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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

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Guest Trivia247

well shit I wish I saw it too, but I flipped away when they were doing pushups


The kids I don't think was suppose to show any talent and should have learned already that they are to act scared and inexperienced. I would simply chalk it up to the guy just know getting the script that he was suppose to go down quickly to angle. If your not expecting a move, then you will get put into one. Like in real life, in a Fight your not gonna see someone bust out a Vertical Suplex or a Piledriver because they take Cooperation of both parties.

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Guest Banders Kennany
Never seen it but this is the WWE. It was probably rigged.

yup wrestling is fake......it's hard to believe it is real when it is taped and could be edited.

Are you being sarcastic or something? You're not making any sense.


Wrestling is lacking legitimacy and this guy has the market cornered on it.

Again Rudo, your arrogance has made you wrong. Kurt Angle. Gold medalist. There.


As for Puder, something tells me this guy is nowhere near as tough as he thinks he is, and his garbage last week about how he's this big bad ultimate fighter (I believe he has not had a single amateur fight and isn't too good) seemed cocky and disrespectful. This jerk will catch a lot of shit in the back if he wins.

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The first guy didn't even win the squat thrust challenge. He was blown up and screwing up way more then Puder and even The Miz. He was the least in shape so they picked him so Angle could easily embarrass him.


I'm not even sure if Puder was scripted. He raised his hand while Angle was talking shit and then Angle got pissed because Puder put up a little bit of a fight against him.


And not that Angle couldn't take any of them, but they wanted Angle to quickly embarrass who ever it was he was going against.

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Either way that Pruder guy made Angle look like an idiot, his shoulders weren't even on the mat when he got the pin count. Most likely Pruder will get the boot by next week and hopefully WWE won't give the WWE belt to Kurt now since he was embarrased by a UFC TE kid.

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Again Rudo, your arrogance has made you wrong. Kurt Angle. Gold medalist. There.


Yes, Kurt Angle. The guy who rode around on a scooter. The guy who wore a tiny cowboy hat. The guy who handed out condoms and drinks milk. Nothing says "This guy can kick your ass" like that. People don't buy Angle as a legit fighter because he's been made to look like a dork almost immediately into his career. They parodied the Gold Medal rather than treating it seriously. Any legitimacy his amateur career has given him has long since passed away. There.

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That was a VERY snug looking guard-Kimura to me. It looked like Puder had his legs locked tight, Angle was going nowhere fast in that hold.


If that was scripted then kudo's to the WWE writing team. Thats exactly how you build someone. He got beat on a technicality and had Angle in a very bad spot...


If it was a shoot then their fucking idiots. Puder is a trained MMA fighter, it'd be the same as putting Ken Shamrock during 1996 in that position. He'd have killed people, you just don't do that with a trained MMA fighter. Angle may be one of the best wrestlers in the world in terms of his shoot skills but he's not a trained MMA fighter and due to that a skilled MMA fighter can take out a highly trained Amat Wrestler 90% of the time.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

In amateur wrestling, the pin is only a one count, so Angle definitely won the match. The object is to go for a takedown, but this kid grabs Angle in a hold that could injure him for real. You don't think Angle could have broken one of the kid's legs if he wanted to? The idea was not to hurt your opponent. I can understand if Angle was pissed. He oughta call the guy out next week and shoot on him for real. No way a nobody like Pruder hangs woth a gold medalist in a legit, straight up shoot. Angle would kill him, and Pruder knows that. It was disrespectful for him to even attempt that move in that setting, knowing that wasn't what Angle was doing.

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Guest 2pacallyps

Puder trained with Frank Shamrock and from what I read has a 4-0 record in MMA. This was supposed to be an amateur wrestling match but Puder decided to put on a kimura. Angle would have tapped out if the pin wasn't counted. The point is that in a wrestling match Kurt would own Puder, but in a MMA fight Kurt would probably lose because I don't think he has extensive sub or strike training. It's obvious that Kurt didn't expect to be put in a submission hold because it was supposed to be an amateur wrestling match and at that point Kurt had a clear advantage before the sub was applied.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Who said that it was supposed to be an amateur match?


Bottom line is that Angle got caught off guard looked really bad.

If Lennox Lewis was in a ring motioning for you to step in, wouldn't the assumption be that it was a boxing match?


Yes, though, it did make Kurt look bad, and that is good for noone. That's why shoots in pro-wrestling are so stupid.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Didn't Kurt say "wrestling match", aren't submissions allowed in WWE wrestling matches? I mean, they had rope breaks...

