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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

WWF/E Tidbits from the past

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

They taped the RAW building up to July's IYH in Green bay and that ended up being Warriors last appearences. They edited out an in ring interview that Cornette did that night, since it ended with the 3 faces charging the ring.

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They taped the RAW building up to July's IYH in Green bay and that ended up being Warriors last appearences. They edited out an in ring interview that Cornette did that night, since it ended with the 3 faces charging the ring.

Yea it confused me, as they said Warrior was suspended, but he had to fulfill his contract duties by being on RAW (well actually it was a rushed taped segment with Gorilla Monsoon at the top of the show).


Didn't think SId would be the replacement, as I had initially believed that he was the third man with Hall and Nash (made sense to me as he had dissapeared from WWF TV months earlier).

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Guest jm29195

I'm not sure exactly what the content was, but according to an old Powerslam (issue 25 I think)- it says that some of HHH's introductory vignettes were alongisde the incomparable MANTAUR! If anyone could elaborate I would be most chuffed....

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Guest drdrainoscott

According to a PWTorch from the time period, Canadian Stampede originally had a much different card than what took place (and changed a few times actually). Shawn walking out after the legit fight with Bret is what shook everything up. It looked like this at first:


Hart Foundation vs. Shawn, Taker, LOD & Austin

Vader vs. Ahmed

The New Blackjacks vs. Godwinns

Sid vs. Faarooq

Sasake vs. Taka


Thrilling isn't it? Once Shawn left, Taker was scheduled to defend against Ahmed, but injuries prevented that from happening. Replacing those two was Mankind and Shamrock, but they quickly changed their mind and used Goldust in place of Mankind in favor of the KOTR Finals rematch.

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Not to hijack the thread but I remember a WWF magazine article way back when Jim Cornette was trying to teach Mantaur how to be a civilized human being and bringing him out to a restaurant. Mantaur would have none of that and ate everything savagely.

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Not to hijack the thread but I remember a WWF magazine article way back when Jim Cornette was trying to teach Mantaur how to be a civilized human being and bringing him out to a restaurant. Mantaur would have none of that and ate everything savagely.

Those were the ones with Triple H. It was featured in the wrestlecraptastic king of the ring '95 special edition. Jim Cornette had gotten in Triple H to help him teach Mantaur proper dinning manners. It ended with Jimmy having his face pushed into a cake by Hunter.

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I loved that character, but can't really think of anything they could do for him. "Gossipy guy in the back" doesn't sound like a character that could draw, unless he used it to stir shit on purpose or for his own ends, whatever. They tried to have that element in there by how he'd deliver all of his little tidbits he heard, but I can't see such a character having a shelf life after someone he pissed off took him into the ring and kicked his ass.


Think Hassan'll be one of those totally dropped things we talk about a few years down the road?

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What was the whole story behind Bulldog losing the IC title to Michaels in late 92? I bought one of those Survivor Series 92 programs and it actually had Bulldog/Mountie listed as the IC title match, but somewhere it ended up the odd choice for main event Bret/Shawn with both men holding titles.


I was stunned to hear 1992 was the most financially disasterous year for the WWF considering I love that year. Rumble was great, WM was good, SS 92 is one of my favorite shows ever, and S. Series was good as well. I think what happened was that in the spring/summer post WM there was an incredibly stale house show circuit where jack shit was happening. Literally every house show for 3 months had:


Ultimate Warrior over Papa Shango

Randy Savage over Ric Flair

Bret Hart over Shawn Michaels

LOD over the Beverly Bros.

British Bulldog over Repo Man

UT over Berserker

Tatanka over Rick Martel


It didn't help that none of these feuds ever really had a legit blowoff on a PPV or on TV, aside from maybe Tatanka/Model.

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Guest drdrainoscott

The story with Bulldog holding the IC title is that WWF had originally planned for Bret to drop the belt to Shawn at Summerslam 92 (or around that time) when SS was originally going to be held in Maryland. Once it was moved to England, they decided to give Bulldog the belt to send the fans home happy. Bulldog then dropped the title to Michaels on SNME in, I believe, his last televised match before being fired due to steriod abuse.


And I'm pretty sure all those fueds, save for Warrior/Shango, were blown off in some form on TV.

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Ultimate Warrior over Papa Shango

Randy Savage over Ric Flair

Bret Hart over Shawn Michaels

LOD over the Beverly Bros.

