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Patty O'Green

Feedback for the 10/7 show

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Crystal is looking awfully smooth tonight!



She's slippery!






You know, because she keeps escaping!


This reminds me of something that happened in the year 2000. Undertaker was bitching to Mick Foley that Kurt Angle was a coward so he called Kurt "yellow". Mick had no idea what "yellow" meant and he held this goofy look on his face while there was an awkward silence in the arena. Eventually Undertaker had to explain that yellow meant afraid. Mick Foley was dumb.


More later. Feedback that is. Not Undertaker. It's a short show so you have no excuse not to feedback it.

Edited by Patty O'Green

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Good show! The wildcard match was fun. All the COD/Saints work was great, for as much as Patty praises my writing he's pretty terrific. The Zack/Axel promo was just cool. Zack's insane raving adds humor while working in the character. I *loved* the twist in the Rick/Father/everyone else story. It's still just fun and comic-book-esque, and great. I didn't read Sly's HI-YAH match yet because I'm about to go bowling and I want to give it the attention it deserves.


Any feedback for Hoff v. Crystal would be vastly appreciated. I focused more on telling a story than I usually do, and saved a lot for what will be a big, BIG match at WWE.


FWIW, there was supposed to be an actual Chris Stevens match and promo, but that promo will work better next week so I saved it, and that's why there was just "Chris Stevens is in the middle of a match but..." So yeah.


But great show cette semaine!

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I really enjoyed the show. The WC match, the gimmick match of choice in the tag team divison, was well done. Like Hoff said, the COD/Saints stuff was excellent. I loved the way PFL handled the HI-YAH Jr. title match. I don't know much about Japanese wrestling so I'm not sure if Sly was wrestling a real Japanese wrestler, but it came off good. The way HI-YAH has been used is awesome. The Zack/Axel segments were well done as well. Glad to see Hoff in the OAOAST title picture. IIRC, I voted for him in the poll asking who we'd like to see as OAOAST Champion, or whatever it was.


Short feedback. But some is better than none.

Edited by Tony149

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I really enjoyed the show. The WC match, the gimmick match of choice in the tag team divison, was well done. Like Hoff said, the COD/Saints stuff was excellent. I loved the way PFL handled the HI-YAH Jr. title match. I don't know much about Japanese wrestling so I'm not sure if Sly was wrestling a real Japanese wrestler, but it came off good. The way HI-YAH has been used is awesome. The Zack/Axel segments were well done as well. Glad to see Hoff in the OAOAST title picture. IIRC, I voted for him in the poll asking who we'd like to see as OAOAST Champion, or whatever it was.


Short feedback. But some is better than none.



Comments on everything BUT the Six-Man Tag?!


This hurts.


This hurts so much that I may have to finally pull out the Trump card.


Something that I didn't think I'd ever have to use.




Oh yeah, and to bypass the hypocrisy, my thoughts on the show will be posted later.


But back to the fist shaking.

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Maybe he read it BEFORE I put it in there!

That would be correct.


But since my feelings were hurt... I refuse to even skim that match. :(


In all seriousness, I'll check it out later. I'll say it was good it advance. :)

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I know that joke is going to go over at least a few heads. Hopefully you got it.

I got it. That’s what I get. I get jokes. And pussy. Jokes and pussy. That’s what I get.


the COD/Saints stuff was excellent

Hell yeah! I’m the crunkest Color Kid on the block!


Nice show. I see WWE is getting a better build up then Dirty Deeds. That’s good. That’s also because I created a booking thread at the start of the month. No need to thank me comrades.


Eski always creates interesting referees. Aside from that the feud with NNMX/HH is heating up as well as LI/Black T. I assume SpiderPoet and El Dandy are only temporary members of the tag team division. The six man match was electrifying. Lots of good drama and quality near falls. With only two points, is Leon Rodez incapable of winning the tournament? I think we know what side of the spacing argument NYU is on. That was an interesting revelation from Father. What an evil bastard! I would’ve ended the show with that, but I had already promised the main event to Hoff. Like Tony said, its good to see Hoff get his shot and its nice to see he did it in such a nice little match. The commentary was very insightful and gave a look at to what strategy the wrestlers needed to use. The Sly Vs Yuji match was a swell ball with lots of cool moves. I mark for the tilt-a-whirl tombstone piledriver. Zack continues to act like a lunatic both in storylines and in real life. I fear for my safety.

