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All you loser liberals, from one of you!

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My Thoughts( as if you care)


The last couple of days, I have spent much of my time like I'm sure most of you have. Most of the time, thinking of things to do to keep my mind off of what happened to my neighboorhood, my city, my state, my country, my world. (No, not just mine, it's ours, but, you know what I mean)


Let's review what 51% of the nations voters, for better or worse, have decided---that the past four years are worth not only repeating, but, increasing efforts and leaving these efforts unchecked and unbalanced.

For example:

*200 years of policy be damned, we will now preemptive strike when we feel like it, forcing the world into a corner, scared of our might and power. Because, we all know that Wolfowitz is far wiser than James Monroe ever was.

*Despite the Clinton years pointing out the opposite, a return to supply-side, trickle-down economic theory.

*"Real" unemployment matching levels that no country with our means and technology should deal with.

(By "real" unemployment, forget the figures from the government. Just stop and think of 20 people you know. How many are unemployed, underemployed, stopped looking and went back to school, etc...and how many people you know are making a little bit less/the same/more than 4 years ago---my number was 9 to 11---most will be be in the 3-4 range, making almost 15%-20% real unemployment)

*Worldwide terrorism is on the rise---how long before those "frenchies" and damn "liberals" worldwide start getting radical and more sympathetic to the plight of the Middle East---and do something about it?

*The world getting "smaller" and more polluted, with quickly rising levels of natural resources being depleted

*Clash of world wide religous and moral opinions that have remained mostly calm


I could go on and on and on. The economy. National security. Education. Fags getting married. Health Care. A woman's right to choose. The enviroment. Social Security. Transportation...wait, what? Gay marriage? A woman's right? In the words of Mark Twain, "What in the fuck are those doing among all of those far more important things that fucking touch more of our lives then whether fucking Tom, Dick, and Harry decide to grab another witness and tie the knot? You dumb cunts!!!"


Ok, maybe Mark Twain didn't say that. But, you cannot prove that he did not.


The United States of America is not in trouble of crumbling into nothing. Not yet. We still are the "big dogs" on the block. But, some of the other dogs only like us out of fear or obligation (Poland? Italy? No offense--but, c'mon), some out of 1/2 of their people being like 1/2 of our people (Aussies, The Brits), are starting to hate us (France, Spain, Canada), or already do (not enough time or space to list our enemies).


Then there is the other big dog that seems to be sitting back and waiting for us to piss off more people(China), so that it can come over and start taking better care of some of those other dogs better.("Really, seriously, Japan---we will buy and produce and sell your crap---and not threaten to beat you up all the time, or remind you of our weapons too much)


But now, after three days of laughing at the absurd, questioning reality, and crying/shaking in the fetal position around a bottle...I am here to tell the left-leaning moderates, the hippies, the suburban liberals, the non-voting young punks out there("Man, it's all bullshit anyway, let's go play Halo), the blacks, the whites, those in friendly (blue) territory, those in enemy (red) territory, gays, women, all y'all up in this motherfuckin' piece....


Don't give up. Don't fret. All things must pass, this shall too. Good, honest, common sense will prevail eventually.


We (all those people I just menioned) must remember. We are smarter. We are funnier. We are just more fun. We are more caring. We listen and learn. We form better opinions, and can talk with those who disagree with us and try to see their side, and make them see ours. We love our gay brothers and sisters, our single mothers, our "homies", our Arab cousins, hell....we love the planet Earth.


So now, dry your eyes. Sober up. Stand up. Clear your mind of lunatic conspiricies...and focus.


Organize better. Depict a clear intent and message with those who think similar to you. Form groups. Take turns letting Congress, the Senate, the President, your local and state governments, know that 49 out of every 100 of us won't be ignored easily. Find inspiration not in a book, not in a newspaper, not in someone else's message, but, in that brief second between the valves in your heart pusing the blood out, in the moment between breaths, that brief moment of nothing, and then something. Find it in yourselves. If you've already found it, show someone else.


They (you know who "they" are...the ones that call us "they") think we are weak. Unorganized. Show them.


Show them that some of us love God, too (some of us just do not base all of our opinions on one book, though).

We don't like terror either, and are pretty much against killing, unless absolutely necessary.

The male side of our point of view, is admiring of our women, and wouldn't question or limit their choices, we may discuss it with them, but, would not tell them what to do with their own bodies.

We believe in the concept of LOVE and would not disallow ANY form of love between two consenting adults.(Ok, except maybe Britney Spears. And our parents. And grandparents. That's kind of gross.)

We think every child should be protected from predators of all natures (not just pedophiles and sickos, but those damn toy makers and advertisers that prey on their senses).

