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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Why does everybody hate Banders Kennany so much?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

This is a thread to list your reasons, and a science experiment.

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He sounds like he is that kid from Trekkies that has a truck his dad is giving to him that is mocked up to look like a shuttle craft and he has a posse of fans over to discuss Star Trek and also makes uniforms and their own episodes.

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Who do you really emjot


Kido, I know this is just the internet, but noiw has come time for me to wipe the ring with you for good. I'm taking the gloves off and am now ready to debate you on anything and make you bleed like a little huoseslut who never had her tampoin changed. Now it's like getting your tits and back slit with a giant ass chainsaw. So fuck off and it's late for me and I'm tired and feeling strange but before I go I want to let you know: go shit yourself.......as you like to say........bitch.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I have nothing bad to say about him, but I do hate you now, AoO, for closing my thread right when Mike and BX were just starting to turn up the flaming...

They've both been that for a while now, kkk.

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Guest Banders Kennany

Czech Republic actually hates me. He said he'd leave the board if I wasn't banned, but he backed off once he saw what I can do. He's just trying to jump on the bandwagon of people who don't care about me or like me in that weird way.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Yeah, Czech, what happened to that whole leaving thing if he didn't get banned?

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Guest Banders Kennany

I guess he realized I wasn't going to take his shit and that I was going to fight back.

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I guess he realized I wasn't going to take his shit and that I was going to fight back.

That's the way most bullies are. And if I know Chzech, he's nothing but a bully. Fight the good fight, Banders.

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Guest Banders Kennany

Also it's funny not one person has come out and say they hate me, althought but I know many of you do. Maybe it's because you know I am keeping a close eye on what happens in this thread.

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