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The only reason Artest didn't punch the guy was because everyone grabbed his arms and prevented him from being able to hit him. Artest did grab the guy right in the face and shove him down. Besides, Artest went after those two fans in the white jerseys who didn't even provoke him with any physical action. No matter what those guys said, they should not have been attacked by Artest. If by anyone, it should have been security to get them off the court.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
So Eddy should have been fired for defending himself? Riiiiight.

Did Eddie punch a fan in the stands? Did he charge after him and connect on his face?


I am now talking about other Pacers players, not just Artest.

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The only reason Artest didn't punch the guy was because everyone grabbed his arms and prevented him from being able to hit him.

Artest had plenty of time to punch him before those guys got there, and didn't. That holds no water, at all.

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The only reason Artest didn't punch the guy was because everyone grabbed his arms and prevented him from being able to hit him.

Artest had plenty of time to punch him before those guys got there, and didn't. That holds no water, at all.

Artest grabbed his face and forced him to the ground in that time. By the time he wound his left arm back, some guy grabbed him.

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So Eddy should have been fired for defending himself?  Riiiiight.

Did Eddie punch a fan in the stands? Did he charge after him and connect on his face?

I was a camera operator at the show and had a very good view. During the Los Guerreros and Basham Brothers match, Eddie was thrown against the railing. The fan in the front row who was directly behind him poured beer on him after about 2 seconds. Eddie was very upset and jumped the rail to go after the fan. The fan, a male who looked to be about 45 years old, started to take off. Eddie went after him and threw a couple of punches, not really landing any solid ones. While this was going on Chavo and the Bashams went into the crowd as well, staying back from the scuffle. Agents Arn Anderson and Jack Lanza came out to see what was happening. Security took the man away and Eddie came back to the ring. The whole lasted about 2 minutes.


From a Google search. Eddie was not punished in any way, as in wrestling the promoters understand that performers have a right to defend themselves and don't have to take shit from anyone.


The Pistons want to wear their big gold belts and their fans want to act like a WCW crowd, what the hell do they expect?!?

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Yes, Eddie should've been reprimanded. It is horrible and classless what they did to him, but he shouldn't have done it. The pistons fgans aren't exactly NOT tyo blame here, but I think the Pacers were in a position to be more mature.

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You don't go into the stands.


I fully expect Artest to be suspended FOR THE YEAR.


Lots of other suspensions for the pussy Pacers, as well. What an embarassment. Detroit's fans are embarassing. Jermaine O'Neal is a lowlife. Artest is a lowlife. Anyone in the stands attacking the fans is a lowlife. Let the police deal with plastic bottle throwers.

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if any of the players was most at fault it was Stephen Jackson. He was itching for a fight long before the cup. Watch the full video, at one point he raises his fist to the pistons and does the 'cmon lets fight' motion. Wtf, is he a boxer? :lol: Then later he charges into therea nd throws the first real punch at a "fan". Like someone else said earlier that was the point of no return.

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Guest Flyboy

Jackson decked the guy who threw the second beer at Artest. Jackson was defending his teammate although you could tell he was ITCHIN' to throw down.

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Guest Cerebus

It's not true that players are not expected to take shit from the fans in stride. The amount of verbal abuse players in EVERY league take would most likely set off anyone in here. The problem is probably worse in basketball since the fans are closer to the plaayers than any other sport besides hockey, but, unlike hockey, doesn't have the same kind of barriers.


Now I don't want to say this was Wallace's fault (it wasn't) but is it just me or does the NBA have more altercations and fights than any other sport (including college) excluding the NHL? If anything, this should tell players to calm the fuck down, even with hard fouls. What could start out as another childish altercation after a foul could degenerate into another copy of the Artest Riot of '04.