We think education and being learned is not only great, but necessary.

We love this world. Sure, we get grumpy and angry and sad and overtly happy. We hate things, too. But not with too much zeal and passion. Because, after all, to each his/her/their own. (Except for those who hate without reason. We don't take too kindly to there types 'round here. Bigots, mostly. And purple people. Can't stand 'em. Fuck the purple people. Go get 'em One Eyed One Horned Purple People Eater!!! Wha...what comma?)


Take these examples, and the ones that speak into your own hearts and souls, and go out in the world. Unafraid of what lies out there today, tomorrow, for the next four years, for the next twenty. Go in peace, and know in the end, right makes might. And we are right.








"...a brotherhood of man, imagine all the people, sharing the world...you may say i'm a dreamer, but i'm not the only one, i hope some day you will join us...and the world will live as one..."

John Lennon

"Why you hitting yourself, huh...you little baby...why are you hittin' yourself. Pussy."

My older brother, who voted Republican, but dammit, I love him, and I'll get him next time. He's still an asshole though.

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Guest Anglesault
*"Real" unemployment matching levels that no country with our means and technology should deal with.

(By "real" unemployment, forget the figures from the government. Just stop and think of 20 people you know. How many are unemployed, underemployed, stopped looking and went back to school, etc



Hey, this is fun! Damn all those fake employed.


It kind of degenerated into a what appeared to be a drunken rant from there.

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Guest MikeSC

There must be something wrong with my computer because when I try and RHR's post all I can see is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!...

Nah, it isn't just you.


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Guest MikeSC
Maybe there's a TSM virus or something...

Well, in my case, I have a stringent bitch filter.


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Guest MikeSC
I could make a BX remark, but I like the chap...

Which shows that you can like anybody.


Personally, I'd be loathe to scrape him off the grill of my car.


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Guest MikeSC
I'm a uniter, not a divider.


Actually, right now there's only one person here that I would want to beat the shit out of, and no it's not who you think...

So it's not me?




...The list of people I'd like to hit with a car is not a short one. And, yes, you can probably guess most of them...

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Guest Loss

Well, that's a disappointing, but expected reaction to a reasonable, well thought-out post that you're writing off because he dared use the "L" word without using it as an insult. Nice.


Thank you for posting this.

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Well written, and as usual a "liberal" target for KKK and Mike

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Another op-ed "reaction" piece, from an angle that we haven't much seen in here yet. Or I haven't, I don't like watching this room too closely. figure I'll just use this thread, instead of making another one just for a teeny column




The election?


The rhetoric flooding television is unbelievable; it makes us think this election was the beginning of the end of the world. "It's in your hands!" they trumpeted. This neurotic paranoia filtered down through conversation, where any number of people berated me for voting Nader. "You're going to let the evil empire just happen!"


A friend of mine once said he would never give credence to the political opinion of any musician he respected, because, as a musician, he knew that any good musician had to spend so much time on music as to exclude study of politics. I now feel this way about anyone who has a job. They simply do not have time for an informed opinion.


Kerry wouldn't have changed America. Bush won't change America. America's course, on the 500 year scale, is already determined and neither candidate will change it, because what's required to change it is so unpopular among the dutiful heads at jobs that it will never be elected in any form. This is why great leaders lie their way to power in democracies; they recognize that telling the truth is an offense and thus an election loser.


Bush's environmental policy is terrible; so is Kerry's. Both give lip service to the environment, sign some legislation saving another strand of trees for the next 99 years, and continue to allow rampant overpopulation, pollution and overuse of resources including animals. They may care, but we'll never know. The fact is that to state the level truth on this issue will get anyone voted out of office.


One of the major complaints at George W. is that he's a "fascist," and is revoking civil rights across America. I have news for you: Clinton (a Democrat) did more for revoking your civil rights than Bush did, and without Clinton's start, Bush would not have had the foundation upon which to build. Your civil rights went away the day you made government arbitrator of "good" and "bad" opinions. You now cannot have them back, because in order to do so you have to make the unpopular statement that we will tolerate any view, including that of al-Qaeda, neo-Nazis, radical Greens, and others who wish to destroy our way of life.


That way of life is what this election was destined to maintain regardless of who won. We all go to jobs for too long and come home to many tasks. Money is our only goal, and our way of penalizing those who go out of line. We have no connection to nature and think that a few more billion-dollar studies, government programs and television campaigns will actually "change" environmental, social, racial and economic problems.


In other words, we just don't get it.