British Bulldog over Repo Man

UT over Berserker

Tatanka over Rick Martel


Let's see if I can recall. Macho and Flair feuded throughout the year, in fact they kept dicking around until after they had BOTH jobbed out in the world title scene and Bret had the title. By this point Razor and Perfect got involved, and the whole thing was dropped soon after since Flair was leaving. There was maybe 1 TV bout on Superstars where Flair won the title, but that's about it....no conclusive blowoff.


Warrior/Shango as mentioned was just dropped after a point. Bret/Shawn was totally dropped as a feud and then finally they did have a match at S. Series but it wasn't the same feud I didn't think, if that makes any sense. Bret had long since lost the IC and won the world title. LOD/Bevs was never blown off on even Prime Time Wrestling, as LOD just started feuding with Money Inc. again until they left. Bulldog/Repo was likewise dropped without any mention. Ditto UT/Berserker as they brought in Kamala and forgot this angle. The only one of these that was legit blown off in my view was Tatanka/Martel, as Tatanka finally reclaimed his feathers and won at Series 92.


I actually saw Bulldog at a TV taping the night right after he lost the IC title and he squashed the Berserker. It seems odd to put him over someone strongly like that if he was just going to be fired.

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According to Matt Borne in the "Pro Wrestling Mysteries Revealed" book by the Get in the Ring radio guys (excellent book, btw... and that constitutes as my review so now I don't feel like a crook), the planned main event for WrestleMania IX was Doink vs Hogan. Hogan said he wouldn't wrestle a clown.

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Superb thread.


What ever Happened to -


*Brakus (did lots of dark matches in 97) Remember him being in the Boxing Matches in 97/98 (That Bart Gunn won) and he then disappeared.


*Tiger Ali Singh (Was on the payroll from 97 - 99, but was never given a proper push) He kept disappearing and reappearing during this time - Last time I saw him was the manager of Lo Down (Mosh and Dlo)


*Man Rock Mountain (was always a fan of Maxx Payne in WCW) Why was he never pushed was another that disappeared after a few months.


*Public Enemy (I remember they did some form of story where all the tag teams in the Federation wanted them out) Was this some worked shoot??


*Thrash of The Headbangers - was he not meant to be a new evil clown??

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Guest drdrainoscott

Brakus was sent to ECW to develope and never seen on WWF tv again.


Tiger Ali Singh was injured in Puerto Rico which I believe led to WWF dropping Puerto Rico as a developmental territory (I'm not entirely sure of this but I believe its the case)


Public Enemy was not liked by many in the company as they were seen to be WCW rejects that hadn't earned their spots. If you remember the Acolytes worked them very stiff in one of their first matches to put them in their place. It was turned into a storyline but then PE was finally dropped since they weren't getting over.

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Brakus disappeared because he was beyond terrible.


Tiger Ali Singh was injured on a tour of Puerto Rico that the WWF sent him on, wound up getting released because of the injury, and filed a lawsuit against the WWF over both getting released and racial discrimination.


Man Mountain Rock flopped largely due to the terrible gimmick that he was given. MMR's strength was in the Max Payne persona, but thanks to the WWF's position that no gimmick that they didn't create can be any good, they gave him the stupid MMR deal that didn't allow Max to do what he could do best.


Public Enemy didn't last long because they were terrible. They weren't that good to begin with, but they were seen as being more talented than they were thanks to Paul Heyman. The storyline was a worked shoot, because most of the locker room really didn't want them around due to how bad they were, so they played off of that.


Thrash of The Headbangers wound up retiring after the team broke up, and at one point he was a nutritionist of some kind that advised a lot of the wrestlers when it came to getting in shape.


As for Hogan v Doink headlining WM IX; only in La La Land.

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Guest jm29195
Who was HBK going to drop the IC title to in late 1995 before he got beat up and forfeited it?



Shane 'Dean' Douglas

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They were going to job Shawn out on that PPV to Dean Douglas and then have Shawn go on to win the Rumble and title a few months later?


Just seems weird they'd give Douglas such a huge push by beating their hottest star at that time.

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Guest jm29195

Well Shane's always moaned on about that he was going to recieve a major push but that it was scuppered by the clique.... I believe that Shawn could have at the very least dropped the belt in a quick match to Douglas, but instead the clique got in whoever was bookings ear and persuaded them to change it to Shawn giving the title to Douglas and then Douglas loosing it to Hall in quick succesion- this is what pissed Douglas off....

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What was the whole story behind Bulldog losing the IC title to Michaels in late 92?  I bought one of those Survivor Series 92 programs and it actually had Bulldog/Mountie listed as the IC title match, but somewhere it ended up the odd choice for main event Bret/Shawn with both men holding titles.


