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The Incredibles: Best Pixar film yet.

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I loved this film so much that just looking at the poster pumps me up. Yes, I saw this tonight, and it was a blast. I have enjoyed every film that Pixar has put together so far, loved all of them really, but this one takes the #1 spot. I don't know if it was just flat out better than the others, or the fact that I just loved the overall story. Either way, and heck maybe it's a mixture of both, I loved this one more than any of the others.


I was very happy to see that Pixar did not pussy out by not having in a lot of really fast action and violence. To be honest, I was quite shocked at just how violent the film actually ended up being. There obviously isn't any blood or the sort, but you see guns a blasting, crashes, and climatic scenes climatic enough to really take your breath away.


They did mine anyway.


This is one of those films that most people can just look at the trailer, and then at the creators, and go ahead and say it's a good film. The thing though, is that it was so much better than I initially thought it was going to be. I went into this one with very high expectations, and the film surpassed those expectations, by leaps and bounds.


I'd even go so far to say that this is my favorite animated film ever now, and I never thought I'd be saying that after seeing it.


The voice work is superb, the plot actually makes sense and all falls together perfectly, and when you see the "Supers" doing their job, you can't help but just sit back and smile, and say to yourself "holy shit this is awesome". I especially thought Dash's run through the jungle was especially off the charts.


I also love the little hits and winks to those of us who are older. Lines like (a bunch of bad guys watching a robot destroy a city while drinking) "Ok, we take a shot for everyone who runs/screems." (I forget the exact quote) are just perfect.


If there is any fault with the film, to me, it felt like it was too short, even at 121 minutes. It also seemed to totally capture the children in the audience. I didn't hear any random jabbering, any crying to their parents, or anything like I usually hear in a theater when watching a "children's movie". All I heard from the kids in the crowd was laughter, and a lot of it. I also found it pretty funny all the times that the adults would laugh at something, while the children would sit silently, just because they had no idea what was supposed to be so funny. I only have one thing to say after seeing this one.


I want a sequel, and I want it NOW.


I don't know if that's possible though, so someone let me know one way or the other. Is this like Toy Story where Disney will take on the series, or will Pixar own the rights to make a sequel to this one?


Either way, if this is the only "Incredibles" film that we get, it was more than worth it. It's the third best film I've seen this year, behind only Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Garden State. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Jack, Frozone, and everyone else, I can't wait to see you all again.










Holy crap, I almost forgot to mention the Episode III trailer! I just can't put into words how awesome it is on the big screen, and I'll leave it at that.

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The Incredibles was really good but calling it the best Pixar film yet when Finding Nemo and Toy Story 2 are still out there is wrong.



I thought the movie was really really good, very funny at times and the animation was awe inspiring. I think it got a bit too bogged down in the middle and was a bit too violent but it was a lot of fun. Craig T. Nelson was terrific. I give it ***1/2 and rank it 4th amongst the Pixar films.


1. Toy Story 2. Finding Nemo 3. Bug's Life 4. Incredibles 5. Toy Story 6. Monsters Inc


And DH- Garden State wasn't that good.


Pixar blows Dreamsworks so far out the water- it's not even funny

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Guest Brian
And DH- Garden State wasn't that good.

And that is where my respect for your opinions ends. ;)

Where did it start?

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1. Toy Story 2. Finding Nemo 3. Bug's Life 4. Incredibles 5. Toy Story 6. Monsters Inc

In my opinion, excluding the Incredibles b/c I havent seen it yet, I would switch Bugs life with Monsters Inc.

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Guest Banders Kennany

Man, I am now even more pumped for this movie. Pixar and superheroes was good enough, but I'm even more excited. Analysts have said...well, I'll just post the article from imdb:


'The Incredibles' Performance Won't Be Incredible, Say Analysts   



Analysts doubt that Pixar's latest CGI movie, The Incredibles, which opens on Friday, will achieve the same degree of success at the box office as its previous film, Finding Nemo, Investor's Business Daily reported today (Thursday). The newspaper observed that the film will be facing tougher competition from other family films than other Pixar movies had. Among the rivals: Warner Bros.' The Polar Express (Nov. 10), Paramount's The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie, and Paramount's Jim Carrey starrer, Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events. Harris Nesbitt Gerard analyst Jeffrey Logsdon predicted that The Incredibles will gross $225 million domestically and close to $500 million worldwide -- ordinarily a huge result, but well below the $865 million for Pixar's Finding Nemo. It would also be well below the record (for an animated film) $882 million earned by DreamWorks' Shrek 2. 


I sure hope it does better than that. Perhaps releasing it for the holidays wasn't smart?

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And DH- Garden State wasn't that good.

And that is where my respect for your opinions ends.

