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WCW facts, tidbits, and stuff people forgot

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nWo (WWF Version: 2002) Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Hulk Hogan, X-Pac, The Big Show (Giant), Ric Flair, Booker T., Shawn Michaels


I vaguely remember Ric Flair joining...but can't remember how that came about? It really should have never happened...Ric Flair being in the nWo just seems wrong.


The WWF nWo basically sucked the entire time it existed.

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Flair turned on Austin while they were teaming together against the nWo. The next week Flair was seen directing the nWO, saying that he had fired Scott Hall because he couldn't get the job done or something like that. Flair then teamed with the Big Show at Judgment Day, losing to Austin in a handicap match. The next night, Nash returned as nWo leader, so Flair wasn't really needed anymore.

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They needed Flair to turn face again because Austin had left and needed someone ot take his place in the Eddie Guerrero match at King Of The Ring.


And about Eddie's bodyguard in the LWO, his name was Art Flores, don't know where he came from though.

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They needed Flair to turn face again because Austin had left and needed someone ot take his place in the Eddie Guerrero match at King Of The Ring.


And about Eddie's bodyguard in the LWO, his name was Art Flores, don't know where he came from though.

Parts Unknown.

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Just for fun. They should jsut have gone ahead and made them faces.


Curt Hennig and the West Texas Rednecks: Rap is Crap


I like country music

I love country girls

I like Willie Nelson

And don't forget about Merle



There's only one thing that I hate,

Cause it's a bunch of crap

I hate rap


I like nascar racing

Richard Petty's still the king

Yeah, they call me a redneck,

But you know that's a beautiful thing




Rap is crap

Rap is crap

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Just for fun. They should jsut have gone ahead and made them faces.


Curt Hennig and the West Texas Rednecks: Rap is Crap


I like country music

I love country girls

I like Willie Nelson

And don't forget about Merle



There's only one thing that I hate,

Cause it's a bunch of crap

I hate rap


I like nascar racing

Richard Petty's still the king

Yeah, they call me a redneck,

But you know that's a beautiful thing




Rap is crap

Rap is crap

ah the classic song. Reminds me of a funny story. I vactioned in Las Vegas in July 1999, and stayed at The Excalibur, which just so happened to then house the WCW Nitro Grill (WCW theme restaurant that beat out WWFNY by nearlly a year). The sunday I was there Bash At The Beach 99 was happening and they were showing it at the grill. They only charged like 5 bucks to get in, plus dinner. The place was pretty col and they had cool stuff hanging up, like one of flairs robes in a frame plus goldbergs tights (ewww) ravens shorts (double ewwww) duggans two by four plus his tights (triple ewwww) one of glaciers outfits, plsu much more. anyhow me and my dad watched the ppv there. It was fun they had big screens and even had a smoke machine in there and did a light show, plus they had "nitro girlls" (dont think they were real ones, but I could be wrong cuz they were signing autographs later) to the story though, when the Rednecks vs mysterio/konnan no limit soldiers team match came on, they played the song....and the whole audience in the grill sang along in unison.. pretty crazy stuff , unless you consider that wcws main audience at the time was older white people and kids whose parents wouldnt let them watch WWF. Actually I went in to the grill the first day wearing a dx shirt, and at the ppv I wore a red and black nwo shirt plus my WWF attitude cap.

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Guest jm29195

Oh my god I'm just watching best of nwo vol 3 and it's got an NWO Saturday night squah match with the Giant vs Pat Tanaka, Tanaka is using GOLDBERG'S music!!

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Oh my god I'm just watching best of nwo vol 3 and it's got an NWO Saturday night squah match with the Giant vs Pat Tanaka, Tanaka is using GOLDBERG'S music!!

WCW did that all the time. Guys like Mike Enos, the Armstrongs, etc., would share music.


Also...that avatar is from the clip I posted a while back. How do you make animated avatars from a clip?

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Guest jm29195

I'm not sure I took the avatar from 3strandwrestling back in 02, I just brought up the properties, and then copied the address onto the avatar properties I think...

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Anyone know what the plans were for the Radicalz (if any) had they not left?

Well Benoit would be WCW World Champion for starters.....


Probably would have continued feuding with Jarrett and Nash. Maybe with Eddie and Dean

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I recalled Nash promised Benoit's life would be a living hell, so I'd assume a feud with nWo was likely.

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What led to Russo being brought back in April of 2000? If they hadn't brought him back, what did Kevin Sullivan have planned? (Those few months with him booking were just AWFUL)


Before Nash got on the WCW booking team, was anyone else (or Nash) planned far in advance to be the guy who ended Goldberg's streak?


We always talk about guys in WCW who should have been pushed but weren't...was there anyone that management really wanted to give a push to but for some reason it just didn't work out? (Aside from the obvious Renegade, I suppose)

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Russo was brought back because higher ups weren't happy with Sullivan and co, and he and Bischoff went to them with a plan for Russo to lead the young guys and Eric to lead the old guys. However, it was then changed to Russo and Eric both leading the young guys, purely to swerve the people who had found out the original plan.


Hogan was going to end Goldberg's streak.