I was stunned to hear 1992 was the most financially disasterous year for the WWF considering I love that year.  Rumble was great, WM was good, SS 92 is one of my favorite shows ever, and S. Series was good as well.  I think what happened was that in the spring/summer post WM there was an incredibly stale house show circuit where jack shit was happening.  Literally every house show for 3 months had: 


Ultimate Warrior over Papa Shango

Randy Savage over Ric Flair

Bret Hart over Shawn Michaels

LOD over the Beverly Bros.

British Bulldog over Repo Man

UT over Berserker

Tatanka over Rick Martel


It didn't help that none of these feuds ever really had a legit blowoff on a PPV or on TV, aside from maybe Tatanka/Model.


Well, then again no one had the Internet, so it's not like people in Boston knew what happened at the latest MSG shows. Pre-Internet, you could afford to pair some people to go around the horn for months and it was fresh in every city. Heck, even *with* the Internet, Goldberg beat The Giant on over 15 house show cards during his 1998 run.

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Guest jm29195
Well, then again no one had the Internet, so it's not like people in Boston knew what happened at the latest MSG shows. Pre-Internet, you could afford to pair some people to go around the horn for months and it was fresh in every city. Heck, even *with* the Internet, Goldberg beat The Giant on over 15 house show cards during his 1998 run.



Even with the internet, it can still be said that the people who read the results still only make up a relatively small ammount of the people who actually go to see the WWE product live....

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According to Matt Borne in the "Pro Wrestling Mysteries Revealed" book by the Get in the Ring radio guys (excellent book, btw... and that constitutes as my review so now I don't feel like a crook), the planned main event for WrestleMania IX was Doink vs Hogan. Hogan said he wouldn't wrestle a clown.


Especially since he did already 3 Manias ago. ^_^

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Were the plans for WM9 much different than what happened?It was the worst wm imo.Here is how I would have booked wm9.This would have required some wrestlers to have been in the company that weren't


World Title

Bret vs Hogan


IC Title

Hbk vs Marty


Tag Title

Money Inc vs Steiners


Loser Leaves WWF

Flair vs Hennig


Razor Ramon vs Savage


Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalas


Yokozuna vs Hacksaw Jim Duggan


Tatanka/Nasty Boys vs Headshrinkers/Bam Bam Bigelow


Narcisist Lex Luger vs Bob Backlund

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The above mentioned book (Doink vs Hogan) also has an interview with Ahmed Johnson that claims he was a great high flyer but HBK told him to stop. Ahmed thought he was being helpful but it actually hurt him in the long run.

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Guest Stunt Granny

The Nasty Boys and Tatanka? Did the Nasties turn face while in the WWF?

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Yes, in late 1992, using almost the exact same angle and reason the Disasters did IIRC. Nasty's wanted a tag title shot (which is explained via Lord Alfred Hayes / Gene Okerlund on Update, brought to you by the pages of World Wrestling Federation Magazine), Jimmy Hart screwed them over and gave Money Inc. the shot, Money Inc. won the belts.


Survivor Series 1992's one and only elimination tag match (which wasn't even contested under normal 8-man Series rules, but under the large scale 20 man matches of the 80s where when one member of a tag team is pinned, both men are gone) was Nasty Boys/Bushwackers vs Money Inc/Beverly Brothers.

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Yes, in late 1992, using almost the exact same angle and reason the Disasters did IIRC. Nasty's wanted a tag title shot (which is explained via Lord Alfred Hayes / Gene Okerlund on Update, brought to you by the pages of World Wrestling Federation Magazine), Jimmy Hart screwed them over and gave Money Inc. the shot, Money Inc. won the belts.


Survivor Series 1992's one and only elimination tag match (which wasn't even contested under normal 8-man Series rules, but under the large scale 20 man matches of the 80s where when one member of a tag team is pinned, both men are gone) was Nasty Boys/Bushwackers vs Money Inc/Beverly Brothers.



Actually it was Nasties/Disasters vs. Money Inc/Beverlys. After the Nasty Boys turned face, the Bushwackers gave them their spot.

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I was just a kid at the time but I remember being quite disillusioned when I read my first PWI magazine. In the back they had all these house show reports where I saw all those match results of feuds they kept pimping on TV. I thought to myself "Well if these guys are fighting every night what exactly are they building to?" I assumed these guys were all fighting other people (mostly just jobbers like they did on TV) and they were saving these epics like Bulldog/Repo Man for a huge PPV.

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