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Guest Cerebus

The OaO Election Day (Month?) Thread

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Guest Cerebus

45 minutes till the day we've all been dreading. Post here to discuss whatever.


Jeez, what are we going to do in the folder now that its all (hopefully) going to be over soon ? :blink:

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Bitch about having to wait another 5 months to get a clear concise winner. Argue about how one party cheated and complain about idiotic election coverage?

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Guest CronoT
45 minutes till the day we've all been dreading. Post here to discuss whatever.


Jeez, what are we going to do in the folder now that its all (hopefully) going to be over soon ? :blink:

Well, we'll get a head-start on bitching about/teasing the other side of the fence. That's about it.

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Dammit, I was getting ready to create this thread.




This is what I WAS going to write in MY thread.


I was waiting until 12:00am to post it.

This is it, folks.


It's finally here.


It's vote or die time.


Discuss the events of today and tonight in this thread right here.


Never before has there been such an election with so much hate involved.


I predict when the smoke clears, John Kerry will be the next President of the United States.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Should I be on the look out for P. Diddy? I'm a young man and I don't want to die because P. Diddy saw me at the gas station before arriving at the polls and assumed I hadn't voted yet.

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Guest MikeSC
Should I be on the look out for P. Diddy? I'm a young man and I don't want to die because P. Diddy saw me at the gas station before arriving at the polls and assumed I hadn't voted yet.

That would actually be borderline awesome.


"In local news, P Diddy randomly shot people standing on street corners..."


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Guest CronoT
Should I be on the look out for P. Diddy? I'm a young man and I don't want to die because P. Diddy saw me at the gas station before arriving at the polls and assumed I hadn't voted yet.

P. Diddy is a fucking moron who thinks getting involved with this can revive his dead career.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The man makes over a 10 Billion a year. I doubt he's trying to revive anything. People fail to realize the man is richer then hell and can basically buy us all or kill us all. Whichever he chooses.


Mike, you might want to go get his Cheesecake before it's too late.

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Can't we just line up millions of people along the northern border of Florida, arm them with axes, and have them chop away at the land until Florida separates from the country and floats into the sea?


Is there a more inept state in this entire country?

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Guest MikeSC
Can't we just line up millions of people along the northern border of Florida, arm them with axes, and have them chop away at the land until Florida separates from the country and floats into the sea?


Is there a more inept state in this entire country?

IL and GA both were worse.


SD is usually worse.


If CA was ever close, it'd be a laughingstock.


NY would be a debacle if it were ever close.


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Anyone else heard that Daschole (intentional misspelling) filed an 11th hour lawsuit alledging that election monitors at Indian reservation precincts in South Dakota are meant to disenfranchise the Indian vote?


I'm gonna enjoy it when he either loses handily or, when he tries to sue to keep his job, he gets sent to prison for massive voting fraud.

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Guest MikeSC
Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


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Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

You want corrupt? Go to Chicago.


The main corruption in Louisiana migrated from there, as the dead of New Orleans rise to vote Democratic when Mary Landrieu's running for Senate.

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Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


One ballot, 10 candidates.


Louisiana's open primary - the product of drinking


Louisiana - "Vote for the crook. It's important"

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Guest MikeSC
Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


One ballot, 10 candidates.


Louisiana's open primary - the product of drinking


Louisiana - "Vote for the crook. It's important"

Any state where David Duke is not a SIGNIFICANTLY worse candidate for Governor than the guy who won is just sad.


...Edwards was REALLY shitty...

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Sent in my Maryland absentee a couple weeks ago. Bush, Pipkin for Senate and Floyd for Congressman. All 3 will lose in the state, hopefully Bush prevails nationally. I have never been as concerned about the election as I am tonight.

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Guest CronoT
Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


Texas is much worse.

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Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


One ballot, 10 candidates.


Louisiana's open primary - the product of drinking


Louisiana - "Vote for the crook. It's important"

Any state where David Duke is not a SIGNIFICANTLY worse candidate for Governor than the guy who won is just sad.


...Edwards was REALLY shitty...

If Edwin Edwards gets out of prison soon, he could always run for office again.


The sad thing is that Duke beat the Governor of Louisiana (Buddy Roemer) in the open primary.


When you're the Governor and you lose to David Duke and a crook.


As for South Dakota.. I had heard rumors of there being monitors to help the Native American vote. Or something of that sort. The point/counterpoint for that appears to be "Native Americans are disenfranchised v. Reservations stuff the ballot boxes"


both could be true as well.


There's also talk of good turnout from the Navajos in Arizona and New Mexico.


Missouri is having a clean campaign so far.. other than the Republican congressional candidate digging up forms from the 1970s which forced the Democrat (Emanuel Cleaver) to admit that he shaved a year off his age in the 1960s while filling out a drivers license application in Texas, so he could impress girls (since they'd think he got his license at a younger age). No word on if that worked.


