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Guest CronoT

Star Ocean 3 & Star Trek

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Guest CronoT

As the thread title says, this thread contains a massive spoiler, so read on only if you've beaten the game, or are very far into the game.


Does anyone else think that the "Time Gate" from the planet Styx in Star Ocean 3 bears more than a passing resemblance to the "Guardian of Forever" from Star Trek? It seems to me that it's a little more than coincidence. What do you all think?

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Guest CronoT

Both the Time Gate and the Guardian of Forever talk, and both are abandoned on deserted worlds, and both are gates to other plains of reality. They sound pretty similar to me.

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Ok, is it just me or was it the further I got into the game, the more absolutely mind-boggling in the wrong sense was this game.


I mean, the whole story basically ripped up what the original two Star Ocean's had set for in terms of how the universe of Star Ocean worked. Personally if they are going to whip out some damn storyline like that, at least give us some connection to incidents in the first two games to prove that this plot idea was a long time in preperation. There is no evidence of it at all. I'm not spoiling the plot device in question, because frankly, it has to deal with the Time Gate (if I remember correctly, I'm honestly trying to forget this game was made). And besides, you played the game, you KNOW what I speak of.


Oh and Crono T, the Time Gate actually came BEFORE the Guardian. The Time Gate was originally in the first game of Star Ocean, IIRC. And that game was 1991... Which I believe was before the episode in question.

Edited by Lightning Flik

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Aw dammit. I meant the Star Trek episode and was meaning to refer to the main point of the thread. Well, fuck.


And you can't hit me Rant. I'm 20. I have no idea about the show in question. <_<

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