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Guest Duncan Eternia

Vince vs. Flair Backstage

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Guest GreatOne

I could buy that, seeing as Rock would talk down to HHH all the time yet never actually implied that HHH didn't deserve his spot.


I believe the only person that did that was Edge in that infamous May 02 Smackdown promo that went nowhere, which was also well after the fact.

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Guest Reservoir_Kitty

... Yeah, it was disgusting, but only because Ric Flair is an old geezer, and I don't really want to hear anyone talk about making virgins bleed and scream. *shudder* It was just a little creepy, all double entendre'd out.


Try going on Space Mountain and NOT thinking about Ric Flair the next time you're perusing the rides at Disney. It's impossible. Makes the ride pretty funny though.


(it's still gross, but less than the virgin comment)

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So in my eyes, in my eyes, you look at me and say Legend. I look at you and say virgin. You are a virgin at killing legends. And you know how many virgins I have made holler, scream, and bleed all night long? God! That's my specialty and I've got you at Taboo Tuesday, Orton.

- Ric Flair, 9:07PM


I could have sworn that those lines had far more innuendo regarding the Flair/Orton match than that...

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Here is what Meltzer wrote about the incident.


'Vince McMahon went nuts backstage as he was unaware Ric Flair was going to use the terminology virgins and making them bleed. There were people backstage who thought Vince might even fire Flair, just because he was that upset. "

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And then Vince was going to send out Gene Snitsky with a baby carriage.


You either have to go all out in cleaning up your image, or you are going to look foolish. Unless Vince has had a change of heart in the past 24 hours, then this thing with Flair is ridlicious.


I can understand not liking Flair "shooting" to a point on a live microphone on Raw and doing something that was inappropriate, which Flair no doubt did. But as everyone has said time and time again, Vince just keeps doing stupid shit that's WORSE than this..and it's alright.


I'd like to see him explain how it's alright for the stuff he's done. I don't see how Flair's promo was honestly any more offending, prehaps worse, by scripting Triple H to "fuck" a dead corpse.

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For the past two weeks, Flair's mic work has been one of the highlights of Raw. This is one of the best promos/interviews in the business and WWE were not giving him any mic time. Now he finally gets to talk and we get this?


I'm not advocating what Flair said. Even my girlfriend made a comment that it was in poor taste, however, it's already been said, I can not understand how script writers can script simulated rape, necrophilia, insinuate incest within the McMahon family, have a bunch of whores refer to each other as cum guzzlers taking cocks up their asses but Flair gets reprimanded for talking about virgins? They felt like they hit a "home run" with the Diva trash talk but Flair was crossing the line? I don't get it.


Also, sadly, this will probably give Vince more promo not to let workers cut their own promos. This is the number one thing missing in the business. Guys cutting promos scripted to them is not going to bring upon the next Austin, The Rock, Hogan, Flair, Nash/Hall, etc.

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Some people over-react to little things such as this. It's not like Flair said he was going to rape Orton's virginity unlike over at Smackdown where they have some crazy rape-like angle. I undertsnad how Vince can get upset because it is a family show, but it got the biggest pop of the night from the rest of the show.


Now I'm reading people thought Flair was going to get fired over the promo. Why fire him over that? How bout giving the Dudleys the finger? How bout yelling 'Mother F'er' during Wrestlemania 20? Honestly, this has just gotten out of control.

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Guest bigm350

If Vince fired the legendary Ric Flair and decided to keep the non-winner of the Diva search around after the " cum- guzzling slut" line; then Vince really is a senile moron.

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Flair's promos as of late have been amazing! He talks crap about Michaels, Hart, Hogan, Race, and Foley, awesome.


His promo last night about bustin' in virgins was a shocker, but was good.

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Guest JMA

I really doubt this situation will mean much in the long run. I see Flair apologizing to Vince (even if he doesn't mean it) and Triple H protecting Flair from being booked to lose a lot or do something embarrassing.


I do think it's messed up that Flair can get blamed for saying something this small, and Bradshaw can get off acting like a Nazi and calling someone a pedophile. It seems a little unfair. Of course, in the end, I don't really care what happens.


Who knows, maybe this situation will have some kind of lasting effect. I just doubt it. I don't see the status quo changing.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
I do think it's messed up that Flair can get blamed for saying something this small, and Bradshaw can get off acting like a Nazi and calling someone a pedophile. It seems a little unfair. Of course, in the end, I don't really care what happens.


Correction, Bradshaw got the WWF Title for acting like a Nazi.

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Guest Sylvan Grenier
*Vince McMahon was upset over the Flair promo on "Raw" because a number of sponsors were in attendance for the show being that they were in New York. "



"Yeah! That's right, I'm M-Azing in bed! Whooo!


Hi. I'm Ric Flair, former 16-time World's Heavyweight Champion. And when I want to deflower a virgin, but I need a little extra zing, I always eat a bag of Sour Starburst. They give me the energy to go the extra mile on Space Mountain. And when I do that...whoo!...you can bet in nine months, she is gonna SEE! whoo! the BABY!"

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Guest Sylvan Grenier

"And when tha NAICHA BOY-EE gets a little too into it with my little lady, and I accidentally impale her vagina with a champagne bottle and kill her, you can BET that you'll see a murder scene rather like that on CSI, right here on Spike TV, immediately after Raw"

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Vince gets mad at Flair for talking about making virgins bleed, yet he thinks it's hilarious when the DivaSearch girls call each other cum-guzzling gutter sluts and talking about having cocks in mouths.


There's no double-standard here or anything.

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I remember when wrestlers in WCW started getting buried for getting over without permission. This reminds me of that, in some ways.

Uh--WWE does that too. You forget about that? :P


Vince is a hypocrite, but Flair's complete whorishness makes me unsympathetic towards him in this.

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Eventually I can see this working into an infomercial with Ric Flair wearing a technicolor sweater and Bruce Jenner helping to plug his DVDs.

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Guest JMA
Vince is a hypocrite, but Flair's complete whorishness makes me unsympathetic towards him in this.

You just summed up my EXACT feelings on the matter. I completely agree with that statement.

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