It was good but the last 20 minutes were awful. It was this nice little quirky little indie but then they kissed in a rain and then they had that horrible ending where he got off the plane. What is this Friends?


Monsters Inc. was a fine movie but it was WAY too cutsie. I hated thar 4 year old girl and the movie got way too draggy at the end.


A Bug's Life is an awesome movie. It's action packed and the climax where the bugs are fighting Hopper kicked so much ass. So nice and violent. And it had such an awesome voice cast

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Guest Shutterspeed

They've released this unusually soon after Shark Tale.


I can't wait to see it - Shark Tale aside, this company never fails to deliver luxurious animation and a very entertaining, intelligent story. I really like the publicity it's getting too - the cover of the December issue of Empire touts it as "Finding Nemo for Grown-Ups?". The plot gives them a lot to work with also.


It should be interesting.

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Monsters Inc is the best Pixar movie.

No way. Not at all.


Toy Story 2 is incredible. The voice cast is awesome, it has good songs, it has a great message, and the movie was very action packed and had great animation for the time.


Finding Nemo is right up there just for being hilarious the whole way through. Ellen DeGeneres really should've gotten some sort of Oscar for that

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Guest Shutterspeed
Toy Story 2 is incredible. The voice cast is awesome, it has good songs, it has a great message, and the movie was very action packed and had great animation for the time.

Very true. Toy Story 2 was an incredibly satisfying sequel. The entertainment factor was through the roof.

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They've released this unusually soon after Shark Tale.


I can't wait to see it - Shark Tale aside, this company never fails to deliver luxurious animation and a very entertaining, intelligent story. I really like the publicity it's getting too - the cover of the December issue of Empire touts it as "Finding Nemo for Grown-Ups?". The plot gives them a lot to work with also.


It should be interesting.

I saw it on Wednesday- it's very violent and intense- it's not for little kids.

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They've released this unusually soon after Shark Tale.


I can't wait to see it - Shark Tale aside, this company never fails to deliver luxurious animation and a very entertaining, intelligent story.

Shark Tale is a Dreamworks film (Shrek), not Pixar.

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Guest Shutterspeed

Shrek 2 the same day as the Incredibles...?


Storyline-wise, I still don't think that Shrek warranted a sequel. The first film ended things perfectly.

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Shrek 2 wasn't that good at all. They spent way too much time on the Does Fiona love me plot which was so boring. The animation wasn't as good as Pixar either.


Yet it becomes the 3rd highest grossing film ever. A shame

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Guest Shutterspeed

That happens when its predecessor is as good and phenomenally successful as it was though.


However, Shrek is the kind of film that you can grow tired of easily after repeated viewings and its countless catch-phrases being recalled... over and over and over.

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Guest Askewniverse

Pixar has yet to disappoint me, and from the sounds of it, The Incredibles will be no exception. The Pixar name and voice cast (Samuel Jackson and Jason Lee, in particular) were enough to sell the movie on me, but reading all of these positive reviews has convinced me that much more to catch the movie this weekend.


I agree that Shrek 2 is overrated. I liked it, but I didn't think it was as funny as some people made it out to be.

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You know I like you Bob, but to be honest I doubt many here will truly value the opinions of a Hilary Duff and Aviril Lavigne fan. Just sayin'. :)

The Avril Lavigne concert was awesome last night. She played three instruments!


Samuel L. Jackson is awesome in the movie simply because he's Samuel L. Jackson.

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Shrek 1 was this one big fuck you to Disney and the characters seemed secondary.


Shrek 2 was all about Shrek and Fiona and I just couldn't care about them enough to sustain my interest in the movie. It just dragged a lot. And the movie lacked Faarquad

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Guest Shutterspeed

At least in making the sequel, they had the courtesy to make the plot logical, but yeah, unnecessary.

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Yeah the critics were definitely wrong about Shrek 2 being better than the first. It focused too much on Shrek and Fiona, leaving the minor characters (ginerbread man, pinocchio and such) with minor parts

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I saw the film tonight too. Very, very good! Like many Pixar films, this was one that I think you could take the entire family to and (barring anyone that is reallllllly jaded) everyone could find something to enjoy. I would have liked to have seen more with Mr. Incredible and Frozone doing their late night rescuing though.


And since we're listing the Pixar films, here's how I see them (not that they aren't all extraordinary films, but here's how they rate in a list format against each other):


1. Finding Nemo

2. The Incredibles

3. Monsters Inc.

4. Toy Story 2

5. A Bug's Life

6. Toy Story

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I think too many people were in awe of Toy Story's animation and ignored the fact that the plot was weak at times and the story meandered along for a good bit.


They fixed all that and more for Toy Story 2- which is why I love it so much

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