short break sometime soon here -- don't worry, I'm NOT quitting and there's big things in store for '05. But a break might do me well. So...there you go.

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Well, thanks guys. Glad it did the job okay as I know the whole Round-Robin's supposed to be pretty important. Lucky that the show was put back a while too, otherwise the last 'match' would have been little more than Drek getting killed.


But, yeah, thanks anyways.

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Here is that “more later” I promised


I got the idea for Cruisin or Bruisin while I was in a barbershop. I saw a similar segment on Sportscenter and said that would be perfect for the OAOAST. It’ll occur every other week. I originally was going to put it on HD~! but figured that maybe it should make its debut on PPV! With Tony doing the rankings I thought a segment like that would make it seem more like a division of a real sport.


The whole little rundown before Stevens/Hoff was nice. I was surprised that Stevens won cleanly. Hell I’m surprised he won at all!


Quality segments by Tony and Eski. I thought that GPX would go over Hells Hitmen, but oh well. I guess that could lead to another match between the two parties down the line. Good to see the Midnights staying in the picture. I marked out at Clem kipping up.


T-Bod attempts to flee by hopping over the railing but El Dandy rips off T-Bod's pants, revealing tiger-patterened SPEEDO


T-Bod really likes jungle themed underwear. First the zebra print thong at HD: Australia and now a tiger print speedo.


I echo Hoff’s comments on the Father/Blurricane match and the RR match. I’m still confused over what this RR is for!


I actually thought he'd win but the ending was also well done

Maybe he was supposed to win. No one told me. I just flipped a coin to decide the winner.


...ending was also well done

You are a shameless liar!

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I've only done the quick scan today, but I'll get to read the PPV as a whole by the weekend. However, mad props and such to my boy Patty for helping me out of a last minute dilemna and finishing the match. On behalf of Adam and myself it's probably not even close to what we could have done, but so many outside issues interfered with both of our writing the last few weeks that it was a task just to keep it going. I hope it was still enjoyable for you readers though.

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I thought that GPX would go over Hells Hitmen, but oh well. I guess that could lead to another match between the two parties down the line.

There'll be more between these teams for sure. HH are actually 2-0 vs GPX now.


I'll try and do some detailed feed later, but overall, considering the circumstances, the show came off really well, good to great writing all round. Props for pulling one out of the fire.

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Yeah I apologize about Parka/Jude vs. JAE/Cain. I finished Blurricane/Father and was so tired that I couldn't possibly churn out another big match.




The Parka/Jude vs. JAE/Cain feud isn't over...so that wasn't a blow off.

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Much thanks to patty for writing the ending to the casket match (OMG I MAIN EVENTED A PPV~!). I echo Zack's statement that if family and other issues hadn't been the main focus for us both this week, then the match would have been better. Not to take anything away from it though, becuase I thought it was a hell of a contest with a great ending. Really good Gauntlet match, this Round Robin torunament is unpredictable! I skimmed through everything else, more detailed feedback maybe later.

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The whole little rundown before Stevens/Hoff was nice. I was surprised that Stevens won cleanly. Hell I’m surprised he won at all!

I did the rundown because, due to myy not wanting to write lately, I know the feud has cooled off and I wanted to remind people of what was up. Like I've said, too, this is not over. As for the results...well, uh, SURPRISE!!

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