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its funny, everybody else has this splattered across the front... go to nba.com, and there's no photo at all, just a tiny little square that goes referring to 'in-stands violence', and the main story is Wade's buzzer beater win. :lol:

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I've seen players in many sports get hit by stuff. I have never heard a commentator call it a "disgrace" when they don't go into the crowd, or say they would've been justified going into the crowd. That being said, it was a fun little incident. Just wish more "professional" atheletes, acted professional.

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Anyone in the stands attacking the fans is a lowlife.

What is the justification for this statement?


But Artest is a showman and an agitator. By laying on the scoretable, he was trying to incite a eaction.


From Wallace, not the crowd.


My argument is that when you're itching to heave a full cup of liquid at a player on the court, you're asking for shit to go down. In addition, the two fans getting onto the court during a game is automatically subdued and arrested in any other situation.


I don't see how anyone can side with the fans here.

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Guest Cerebus

I think they're only saying "indefinetly" because they havn't decided how definite it will be.

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The justification is this...


The players went into the stands first.


They're not allowed to do that.


I hope the four of them are all sued by the fans, as I expect they will be.


Throwing bottles should result in ejection and would have. Artest is not Robocop. He started the big problem. Maybe if he wasn't LAYING ON A TABLE and had to be physically restrained like an animal the fans wouldn't have treated him like one and threw a bottle at him.


I hope he's kicked out of the league, I'm sick of his nonsense. Play basketball guys, the league sucks, scoring is piss poor, and they gotta pretend they're hockey players now.



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Guest Vitamin X
Second, when you guys are quoting posts, please do not include animated gifs. When the same animated image is repeated 2-3 times on a page, it slows loading time, particularly for 56k members.


Yeah, you bastards.


The Pistons should put their title belts on the line come the X-Mas rematch.


That's a great idea for a rivalry, actually.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Why is Wallace lumped into the category of those who jumped into the crowd? Give him 2 games for shoving, because thats all he did, and throw the book at the other guys.

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Guest Brian
Anyone in the stands attacking the fans is a lowlife.

What is the justification for this statement?


But Artest is a showman and an agitator. By laying on the scoretable, he was trying to incite a eaction.


From Wallace, not the crowd.


My argument is that when you're itching to heave a full cup of liquid at a player on the court, you're asking for shit to go down. In addition, the two fans getting onto the court during a game is automatically subdued and arrested in any other situation.


I don't see how anyone can side with the fans here.

I think the best way to look at it is if it was a bunch of player fighting, say two guys that have already been pulled apart. Say one of their teammates throws a plastic water bottle with liquid at the other guy in the head, he's made himself apart of the fight, and has to face the consequences. So, evaluate the fan in the wame way you'd look at the player. He choose to assault him, he wanted to get involved in the fight, and he had to face consequences for it.


Artest showed a ton more restraint than anyone woulod have expected, after the Wallace push and after him charging into the stands, that he didn't throw a punch at all.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Anyone in the stands attacking the fans is a lowlife.

What is the justification for this statement?


But Artest is a showman and an agitator. By laying on the scoretable, he was trying to incite a eaction.


From Wallace, not the crowd.


Same thing. The crowd is the exact same thing as wallace. If he's pissing off Wallace, the fans would be pissed too. Artest is just a punk.

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Artest was lying on the table minding his own business trying to calm down when the fan threw the bottle at him.


He shouldn't have run into the stands like he did but the fans started him

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Guest Vitamin X
CNN is reporting Artest, Jackson, Wallace, and O'Neill all got suspended indefinately.


So is ESPN and Fox News.


Indefinitely meaning they should come back for the Dec. 25th rematch. That would be great.

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Same thing.  The crowd is the exact same thing as wallace.  If he's pissing off Wallace, the fans would be pissed too.

...AND THAT'S WHERE THE LINE STOPS. If Wallace and the fans are one in the same, Artest would be given a five-game suspension for attacking (or in this case, subduing) a player like he did the fan. This isn't to mention the fan who got decked, but he WAS on the court, so any precedent should be negated.


In your opinion, what should the NBA specifically do to Artest?

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