Well, if the kid thought he was talking about a WWE wrestling match, he was really stupid to try and shoot on Kurt.

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Guest 2pacallyps

Kurt was clearly using amateur wrestling and I think it was supposed to be an amateur wrestling match. If it was going to be a pro wrestling match it would have been totally scripted. This seemed like a shoot. Maybe it was worked but to me it seemed like two legit amateur wrestling matches(which don't have sub's, gnp, or any kind of strikes) It seemed that Angle was caught of guard by the kimura because he didn't except anything but amateur wrestling holds.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Well, amateur rings don't have ropes, so I guess they just improvised a rule since it would never be a problem in amateur match.

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I'm not totally up on my amateur rules, but do they break holds or whatever when the guys leave the circle area on the mat?


Because that's all rope breaks are, for the most part - breaking a hold because technically, one of the guys is outside the ring.

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As for Puder, something tells me this guy is nowhere near as tough as he thinks he is, and his garbage last week about how he's this big bad ultimate fighter (I believe he has not had a single amateur fight and isn't too good) seemed cocky and disrespectful. This jerk will catch a lot of shit in the back if he wins.

You know it did not work in the Diva Search with Camilla, why will this work with Tough Enough.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I just hope that if this wasn't planned, WWE doesn't rig the voting and let Puder go. I really do not think it is a good idea to have TE on smackdown yet...WWE should have gotten some other timeslot. Of course ratings would suck, but thats a different story.

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I think Angle could have gotten out of it. He was stronger than Puder and has been hammerlocked before. He could have pulled his leg out and shifted his weight and gotten out of it.

I don't think Angle's all that much bigger & stronger than Puder. They're certainly closer in size and strength than Brad Kohler & Chris Haseman.


Chris Haseman Kimura's Brad Kohler


The size difference between the two at the time was about 20-30 pounds, and IIRC, Puder already had Angle's leg trapped and his arm behind his back at the time of the pin. I imagine that if Angle could have escaped, I'm sure he could've given the ref some indication and saved some face by not getting an assist.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
The guy grabbed on to the rope though - it wasn't because he was out of the ring. And if IIRC the ref counted to 3. It was a WWE wrestling match, in the guise of being a "shoot", whether it was or not is up for debate.

Good call. It was a work, and I totally bought it. That's cool.

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--The Kurt Angle-Daniel Puder deal from last night's Smackdown is really interesting. On MMA message boards, this has turned into the biggest story in a long time, and the funny part is, many MMA board people don't get the big picture at all and hate pro wrestling. I've seen some talk on pro wrestling boards, but while I've gotten tons of phone calls about it, I've gotten almost no e-mails about it, so I don't think many fans watching saw what really happened. Just to answer a few questions on it. It was real. If you don't follow fighting, Puder had Angle locked in the Kimura, or keylock as Tazz called it, although Tazz didn't let on the move was fully executed. Not only was Angle not getting out of the move, but most MMA fighters would have tapped already. Angle couldn't tap for obvious reasons. The ref counted a three even though Puder's shoulders weren't fully down, trying to end the thing, because the reality was Angle would have been in surgery had it gone a few seconds longer or had Puder not given up the hold. My impression is, since this was a taped show, that nobody in enough power in the company actually understood what happened and let it air, and figured most would see it as a pinfall in 40 seconds. And they were 98% correct, between the commentary and the pinfall, that is how most saw it. It was only when it was all over MMA boards last night that "unknown shootfighter really beats Kurt Angle" and was the hottest topic all night, that they took the footage of it off their web site, and replaced it with copy that said, "Angle mauled Nawrocki, before taking volunteers, next pinning Daniel Puder in a slightly tougher, but still relatively easy match." This is when you know a company is doomed. When God hands them an angle that would get people talking like nothing they've been able to create on their own, given them the potential for legit water cooler talk had they played it right, and they are so blind they go in the opposite direction. Tazz called it like, "well, so much for the UFC." Yeah, and so much for The Invasion angle as well.


From Meltzer's latest update

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Guest whitemilesdavis

Now Kurt's gotta call him out. He can't let this punk get the one up on him.

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Guest LooneyTune

Puder = the next Ken Shamrock of WWE? Except Shamrock's record against good UFC Fighters isn't too impresive looking (Considering most of his super-fights I've seen went to the time limit where he simply locked in a position for 20 minutes and didn't do a thing, or the infamous fight with Severn.)

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It's a double whammy. If he stands up for himself and wrestles back then he makes Kurt look bad, and they pass it off as disrespectful. But if he lets himself get beat he looks bad to the people that gotta vote for him.

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