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Bret Hart has nothing on the Democrats

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First Gore, now Kerry. Is it any coincidence that the only two states, where the exit-polling and actual results not only differed, but differed by a LARGE margin, were the two crucial states, Ohio and Florida??? Just to give you an example -- electoral-vote.com predicted Florida in Kerry's favor 49% to 44%, yet Bush wins 52 to 47%. That's a 10 percent shift, folks. The margin of error, as scientifically proven is, at worst, 4-5 percent.


Not to mention, there was a lot of intimidation by the Republicans in the polling lines, and over 500,000 calls by democratic voters (mainly in Ohio and Florida) to protest something that went wrong.


Something fishy is afoot, and I don't like it. Bush cheated his ass off to win again. This is not acceptable.


Kerry should fight this out to the death. Hell, he should file lawsuit after lawsuit if he has to, but he cannot concede like a pussy.

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But it doesn't make sense. Surveys and exit polls were dead-on except in these two states. Doesn't that seem a bit ODD to you?

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Sorry, sunshine, Kerry called Bush and conceded. He'll be making his concession speech within the next hour. If you want to continue to be delusional and not accept the overwhelming popular majority of the country, you're welcome to go run through the streets and search for the truth. Idiot.

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But it doesn't make sense. Surveys and exit polls were dead-on except in these two states. Doesn't that seem a bit ODD to you?



Exit polls are wrong. They were wrong in 2000.


And Bush was winning in Florida and Ohio.


He won both.

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I personally believe that something dirty happened in Florida. The Diebold machines are in the places like Palm Beach and Miami.


but I doubt they could find any proof of that. Like it would do any good, since nobody would be willing to fight that hard.

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If everyone was forced to vote, the popular majority would be in Kerry's favor, big time.


You can blame the young dick heads who didn't vote, because if they did, Kerry would've won.


Oh, and I forgot to mention one important thing:


In the only TWO states that matter to this country, California and New York, where the literate population is high, Kerry won. In Washington Fucking DC, where Bush resides, Kerry won by over 85 percent. In fucking Massachussets and Illinois, two other major markets with educated people, Kerry also won.


Alabama, Ohio, Tenessee, the Carolinas and other states, especially along the bible belt, mean jack to our country.


The only reason Bush won is because the illiterate southern inbreeds are just too damn preponderant to offset. We have a lot of dumb people in this country.

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Are you kidding? California and New York have the highest number of college graduates and are responsible for over 50 percent of the country's economy.

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Alabama, Ohio, Tenessee, the Carolinas and other states, especially along the bible belt, mean jack to our country.


So do you enjoy being a prejudiced racist bastard?

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And we want compulsory voting? Yeah right!


DC is largely poor. The government resides in Northern Virginia and commutes into the city. I know this because I LIVE THERE and work for the goverment.


I'm also Southern, lived there for 24 years before moving. We're hardly illiterate rednecks. Atlanta and Charlotte are massive metropolitian areas. Birmingham isn't far behind.


What you need to understand, that from the commie-hippies to the redneck-drinkers, EVERYONE IS ENTITLED TO VOTE. Don't bitch about people exercising their right when it doesn't agree with yours.


Teke, he's yours.


Teke! Please!

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No, I'm not prejudiced at all. Just look at the facts. The highest number of college and high school dropouts are in the south. Most of the stereotypes, as many people who live in the south would attest to, are true.


Don't you guys remember Oklahoma and the fact that at one school, every girl was a fucking lesbian, so they had to monitor bathroom passes? I mean, by god, some of them are either morally bankrupt or dumb as shit.

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If everyone was forced to vote, the popular majority would be in Kerry's favor, big time.


You can blame the young dick heads who didn't vote, because if they did, Kerry would've won.


Oh, and I forgot to mention one important thing:


In the only TWO states that matter to this country, California and New York, where the literate population is high, Kerry won. In Washington Fucking DC, where Bush resides, Kerry won by over 85 percent. In fucking Massachussets and Illinois, two other major markets with educated people, Kerry also won.


Alabama, Ohio, Tenessee, the Carolinas and other states, especially along the bible belt, mean jack to our country.


The only reason Bush won is because the illiterate southern inbreeds are just too damn preponderant to offset. We have a lot of dumb people in this country.

Can we just not have people who spout out this nonsense respresent the democrats

. As much as I

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Not to mention, there was a lot of intimidation by the Republicans in the polling lines, and over 500,000 calls by democratic voters (mainly in Ohio and Florida) to protest something that went wrong.

Republicans did not screw John Kerry. John Kerry screwed John Kerry.


C'mon, it was only a matter of time before someone said it.

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Why can't we have compulsory voting? Austrailia does just fine with it. Let's face it -- the reason why only a tad over 50 percent of the population vote, is because the process is just too damn complicated and troublesome.

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No, I'm not prejudiced at all. Just look at the facts. The highest number of college and high school dropouts are in the south. Most of the stereotypes, as many people who live in the south would attest to, are true.

Most of my family lives in Memphis. And you're wrong.



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Why can't we have compulsory voting? Austrailia does just fine with it. Let's face it -- the reason why only a tad over 50 percent of the population vote, is because the process is just too damn complicated and troublesome.

Forcing people to vote is retarded.


If you don't want to vote- get the fuck away from the polls

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We'll never have compulsory voting though, because if we did, the Republicans would become extinct.

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No, I'm not prejudiced at all. Just look at the facts ... Most of the stereotypes, as many people who live in the south would attest to, are true.


Well then most New Yorkers are black ghetto monkeys that wait for their welfare check, and in Cali those dirty Mexicans crawl over the border to get public services and live in an apartment with 20 family members.


Hey, this is fun...

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Why can't you just accept that John Kerry did not run a good campaign and lost because of it?


The American people wanted George W. Bush to be president. Accept it and move on. Concentrate on 06 and 08 if you want to make a change

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Forcing people to vote is not retarded. Is forcing people to pay their taxes, by that same logic, retarded, as well ?


What's the difference ? Voting should be a civic duty for any American citizen, just like paying your taxes and following domestic laws are.

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Don't you guys remember Oklahoma and the fact that at one school, every girl was a fucking lesbian, so they had to monitor bathroom passes? I mean, by god, some of them are either morally bankrupt or dumb as shit.

congratulations. you've ousted kierkegaard and become my new sig.

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Forcing people to vote is not retarded. Is forcing people to pay their taxes, by that same logic, retarded, as well ?


What's the difference ? Voting should be a civic duty for any American citizen, just like paying your taxes and following domestic laws are.

No it shouldn't.


If you don't care to vote or don't want to vote- I don't want you deciding our election.

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