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Thank you Tom. I read your match and it was fun, I'm constantly amazed at the shit you know and come up with. I'd never even imagine a "tabletop SSP."


FWIW, the finish was a tribute to my favorite match of all-time. I'll leave it to you clowns to figure which one.

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FWIW, the finish was a tribute to my favorite match of all-time.  I'll leave it to you clowns to figure which one.

Bret/Owen from WrestleMania X. Done BEFORE Rando posted!


My prize? I wouldn't mind feedback on the Six-Man match.


*Yeah......that's a hint*


Anyway, to go on with the feedback:


-Great way to start off the show with the Jingus/Black vs. Blanchard/Spiderpoet match. There was some good action in this one - specifically, the double German Suplex spot. Crazy. I also liked how the end of the match really managed to keep up the tension between all of these teams. Once again, the Tag Division just continues to thrive.


-Loved the backstage segment with Krista and Tiffany. Looking for clouds indoors? Finding an imaginary cloud in the shape of Wichita? Awesome. I'm actually very interested to see what happens with Krista and Logan.


-Really interesting segment with Thrillogy discussing the Hoff/Crystal match. I liked how Calvin was trying to play the father-type role here, attempting to use his experience to calm Hoff before the match starts. But Zack, once again, lets his selfishness get in the way. Could we be seeing Hoff getting kicked out of Thrillogy......? Nah. Well, maybe. Hopefully, Hoff doesn't sit on Calvin's shoulders anytime soon.


-Spectacular match between Sly/Yuji. The action here was just awesome, and I loved the rapid pace of the match. It really felt like these two guys were fighting as hard as they could for the HIYAH Jr. Heavyweight Title. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this entire HIYAH-angle goes next. But it looks like we're going to be seeing a new wrestler soon in Yuji Chusaki, and I'm sure that's going to be a good thing.


-Funny segment with Alix and the Producer. This Costume idea sounds like it could be pretty fun - although I'm sure I'm going to turn out to be way off when it comes to determining where the idea's atually going.


-Intense interview with Zack Malibu and Axel. There just really seems to be an incredible amount of tension and hatred between Zack and Axel, and I think that's what makes their storyline work out so well. You get the feeling that they would cripple the other person if they had the opportunity to, and I think that's proof of just how well this feud has been built up. Zack/Axel looks like it should be awesome next week.


-Enjoyed the backstage segment with Holly and Alix. I seriously wonder what Alix is going to do with the Saints at this point. It becomes a matter of whether she will do what's best for their careers and give them up, or keep them the way they are for her own special needs. Deep. Set the stage well for the next few weeks with all these characters.


-Crazy segment with Father and the Machine. That was definitely an insane revelation made by Father, and I really wonder how that's going to affect Rick, Judas, and all the others. Just when you thought Father was going to come to his senses last week, he proves himself to be a real bastard all over again. Really good!


-Great Main Event with Hoff/Crystal. I was actually really surprised that Crystal dominated Hoff as much as she did, but glad to see Hoff squeeze out the win in the end without any help from Thrillogy. I'm really looking forward to seeing Hoff vs. Crystal for the Heavyweight Title at WWE - and I'm also genuinely interested to see what Zack's reaction to this match is going to be like next week.


-As always, any feedback on the Six Man Tag would be VERY, VERY much appreciated. I realize I posted the match late, so some might have skipped over it, but I would still really like to know what everyone thought about the match. End of the Round Robin next week?!?! WHO'Z GONNA GET DAT TITLE SHOT~?~!

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Who the hell said you got a prize? Not me.


The six man was very well done. I was wondering how the conflict between the participants would be addressed, and it was handled realistically. The desire to win vs. the personal vendettas made for some interesting situations. I liked the match. Gunner seems to be the odd man out stylistically, which is kinda cool, and the action was hot. HAWT even. The ending was perfect, and I had to laugh.


So good stuff.


*is the King of Harts*

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Guest SP-1

Wow, I had no idea you guys were going to use SP again. Whomever wrote that, I marked a little. Good job. Just don't take it too far. That man's got a family and you never know when I'll pop up. :)

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