Most of us still believe that our civilization is the product of all civilizations before it, and through some ultra-simplification of Darwin, therefore "the best." We view life before technology as ignorant, pathetic, disgusting, oppressive. We see technology and morality as the forces lifting us out of a primal scum of human failure toward a distant Utopia. And if we just check the right boxes on the vote cards, we'll get closer!


That is a television-watcher outlook. There on the sofa, it comes down to one single choice. Click the correct button, you're a hero - you get a puppy biscuit. Click the wrong one, and no one says anything but everyone hints that you're a bit Neanderthal. But it all comes down to clicking the right buttons, moving us closer to Utopia.


This election meant nothing because people were being elected to roles in the system. The system itself wasn't up for criticism. The system isn't something simple like "conservativism," but something complex, like the idea that human must rule over nature with technology and thus, lacking any external checks and balances, expand recklessly. And in the process, lose its courage and spirit internally, and begin rewarding mediocrity instead of excellence.


We're breeding ourselves into a race of button-pushing clones. We have depleted our fish supplies, our natural wood, our wild animals, and pour pollution into earth, air and sea at record rates. Our population is now such that in another generation we'll have to cannibalize what's left to survive. And of course, when that becomes obvious, our remaining energy will be devoted to internal warfare.


The election is a fantasy show for button-clickers; the real issue at hand is that your species is failing and it has constructed a political, social, moral and economic system to perform elaborate denial of that fact. You want to make a difference? Clear the system-logic from your head and stop worrying about the puppet show of this election.


American Nihilist Underground Society - anus.com

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By "real" unemployment, forget the figures from the government. Just stop and think of 20 people you know. How many are unemployed, underemployed, stopped looking and went back to school, etc...and how many people you know are making a little bit less/the same/more than 4 years ago---my number was 9 to 11---most will be be in the 3-4 range, making almost 15%-20% real unemployment


Crap like this is considered well-thought out? No wonder you guys lost.


Hey, my future sister-in-law is complete white trash, and my future cousins are welfare bums whose only source of income is one of them working part-time as a janitor for $7/hour. Oh, and the other one got pregnant through artificial means not once but twice.


*shakes fist in the air*



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Guest Anglesault
Well, that's a disappointing, but expected reaction to a reasonable, well thought-out post

*"Real" unemployment matching levels that no country with our means and technology should deal with.

(By "real" unemployment, forget the figures from the government. Just stop and think of 20 people you know. How many are unemployed, underemployed, stopped looking and went back to school, etc...and how many people you know are making a little bit less/the same/more than 4 years ago---my number was 9 to 11---most will be be in the 3-4 range, making almost 15%-20% real unemployment)

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Guest MikeSC
Well written, and as usual a "liberal" target for KKK and Mike

What, precisely, would constitute a poorly written and illogical piece?

Your '83 Escort would fall apart after the third person

That's why you steal the car of the first person you hit.


Got to plan this thing out.


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Hmmm...attacked on the "well thought out" part because of the unemployment theroy, eh?


Well....my original thinking was using 10 people, but, was told by a few economics professors/grad students at UW, and a few folks I know over at the University of Chicago (they have won some Nobel's in the field)...that 20 is a better example of across the board reasoning. Plus, I didn't say it applies to everybody...and...if you noticed (Anglesault)...my main theory was an average of 3-4(15%-20%)...so...if you have 0, and I have 9, that's a total of 9, giving us 4.5. Should we keep going?


Some of my examples compliled as follows (left out of original post, because my point wasn't the numbers part):


1--In 2000, car salesman making $62000. 2004--Same job, but, with resale value pushed down by the Big 3 attempting to put units out with large incentives, down to $47000 this year.

2--In 2000, making $111000 for a large telecom company. 2004...in grad school, because cutbacks increased workload by 2.5 times the work from before, with no salary increase.

3---In 2000, making $13.70 an hour for a large Copy store. In 2004, after two stints of unemployment buffering two jobs, back at said Copy store, making $10.25 hour.

4---CPU software designer, $57000 a year. Now unemploed, sells nostalgia crap he bought with his large salary on EBay to make his 1/2 of rent. His luck? Now married to a girl who fell on the other side of the spectrum. Lucky him.


Etc...etc....the funny thing...included in the 11 good ones....




In 2000, I was a car salesman with the 1st guy. He was a little better, as I made about $15000 less that year. Now, I will make a little more than that, but, thanks to decent stock advice---and not following the tech stocks at all, I am comfortable. Plus, my health care is covered by my company per union agreement.


Anyway...I think there is a misconception that "liberals" want free rides...well...if I want to help lower crime in my area, lower illegal drug use in my area, increase tax revenues from increased retail sales...by helping those in need get ahead...then that ain't a free ride...it's called "fiscal responsibility" coupled with "compassion".