And yeah, since that info transfered to his Missouri drivers license, marriage license, and other forms.. that might not go over well.


But Cleaver will still win

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Guest MikeSC

Well, after what happened to Thune in 2002, I don't blame him, whatsoever, for demanding TONS of observers on the reservations.


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Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


One ballot, 10 candidates.


Louisiana's open primary - the product of drinking


Louisiana - "Vote for the crook. It's important"

Any state where David Duke is not a SIGNIFICANTLY worse candidate for Governor than the guy who won is just sad.


...Edwards was REALLY shitty...

As a civil servant in Louisiana, I actually have to inform you of the sad fact that prisoner #100069KY (Edwards, Edwin) was actually a better governor than Dave Treen (79-83), Buddy Roemer (87-91), Mike Foster (95-2004), and Kathleen Babineaux Thibideaux Robichaux Don't-know-my-head-from-my-assheaulx Blanco (2004-2008... I hope).



Blanco in particular is fucking pathetic, as she is largely ineffective and follows the pattern that Foster set up, except when it comes to attempting to bring businesses to LA. Unfortunately, her idea is to write off millions in tax revenue to bring these companies in without thinking of how to make up for that loss. (I'. the database guru for the Dept. of Revenue and I can tell you that the large chemical companies get HUGE sales tax breaks compared to retail stores)



Edwards, OTOH, kept things running smoothly and got his cut as a kickback on the sly rather than out of the state budget. Not exactly an upstanding guy but certainly better than anyone who's followed him.

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I'm really nervous.


Bush wins....and I get to rub it in everyone's face.


I'm still saying 282-256

Bush 275-263. If New Mexico goes Kerry, Bush wins 270-268. Yeah, THAT wouldn't create a shitstorm, would it? ;)


I feel the same way Bob, I had never felt any doubt that Bush would be re-elected until this weekend. I'm very nervous. I'll be partying tommorow night with the Delaware Republican State commitee (yes we have one!), since I have been volunteering for a bunch of local candidates around here and I hope it will be a happy party. I guess that means I can't freak out here in real time with every state being called, but I can't wait to read back the 48 pages of replies. I have a feeling by tommorow, we'll still be up in the air anyway...

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Guest MikeSC
I'm really nervous.


Bush wins....and I get to rub it in everyone's face.


I'm still saying 282-256

Bush 275-263. If New Mexico goes Kerry, Bush wins 270-268. Yeah, THAT wouldn't create a shitstorm, would it? ;)


I feel the same way Bob, I had never felt any doubt that Bush would be re-elected until this weekend. I'm very nervous. I'll be partying tommorow night with the Delaware Republican State commitee (yes we have one!), since I have been volunteering for a bunch of local candidates around here and I hope it will be a happy party. I guess that means I can't freak out here in real time with every state being called, but I can't wait to read back the 48 pages of replies. I have a feeling by tommorow, we'll still be up in the air anyway...

I still have zero worries whatsoever.


Bush 300+ EV. 52% of the pop. vote.


...The INTERNALS of the polls indicate a race not nearly as close as the numbers...

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Louisiana is really corrupt, but I don't think that counts for much

That almost goes without saying. LA is a joke.


One ballot, 10 candidates.


Louisiana's open primary - the product of drinking


Louisiana - "Vote for the crook. It's important"

Any state where David Duke is not a SIGNIFICANTLY worse candidate for Governor than the guy who won is just sad.


...Edwards was REALLY shitty...

If Edwin Edwards gets out of prison soon, he could always run for office again.


The sad thing is that Duke beat the Governor of Louisiana (Buddy Roemer) in the open primary.


When you're the Governor and you lose to David Duke and a crook.


As for South Dakota.. I had heard rumors of there being monitors to help the Native American vote. Or something of that sort. The point/counterpoint for that appears to be "Native Americans are disenfranchised v. Reservations stuff the ballot boxes"


both could be true as well.


There's also talk of good turnout from the Navajos in Arizona and New Mexico.


Missouri is having a clean campaign so far.. other than the Republican congressional candidate digging up forms from the 1970s which forced the Democrat (Emanuel Cleaver) to admit that he shaved a year off his age in the 1960s while filling out a drivers license application in Texas, so he could impress girls (since they'd think he got his license at a younger age). No word on if that worked.


And yeah, since that info transfered to his Missouri drivers license, marriage license, and other forms.. that might not go over well.


But Cleaver will still win

Duke has a solid base of about 30% in the state due to the redneck population, while Roemer was a fucking joke by then due to all his bungling as governor. He couldn't even make it past 4th place in 1995 when he ran against Mike Foster, Mary Landrieu (current US senator), Cleo Fields (who was nearly indicted along with Edwards for taking bribes), and Melinda Schwegman.

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