Mongo McMichael.

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Guest jm29195
We always talk about guys in WCW who should have been pushed but weren't...was there anyone that management really wanted to give a push to but for some reason it just didn't work out? (Aside from the obvious Renegade, I suppose)



Alex Wright but this was scuppered first by Roma and then by Bagwell....

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I thought Russo had been in WCW since sometime in 99.

He was. Hence the "brought back" question. Russo took over a few weeks before the bizarre PPV Halloween Havoc '99. He was pushed out in early January for sucking.


Scuppered? What is this?

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Scuppered?  What is this?

Alex Wright was wrestling Paul Roma at Superbrawl V. Roma was calling the match and gave Wright almost no offence beyond the winning move at the end.

I mean what does scuppered mean?


I looked it up. Cool word.

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I think if Sullivan stayed on as booker in 2000, they were setting up for Vampiro getting pushed up to the upper mid card and I think a The Wall Vs Hulk Hogan feud (Shutter)

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I think if Sullivan stayed on as booker in 2000, they were setting up for Vampiro getting pushed up to the upper mid card and I think a The Wall Vs Hulk Hogan feud (Shutter)

Vampiro was getting that wonderful push where he lost to Lex Luger, Ric Flair, or another top heel nearly every single show.

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Russo's first show was 6 days before Halloween Havoc. So you can't blame him if you didn't like HH. I actually thought it was quite decent for a rush-job.


Russo's late '99 WCW TV work was entertaining. I liked seeing such bland WCW faces trying to act like they were on Raw and be "sports entertainers". Duggan the janitor, Kimberly the slut, La Parka the corporate hitman, Chavo the amway salesman, Disco & Lash Vs. The Mafia, give me that over 2002-2005 WWE.

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I really did enjoy Russo's 1st run in late 1999. The 32-Man WCW Championship Tournament actually had me excited about Nitro for the 1st time in months. There was an aura that anyone could indeed take the title.

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We can blame Russo for some of HH, as he changed a number of the finishes. Berlyn had just debuted and should have beaten Brad Armstrong, who had no credibility at all, but instead Russo had Armstrong win clean for no reason other than it was a result people wouldn't expect. It didn't matter that common sense dictated that Berlyn went over strong, Russo was determined to surprise people. Bret Hart should have beaten Luger, but once again we got a finish that made no sense considering where things were going, and was done solely to surprise people, regardless of how stuipd it was. And then there was the whole Sting/Hogan debacle, which was another brainfart of Russo's, and really signalled the crashing of PPV buy rates for WCW.


Russo's late '99 WCW TV work was entertaining. I liked seeing such bland WCW faces trying to act like they were on Raw and be "sports entertainers". Duggan the janitor, Kimberly the slut, La Parka the corporate hitman, Chavo the amway salesman, Disco & Lash Vs. The Mafia, give me that over 2002-2005 WWE.


The problem with that is that it wasn't want WCW's fans wanted. WCW did a big survey of their fans, asking them what they wanted, and the response was less inane angles and soap opera bullshit, and more focus on wrestling. This wasn't a minority part of the audience, but a big chunk of it. They stated loud and clear what they wanted to see in WCW, but Russo, ever the genius, ignored WCW's own fans, and went on to do tremendous damage to WCW, from which it never recovered


The 32-Man WCW Championship Tournament actually had me excited about Nitro for the 1st time in months. There was an aura that anyone could indeed take the title.


I don't know how anyone could like that tournement. Outside interference in almost every match, none of them were any good bar the ones with Bret Hart or Chris Benoit, and what miniscule credibility the WCW belt had by the time the finals came around was destroyed by an overbooked final between Bret and Chris, in yet another example of Russo not giving the fans what they wanted, and giving them what he wanted instead.

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The 32-Man WCW Championship Tournament actually had me excited about Nitro for the 1st time in months. There was an aura that anyone could indeed take the title.


I don't know how anyone could like that tournement. Outside interference in almost every match, none of them were any good bar the ones with Bret Hart or Chris Benoit, and what miniscule credibility the WCW belt had by the time the finals came around was destroyed by an overbooked final between Bret and Chris, in yet another example of Russo not giving the fans what they wanted, and giving them what he wanted instead.

I enjoyed it because it got nearly the entire active roster invloved in the title chase. When Raw and Nitro were both on, I'd rarely stick to just one show for more than 5 minutes before flipping to see what the other guys were doing so workrate and clean finishes on Monday nights were never a priority for me.


Granted, the ppv matches should be kept fairly clean at least since that's where the viewer's money is being spent so bullshit should certainly be kept to a minimum.

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I've never bought the survey argument simply because (though I have no idea how they conducted the survey) that the people actually filling it out were the more hardcore fans, who obviously would want more matches, less soap opera, etc. I could see that all the "casual" fans were already watching WWF, I suppose, but other than that I can't see your average fan saying "I want more wrestling!" because average fans really don't care about matches unless there's a good storyline to go with it.


Why did Vampiro do a minute long squash to Disco Inferno around this time period? I remember he threatened to quit or something, but then came back.

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