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I like JBL a lot better than Bradshaw with the new haircut. It definitely didn't fit in with his gimmick. He has been great on Smackdown. I think because he hasn't gotten a clear pin victory in a major title defense is what makes his character that much better. He won in a controversial way and has continued to win controversially. JBL may not be the greatest wrestler but he definitely has improved since losing his APA gimmick

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I'm sincerely hoping he pins one of the guys pretty clean because of a mistake they make in the Fatal 4 Way at Armaggeddon. This way he put away all his past feuds by winning one big one against all three.


There is no reason why one of the faces can't turn on the other and allow JBL to blindside them w/ a CFH for the pin.

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I've watched Smackdown maybe 3 times since he became champ.

Of those 3 times, I was bored out of my mind during most of it.


I think that says it all.

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I think last night's angle on SD! pulled it all together since JBL's title victory in June, and believe it or not, I'm looking forward to the Armageddon main event moreso than any ME since Backlash. The angle is simple (he's screwed everyone since winning the title, so now he's paying the price), but I thought it was an effective way to deal with the criticism that he's not won cleanly yet. And my personal feeling, to further develop the character and keep things going, is that he should lose the title without even being involved in the pinfall. An ironic outcome for someone who's screwed all three guys before, to me, is the only way to go. Let him gripe and moan to Teddy Long for the next few weeks about getting screwed out of the title . . . and Teddy keeps telling him to "get 'ta steppin'" I see a US title reign from JBL in the future, as Teddy finally relents to giving him a title match, just not the one he bargained for.


It's the first show in a while where the outcome of the title match is completely up in the air. Let's face it, most of us knew that Booker wasn't gonna get the title back at SurSer, and the previous PPV's were pretty much foregone conclusions as well. We all are pretty much sure that JBL's losing at Armageddon, but to whom?


My prediction - Eddie pins Booker for the title - then defends (and loses) the strap to Angle at the Rumble (or No Way Out at the latest), setting up the rumored Angle/UT title match for WM21. No Way Out would be fairly appropriate for Angle, since it's at the Igloo in Pittsburgh.

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