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Guest Duncan Eternia

Vince vs. Flair Backstage

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Guest Duncan Eternia

From PWInsider:


There was what was described to me as a “near-violent situation” between Vince McMahon and Ric Flair night last at Raw. According to backstage sources at the show, Vince went nuts when Flair did his promo about breaking in virgins and making them bleed, and stalked around backstage waiting for Flair to finish. When Flair came back through the curtain, McMahon was seen and heard screaming at Flair about how it was inappropriate and out of line for Flair to say that on TV. Vince was said to be irate about the commentary and people were talking about his tirade on Flair for the rest of the night. Some even wondered how Vince could be so upset about that when later in the show he booked Gene Snitsky to come to ringside with a baby carriage and has been running an angle around “Lita’s miscarriage”.




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Guest Duncan Eternia

I can't believe the double-standard shown by Vince here. How can Flair promo be that bad when people hump dead bodies, kill managers in concrete, and other crap on WWE TV.


Oh well. Should make for an interesting chapter in Flair's 2nd book (if he writes one).

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Guest Loss

I remember when wrestlers in WCW started getting buried for getting over without permission. This reminds me of that, in some ways.

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Guest Dazed
Sorry for the typo in the title.


Fixed that for you.


It *is* a controversial thing to say (disclaimer: I've not seen the segment), and the sort of thing you should run past people before saying live on TV, regardless of other things that have been cleared for air. But then with some of the boundaries that WWE have pushed (including discussing hymens on air before), I think Flair acted with the best intent, and McMahon seriously overreacted.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I'll admit to being shocked by what Ric Flair said. I laughed, but I was shocked. My girlfriend was disgusted. Oh well.

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I find it funny that after encouraging people to come out and say stuff like "cum-guzzling gutter slut" on shows, they can come down on Flair for this.

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Guest bigm350

I thought it was an awesome promo. One of the better Flair ones I've seen in the last few years.

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I find it funny that after encouraging people to come out and say stuff like "cum-guzzling gutter slut" on shows, they can come down on Flair for this.

I second this especially with Vince wanting to get edgy at times. Then again, if we go with Bret Hart's article about their incident in the early 90's Vince has a mindsight of "maybe he doesn't know what he's doing" and is pissed. It could also be Vince's way of finding an excuse to punish Flair. I mean a NWA guy is walking around proclaiming to be the greatest of all-time next to his son in law. Old school Vince would not allow this would he? That would mean his champions weren't the greatest back in the day:P Time for Bischoff and Flair in the doghouse again.

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Guest combat_rock

Credit to PWtorch (namely James Guttman):


So in my eyes, in my eyes, you look at me and say Legend. I look at you and say virgin. You are a virgin at killing legends. And you know how many virgins I have made holler, scream, and bleed all night long? God! That's my specialty and I've got you at Taboo Tuesday, Orton.

- Ric Flair, 9:07PM

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Guest GreatOne
I remember when wrestlers in WCW started getting buried for getting over without permission. This reminds me of that, in some ways.

So Vince is going to push Flair for trying to get over? Flair, who's only been over forever.

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I remember when wrestlers in WCW started getting buried for getting over without permission. This reminds me of that, in some ways.

I'm not sure what you're referring to but the comment didn't exactly elict the kind of response Vince wanted. It was more of an awkward reaction then a solid pop. Flair is over by doing his usual Whooo/Chop/Pratfall routine as it is, that comment was just twisted and uncharacteristic (even though I'm not doubting the validity of Flairs claim that he's made women bleed.)


Flair cannot be buried unless he's altogether taken off TV.

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Guest Loss

What I meant was that had Vince scripted that line, he'd have all the agents congratulating him on how great it was. He wasn't upset that it was tasteless -- come ON, it's VINCE MCMAHON! If anything, he was upset that he didn't think of it, and that it caught him off guard.

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Maybe Flair popped Steph.

Maybe that was the deal between him and Trips in turn for all the ass-kissing to make him the "greatest of all-time". :lol:


I know I've posted this line today multiple times, but it makes me sick and I'm sort of a Trips mark. It didn't bother me that much with Brock saying it for some reason last year and this year(greatest wwe champion of all-time). Let the Brock rumours fly!

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Damn! You know that is so strange as it could be true. Didn't Stephanie have a storyline about something like that? I guess Trips really wanted to emulate his idol in every aspect :lol:

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What I meant was that had Vince scripted that line, he'd have all the agents congratulating him on how great it was. He wasn't upset that it was tasteless -- come ON, it's VINCE MCMAHON! If anything, he was upset that he didn't think of it, and that it caught him off guard.

I was going to say just that ... the other 'offensive' things (Katie Vick, Lita's miscarriage, etc) were part of a storyline and thus had Vince's input, whereas this was just a line that was thrown out and thus had nothing to do with him.

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This bugs me. I respect Vince for saying something and maybe at the possibilty of trying to clean up the company image...but then he has the Kane/Lita angle.


Seriously, 1 step forward...ten backwards. Vince needs to open his fucking eyes.

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I didn't really like what Flair said. It was quite disgusting, and really sick when you think about how old the guy is now. I'm not totally against it or anything, and I don't see why Vince would be pissed seeing how he's allowed so much other bullshit on his programs. I just thought it was shocking what Flair said, and wished he had've said something along the same lines in a different way.


That said, I thought Flair had a sound in his voice, something of emotion and passion, that I haven't heard in his voice in quite a while. For that reason, I enjoyed his rant quite a lot.

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Well, so HHH humping a manniquin/re-enacting necrophillia=OK


"Cum guzzling gutter slut"=OK


Beating up two girls after TEH HOTTT LEZBO ACTION=OK


Gene Snitsky=Awesome (Well actually, that is true...)


But talking about breaking in virgins=Not OK


Nope, no double standard here, none at all!

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Seriously, 1 step forward...ten backwards. Vince needs to open his fucking eyes.

Funny as Ric Flair told Vince this on live television when he just returned in 2002. It's so true too. I think people must be laughing at Vince's hypocrisy with the sick stuff he did with Stephanie and Linda in the last couple of years. Yeah, that sure is quality programming to compete with the likes of the Cosby Show. It makes Married with Children blush.

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Guest GreatOne
Maybe Flair popped Steph.

Hey I guess he had to make up for the payoff that was supposed to be the Stacy pregnancy, before Russo stepped in................

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Damn! You know that is so strange as it could be true. Didn't Stephanie have a storyline about something like that?

I believe you're refering to when, during the Steph v Vince feud from last year, Vince talked about using a teen Stephanie to seal business deals, and how he felt like he had taken her virginity himself.

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Guest Trivia247

Vince: Damn it Ric, this is the WWE, You can't say something so tasteless, classless, and morally disgusting.......Unless I TELL you to say it! Right JBL?


JBL: Right boss

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So in my eyes, in my eyes, you look at me and say Legend. I look at you and say virgin. You are a virgin at killing legends. And you know how many virgins I have made holler, scream, and bleed all night long? God! That's my specialty and I've got you at Taboo Tuesday, Orton.

- Ric Flair, 9:07PM


Maybe Vince is less concerned with bleeding girls but more concerned with the way Flair talked down to Orton. The whole show was basically about how Orton attempting to become the next main event face as in copying popular patterns that were set by Austin or Rock. Flair shat on it by calling Orton a virgin, basically, saying in graphic terms that Orton did not deserve his spot blah, blah, blah. So in Flair's mind Orton has not done shit in the company and his past victories did not mean anything since it was over "a glorified stuntman in Foley".


Of course I could be wrong and this could be about a dirty old man lovin the young girlys and have everything to do about sex.

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