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I can live with the Lidle signing. He put it together at the end of the year and signed on the cheap, leaving room to get a top flight pitcher coughClementcough.


They just need to pull their offer to Milton before it is too late.

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This is one of those signings that makes me question my sanity. $3 Million for a pitcher barely above replacement level? It is bad enough the Phillies actually gave up prospects for him.


Using the Salary Calculator from The Hardball Times, here is how they view today's signings by net value, using this year's Win Shares and next year's salaries. This is adjusted after salaries, so a player rating $0 would be worth exactly what he's paid...


Christian Guzman, MON $939,505

Vinny Castilla, MON $149,893

Cory Lidle, PHI ($2,107,905)


The Expos got their players for close to market value. Nicely done. The Phillies paid out the ass for a barely adequate starter. Not quite so nicely done.


Good moves for the Expos, btw. They received little if any production from SS and 3B, and these moves should improve the club at those spots.

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Lidle seemed to get straightened out late in the season, apparently he changed something to get his sinker working. And only allowed 4 HRs in his last 68 1/3 IP. If he is going to keep the ball in the yard, I don't mind having him.

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If that's the true Lidle, I'm all for it. But he posted over a 5.00 ERA in his 55 previous starts, and his HR rate was abysmal in Cincy. His K rate was never great, nor was it during his limited success in Philly.

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Guest Chris2005

Rumors in NY are stating that the Yankees are offering Pedro 3-4 years for 14 million a year. Both sides could be using eachother just to drive up the price for the Red Sox to pay.

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The Expos got their players for close to market value. Nicely done.

I think I'd contend otherwise, given Castilla's abysmal career home/road splits and Christian Guzman's struggles to get on base 30% of the time. Guzman's young (he'll reach that magic age-27 season next year), so I like the contract length, but great defense and little else shouldn't be worth $4.2 million a year.

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Rumors in NY are stating that the Yankees are offering Pedro 3-4 years for 14 million a year. Both sides could be using eachother just to drive up the price for the Red Sox to pay.

From what I'm reading, the Sox hope Pedro signs with New York and take him off their hands. They already gave him a good offer, so this won't be like the Clemens "twilight of his career" situation, since Pedro will be the bad guy (in the eyes of Sox fans) for taking the money with the Yankees. Imagine if Pedro struggles next year? He'll have "Who's Your Daddy?" chants in TWO stadiums.


Also, the Sox seem to be perfectly willing to let Varitek walk as well, since, according to the Herald today, they've already made a 2 year offer to Damian Miller, who led the AL in runners thrown out (something Tek struggles at) and looks like every bit the defensive player Jason is. Boras is asking for way too much for him. Catchers aren't that high on anyone's list, so who's going to give 11M/yr for 5 years AND be saddled with a no trade clause?

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Tigers have signed Troy Percival to a two-year, $12 million. Good contract length but waaaaaay too much money for a closer who's best days are far behind him. I'm starting to think the "market correction" of the last two years is over. Not good news for low revenue/cheap ownership teams.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

that's actually less than what some teams were ready to give him though. Do the Tigers still have Ugy Urbina?

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Guest Chris2005
Tigers have signed Troy Percival to a two-year, $12 million. Good contract length but waaaaaay too much money for a closer who's best days are far behind him. I'm starting to think the "market correction" of the last two years is over. Not good news for low revenue/cheap ownership teams.

Percival is an idiot. He could have made maybe alot less maybe 4 million a year being a setup man on a contender. You know the Red Sox or Yankees would have loved to have him in their bullpen. I hope he has fun closing games for a going nowhere team like the tigers. I could even see Percival setting up for Rodriquez on the Angles and taking a demotiong. The Tigers ughhhhh.

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Guest Chris2005


Also, the Sox seem to be perfectly willing to let Varitek walk as well, since, according to the Herald today, they've already made a 2 year offer to Damian Miller, who led the AL in runners thrown out (something Tek struggles at) and looks like every bit the defensive player Jason is. Boras is asking for way too much for him. Catchers aren't that high on anyone's list, so who's going to give 11M/yr for 5 years AND be saddled with a no trade clause?

I heard that the Angels have offered or are going to offer Varitek a 4 year deal. Which is funny because I believe they just resigned one of the Molina brothers.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Tigers have signed Troy Percival to a two-year, $12 million. Good contract length but waaaaaay too much money for a closer who's best days are far behind him. I'm starting to think the "market correction" of the last two years is over. Not good news for low revenue/cheap ownership teams.

