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What questions would YOU ask...

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I am sure we can think of some pretty good questions for either or both canidates. Lets try to come up with some though, that would actually get a chance of being asked. :ph34r:

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Guest MikeSC

How about "Kerry, you claim to be consistent, yet I can easily name inconsistencies from you in the past month alone. Are you nuts?"


...How 'bout taking a shot every time Kerry claims to have been "totally consistent all along"?

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"Senator, I have a bottle of vodka, a shot glass, and a promise to take a shot every time you mention Vietnam. Am I getting alcohol poisoning tonight, or am I just getting plastered?"


"Mr. President, how does it feel to run against another wooden automaton who's been doing a miserable job of campaigning so far?"

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"Mr. President, you speak often of 'flipflopping'...what are your thoughts on not being for a Dept of Homeland Security than changing your mind, not wanting to testify before the 9-11 commission then changing your mind if VP Cheney could join you, saying that America should not going around dictating the ways of other nations and then changing your mind to attack Iraq, and claiming to be a unity and then changing your mind to divide your country?"

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Guest whitemilesdavis

"Mr. President, how does it feel to run against another wooden automaton who's been running neck and neck with you so far?"

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"Mr. President, how does it feel to have one of the worst approval ratings for a standing incumbent when waging a so-called "successful" war" ?

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Guest MikeSC

"OK, Mr. Senator, care to enlighten us as to what weapons systems you EVER supported?"


"Have you always been consistent? I don't think I've heard you claim that enough."


"So, uh, what precisely IS your plan, since you have not exactly spelled that out?"


"Since when has raising taxes on small businesses ever fixed an economy?"


"Have you spent your tax hike three times or four times thus far?"


"Does it bug you, at all, that the allies whose refusal to support us --- in your eyes --- killed the legitimacy of the Iraq War were bribed by Saddam?"


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"Mr. President, how can you been pro-life on one hand, but write off the slaughter of innocent iraqi civilians as collateral damage?"

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Guest Cerebus

Senator Kerry,


You spoke last week about a "global test" that you would hold the United States too if you were considering premptive attacks against another country. According to Charles Deufler's recently published report, two of the largest and most prominent countries that opposed President Bush's premptive attack against Iraq, Russia and France, had been recieving payoffs and favors in return for oppossing the war and trying to lift sanctions. With that in mind, do you still think it is fair to hold American security to the opinions of countries that may be recieving monetary payments from the same enemies we are trying to fight?

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"Mr Kerry....what exactly IS your plan?!?! No more stalling, what is it?"


"President Bush, can you go five minutes without saying God, Freedom or Texas?"

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Guest Cerebus

President Bush,


You have often talked about the benefits of staying resolute in Iraq. Yet, against the advice of the Marine Corps general in charge of the operation, you ordered American troops to withdraw from Falluja and leave millitant/terrorist Al-Sadr in power and continue to occupy holy shrines as well as many homes and places of buisnesses in that city. Why, if you often talk about steadfastness, did you order those troops to leave despite military opinion otherwise?

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Guest MikeSC

"Mr. President, why hasn't there been a rather thorough overhaul of the intelligence services, considering how terrible they have done with their work?"


"Mr. President, what brand of beer does your daughter Barbara like and when she gets drunk, does she get REALLY easy?"


"Mr. President, wouldn't you concur that calling the war on Terror a 'crusade' is, if nothing else, an exceedingly poor choice of words?"


"Now, back to your daughter Barbara, seriously, does she get easy when tanked?"


"Mr. President, you clearly felt McCain/Feingold was unconstitutional. Why in the hell did you sign it, since it clearly violated the oath of office you took?"


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