I mean, hell, the only reason unemployment numbers for October didn't drop is because of a hurricane or two in the Southeast...but...where does that $$$ come from?


Oh yeah, tax payers. Who are having their taxes "cut" (funny...I haven't noticed it yet) by a certain commander-in-chief.


Eventually....we're gonna have to pay the piper.

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Hmmm...attacked on the "well thought out" part because of the unemployment theroy, eh?


Well....my original thinking was using 10 people, but, was told by a few economics professors/grad students at UW, and a few folks I know over at the University of Chicago (they have won some Nobel's in the field)...that 20 is a better example of across the board reasoning. Plus, I didn't say it applies to everybody...and...if you noticed (Anglesault)...my main theory was an average of 3-4(15%-20%)...so...if you have 0, and I have 9, that's a total of 9, giving us 4.5. Should we keep going?

You theory is statistical crap. The margin of error is massive because not only your small sample, but the possibility of bias in your sample: Did you do your demographics right? Did you get an equal number of male and female? Just picking 20 people is just idiotic. The Labor Department samples THOUSANDS of people. I'd say they are far more accurate than you. Not only to add in all those outside organizations that do things like household surveys and notice just about the exact same thing.


Bottom line: Your theory is out of whack because it is statistically unsound in just about every way possible.


Some of my examples compliled as follows (left out of original post, because my point wasn't the numbers part):


1--In 2000, car salesman making $62000.  2004--Same job, but, with resale value pushed down by the Big 3 attempting to put units out with large incentives, down to $47000 this year.

2--In 2000, making $111000 for a large telecom company.  2004...in grad school, because cutbacks increased workload by 2.5 times the work from before, with no salary increase.

3---In 2000, making $13.70 an hour for a large Copy store.  In 2004, after two stints of unemployment buffering two jobs, back at said Copy store, making $10.25 hour.

4---CPU software designer, $57000 a year.  Now unemploed, sells nostalgia crap he bought with his large salary on EBay to make his 1/2 of rent.  His luck? Now married to a girl who fell on the other side of the spectrum.  Lucky him.


Are there any, like, codified, non-hersay answers here, or are you just trying to make up crap? In any case, salary grew at an incredible rate during the 90s during the big Internet boom. During a recession, when the salaries went down to stabilize, it's only natural that they'd be a bit lower. *shrugs*


Etc...etc....the funny thing...included in the 11 good ones....


Thank God you didn't post them. These are severely disappointing.




In 2000, I was a car salesman with the 1st guy.  He was a little better, as I made about $15000 less that year.  Now, I will make a little more than that, but, thanks to decent stock advice---and not following the tech stocks at all, I am comfortable.  Plus, my health care is covered by my company per union agreement.


*Shrugs* My father's a construction worker and he's had two pay increases. I guess it just shows that ancedotal evidence = nothing when trying to make a real argument.


Anyway...I think there is a misconception that "liberals" want free rides...well...if I want to help lower crime in my area, lower illegal drug use in my area, increase tax revenues from increased retail sales...by helping those in need get ahead...then that ain't a free ride...it's called "fiscal responsibility" coupled with "compassion".


Uh... is there any proof that this will all happen under your policies, or are we in FairlyLand?


I mean, hell, the only reason unemployment numbers for October didn't drop is because of a hurricane or two in the Southeast...but...where does that $$$ come from?




What's the accusation supposed to be here?


Oh yeah, tax payers.  Who are having their taxes "cut" (funny...I haven't noticed it yet) by a certain commander-in-chief.


I got 150 bucks for mine. w00ty!


Eventually....we're gonna have to pay the piper.


Yeah, and the Democrats sure did for not developing any sort of platform.


You original post is hilarious, bud: Yeah, you guys are funnier, because we are the ones laughing at you. Laughing as you continue to try to hold your superiority when you continue to sink down by believing that you are the ones who are right and that the Republicans need to change. Keep trying to believe, bud, and I'll keep laughing.

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Guest Fire and Knives
Blah blah blickity blah blah

I came in here with the intention of dissecting your post, but A, Powerplay has handled it nicely, and two, it does not require dissection in order to effectively dismiss:


If the Democrats are smarter and funnier and the masses are stupid and slavish and beholden to their televisions...why were the Democrats unable to win?



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Guest Cerebus
The election is a fantasy show for button-clickers; the real issue at hand is that your species is failing and it has constructed a political, social, moral and economic system to perform elaborate denial of that fact. You want to make a difference? Clear the system-logic from your head and stop worrying about the puppet show of this election.


American Nihilist Underground Society - anus.com


Well, FINALLY. A voice of reason!

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