Percival is an idiot. He could have made maybe the same contract being a setup man on a contender. You know the Red Sox or Yankees would have loved to have him in their bullpen. I hope he has fun closing games for a shitty going nowhere team like the tigers. I could even see Percival setting up for Rodriquez on the Angles and taking a demotiong. The Tigers ughhhhh.

The Tigers are a few pieces away from possibly making some noise in AL Central.

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Guest Chris2005

The Tigers are a few pieces away from possibly making some noise in AL Central.

I understand that the Tigers had an above average season compared to 2003 when they were just horrible. The Tigers haven't had a winning season in over a decade and it is a poorly run franchise. The central division already has Chicago, Minnesota and Cleveland who all should be better than the Tigers next year. Plus the American League has the Yankees, Red Sox, Oakland, Rangers and Angels. I just dont picture the Tigers in the next two years sneaking into the playoffs and being the dark horse. If I were percival I would have taken less money and pitched for a Contender who he really could have helped down the stretch and into the playoffs.

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Which isn't tough to do when you consider the second place team barely finished about .500. Doesn't mean they'll be championship contenders.


Percival should've just taken a demotion to be K-Rod's set-up man.

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Percival already has a WS ring. I don't blame him for grabbing one final big payday. He'll probably be out of the game in a few years...might as well make all the money he can. Kudos, Troy.

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Tigers have signed Troy Percival to a two-year, $12 million. Good contract length but waaaaaay too much money for a closer who's best days are far behind him. I'm starting to think the "market correction" of the last two years is over. Not good news for low revenue/cheap ownership teams.

I tend to agree. Even though Percival is actually taking a pay cut (he was on the Angels' tab for $7.8 million last year), it's not enough of a cut for a guy whose strikeout rate has been diving at an alarming rate. I think he would have been a tremendous setup man, as mentioned earlier, though it'd be insane to think that any team - even the Yankees - would hand a middle reliever a $6 million/year deal.


As far as the market correction goes, I fear that, when the Giants stupidly handed Vizquel that absurd three-year deal, they might have set the pace for this year to be a big money market.

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Guest Chris2005
Percival already has a WS ring. I don't blame him for grabbing one final big payday. He'll probably be out of the game in a few years...might as well make all the money he can. Kudos, Troy.

Percival has also made a ton of money too. The guy had a chance to go to a number of teams to either have been a setupman or a closer for less money. You know he is going to be shooting himself when the tigers are 30 games out of first place on September the 2nd. While every team that he could have signed for is making a run towards the playoffs and with his talent which is diminishing he could still have helped a team make a run at the World Series.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!
You know he is going to be shooting himself

with money!








ps - to be fair, the central is a complete crapfest. even bowl swirlers like the Tigers are potential contenders.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
ps - to be fair, the central is a complete crapfest. even bowl swirlers like the Tigers are potential contenders.

Exactly my point. Plus with all of the money Mike Illitch ain't dropping into the Red Wings, he's more willing to be a spender.

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Hey guys...don't sleep on the Tigers.


They are looking at a rotation anchored by Justin Verlander, and Kyle Sleeth.


Justin Verlander is the man, and Kyle Sleeth was the #3 pick on the 03 draft. Both are going to be successful, in my opinion. Especially Verlander. He's going to be a star.

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After the Angels in 2002 and the Marlins in '03, I really can't look at a team and say there's no chance they'll compete next year. Crazy things happen in baseball, and I'm not sanguine on the White Sox' chances anyway. The Tigers have a decent group of young players. Their pitching was a big weakness, and Urbina really wasn't even that good. They will be an interesting team next year, especially if Jeremy Bonderman becomes as good I think he will.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
After the Angels in 2002 and the Marlins in '03, I really can't look at a team and say there's no chance they'll compete next year. Crazy things happen in baseball, and I'm not sanguine on the White Sox' chances anyway. The Tigers have a decent group of young players. Their pitching was a big weakness, and Urbina really wasn't even that good. They will be an interesting team next year, especially if Jeremy Bonderman becomes as good I think he will.

Rumors have the Tigers making a pitch for Kent, Beltre, Glaus, and Steve Finley.



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Good lord. Benson at $7.5 million a year? Minaya had an opportunity to wash away the egregious mistakes of the past management but, instead, he's just repeating them.


As far as the Guillen deal goes, I'm a little surprised that they sent Juan Rivera, who was only a few points down in OPS from Guillen (and 26 years old to boot). Of course, playing time in an outfield with Guillen would have been hard to come by (with Wilkerson, Terrmel Sledge, Guillen, and maybe even Ryan Church butting in), so Rivera was probably a little more expendable than he appeared at first glance.

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