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Guest Corino 1000

Any ideas for a finisher?

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Guest Corino 1000

My picks so far are the following


1. Enziguri this move has always seemed cool to me but was always so badly built!


2. That stunner move that I mentioned before seems wicked!


3. The armbar also seems like I can build up well.


Well for as of now those are my picks as of now, but keep suggesting.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

You should make it out so that you can eliminate anyone, by hitting one of those free moves. And you can hit them from anywheres.


And believe me, once you get people popping for armbars, your gold.

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In terms of armbars may I suggest two:


The Fujiwara armbar. Looks great, can take peopl down with it in a manner that makes it look REALLY viscious.


The cross-armbreaker/jujigatame: People still recognize this move vaguely as being a killer, I think. And it's easy to build a good sequence where your opponent tries to block it.

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I'm still pimping the Enziguri. It's really simple to make it seem DEATH, too. When you're going over, tell the guy you're wrestling that your finish is the Enziguri, and hit it either Shining Wizard-style (jumping off of their knee) or have them sell it where they fall SLOWLY to the mat (if you watch footage of actual knockouts from strikes in real fights, most of them occur when the people fall SLOWLY to the mat).

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Guest bort

A cradle DDT type move, you could land with it in the DDT spot or let the guy land on his shoulders.


A falcon Arrow type move but instead of landing in the normal way you could land in a side slam

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Try the Diamond Dust (sommersault stunner). You don't need to be heavyset to set up that move.

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Since almost no move is original nowadays and my memory of invented moves has gone to shits I give you these:


top rope flying DDT, simply climp the turnbuckle and dive off onto your opponent and DDT him. This doesn't require much flying skills. it's a move that will look good on anyone especially on heavyweights to kinda give your the goliath killing image ... normal DDTs on big men done by little men don't look convincing.


If you like sumbission moves consider using STF maybe with a chicken wing variation or with Samoa Joe's style choke sleeper (camel clutch like sleeper hold). Maybe somehow make it flow into Lance Storm's running off the ropes Canadian Maple Leaf combo.


Another move, a combination of nortern lights suplex followed by you rolling yourself into an armbar hold instead of a pin.


Another move I like, called Final Cut (done beautifully by Kaz Hayashi), basically it's a rapid reverse DDT followed with an elbowdrop. Imagine Stinger's reverse DDT but done in a fast way with you providing the elbow for the already falling body of the opponent to seal the deal.

Big Show used it too but I could have eaten 2 pies of pizza by the time he turned and connected.


If you're going to use an enzuigiri then you shall do it from the top, like a real man, like Hoshikawa:







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Guest JebusNassedar
Another move, a combination of nortern lights suplex followed by you rolling yourself into an armbar hold instead of a pin.

That'd be Minoru Special #2, from one Minoru Tanaka.


Another move that's a devestating looking finisher, provided the other people arent too much bigger than you, is the good ol' Package Piledriver.


Since people are talking about the arm, I figured I'd slip this one in; if you're going for the legs, nothing gets the job done like a Knee Cross/Kneebar. Make sure to start it wit hteh stepover toehold that is common, then fall to the side of the opponent and make with the leg breaking (hypothetically.)

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Guest Eric the Eagle

On our latest show, one of our smaller wrestlers (the Masked Avenger who sometimes posts around here) beat the largest wrestler with the Fujiwara armbar. People bought it, no problem. He entered it with a spinning headscissors, and landed in the armbar. Looked great, and probably isn't that much more difficult than a normal spinning headscissor, except your opponent has to feed you his arm.


Just be sure to put a good number of moves working the arm or shoulder into your moveset.

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Another move, a combination of nortern lights suplex followed by you rolling yourself into an armbar hold instead of a pin.

That'd be Minoru Special #2, from one Minoru Tanaka.


Yeah, I didn't think it was worth mentioning his name since most people here wouldnt know who he is.

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