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This Monday's Battle Royal...

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Isn't Edge a supposed loose cannon? How about Edge just snaps for no apprent reason and takes out a couple jobbers and the police come to calm him down and he goes berserk and attacks them too and Randy Orton bars him from the Battle Royal and Edge attacks Orton too until Jericho or Benjamin makes the save and Christian surprises everyone by sneak attacking and helping Edge out. Christian offers a handshake but Edge huffs and leaves the arena.


There, he's established as a Loose Cannon who can't be controlled, sets up a Orton/Edge program to keep HHH and Orton apart and furthers the "are they together or not" tease of edge and christian...ALL in one or two quick segments.


Here, No one is embarassed and it advances 2-3 storylines all at once.

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I'm not really a fan of Christian, but I don't think he should be Edge's lackey. While I do wish they have a bit of interaction and not totally ignore the past, I don't think that, for Christian's sake, they should even tease a reunion.


Unless WWE really has nothing to do with Christian. Then it'd be cool.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

But it'd be a good way of showing Edge is trying to abandon his past.


He mentions that he isn't the goofy guy anymore and that he isn't around to be funny anymore. If he turns away his former partner, it'd go along with that sentiment.


I'm not saying Christian should be his lackey, Christian simply should cut a "I watch your back, you watch mine" promo where they basically align for the sake of aligning, not to revive the good old times.

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No matter how they use Edge, he will not win the Battle Royale. I don't think Orton will be in it as someone said...but I could be wrong. Maybe they will give it to Flair!!!! lol

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But it'd be a good way of showing Edge is trying to abandon his past.


He mentions that he isn't the goofy guy anymore and that he isn't around to be funny anymore. If he turns away his former partner, it'd go along with that sentiment.


I'm not saying Christian should be his lackey, Christian simply should cut a "I watch your back, you watch mine" promo where they basically align for the sake of aligning, not to revive the good old times.

Ah, okay. I actually like that idea then. As long as they don't tag.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I wouldn't mind if they occasionally tag like Orton and Benoit do as long as it's not every week and it's meaningful. I don't want them gunning for the tag titles anytime soon but i dont see any reason why they shouldn't tag team once in awhile because I still want the Damn E&C Vs CVC match.

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Guest LooneyTune
Oh God...





The internet will collapse.

Please don't joke...at least when they did Kane/Batista, Kane was destryoing everybody

Are you sure about that? I thought Kane was in full afterthought joke mode at that point.

Even though he's a pretty bad wrestler, chokeslamming 6 or 7 people in a row that aren't jobbers gets the crowd behind you. It's been proven the last 2 RAW Battle Royales...since they did the exact same thing in both. Batista ends up manhandling Kane with his Monster Strength.


Edit: Aha...I worded my phrase wrong. I meant what I said in this post. The guy was being jobbed out to everyone in regular matches.

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To me, Edge is one of the few interesting characters on Raw, right now. For the first time since returning, I actually like him. Now if he gets rid of his hideous tights, he's set. I don't know what was wrong with the old ones.


You have to figure that the HHH-Batista feud will somehow be teased, again, one way or another. Now if they wanted to go all out, they could have it come down to HHH & Batista vs. someone like Benoit. Evolution eliminates Benoit, and then HHH expects Batista to basically jump over the top. Batista thinks for a minute, and he ends up fighting.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You



Raw has 25 people on the roster?



























HBK-Kane-Hardy-Cade are nursing injuries/making movies.

Orton is barred from the Match...

So who fills out the remaining two spots? Coach? Lawler?

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Guest LooneyTune

They said "Company Wide Battle Royale", meaning anyone who's a wrestler, and isn't set to a certain number.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'd like to think this would be a excuse to drag Angle over to raw(and ship Benoit back over) but I doubt they'll do that.


and the preview said 25 people...

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Guest LooneyTune

Oh...the Preview does say 25. (Stupid Orton!)..Yeah, there's not enough people for that unless they tossed in OVW guys at random, Lawler, J.R., Coach, the Women, or someone else.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

The list I had was 23 people so It's logical to assume that Coach and Lawler will overtake the last two spots unless Victoria pulls a chyna and goes "I want to wrestle the men" type spot.

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Guest Anglesault
I'd like to think this would be a excuse to drag Angle over to raw(and ship Benoit back over) but I doubt they'll do that.

I'd rather they keep Angle on Smackdown and send Michaels over to Smackdown.

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I'd like to think this would be a excuse to drag Angle over to raw(and ship Benoit back over)  but I doubt they'll do that.

I'd rather they keep Angle on Smackdown and send Michaels over to Smackdown.

That would mean Smackdown! would have a bit more star power. It won't happen.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Does it matter? Besides, if you ship Benoit over to smackdown... Maybe vince will finally listen to Heyman and give us Benoit/Taker for Mania.

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Guest Anglesault
Does it matter?

There are more interesting programs for Shawn on Smackdown than Angle on Raw.


Angle on Raw has only Flair and Michaels that appeal to me (and Rock, but really, he can show up on either show)


HBK had Angle, Eddie, RVD, Rey, Carlito, Bradshaw, Booker, Cena.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

on Raw for Angle...


Benjamin. HBK. Benoit. Jericho. Orton. Batista. Eugene. Rhyno. Tajiri.


Benoit has been done before but Angle is going to want/have to leave/retire at some point and Benoit should be his last program. Jericho hasn't quite gotten a good match with Angle; I'd be hopeful they can get it right the next try. Eugene would fit Angle's atrocious comedy stylings but get a straight match out of them and it'd be fantastic. Rhyno and Angle worked a good match before and Tajiri is fucking Tajiri.


On Smackdown


Angle Has...




every one else would be a repeat (Cena, Booker, Eddy, RVD, Mysterio, TBS).


for HBK on Raw


Edge. Christian. If he stays face. Turns heel? toss Benjamin into this.


for HBK on Smackdown


Angle, Eddy, JBL(Shawn is a better bumper then Eddy, so this would work here), 'Taker, RVD (they never got a real program or match 2 years ago), Mysterio.


Benoit on Raw


HHH. Batistia. Edge. Christian.


Rinse and repeat.


Benoit on Smackdown


'Taker. Cena (they had a bitching match before He left last year). Haas (Battle of the Technical purists aka Old School Vs New School). Eddy (been done but who cares. Good wrestling is good wrestling). Angle (refer to eddy).

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Guest Anglesault
on Raw for Angle...


Benjamin. HBK. Benoit. Jericho. Orton. Batista. Eugene. Rhyno. Tajiri.

HBK can go either way in our scenario, but I included it so whatever.


Angle/Benoit has absolutely been done to death. They need to give that a LONG break. I know others certainly can, but I can't just watch the same two guys repeatedly paired up together.


I didn't enjoy past Angle/Jericho matches very much (not bad, but very, you know, there.) and every other combination there (with the possible exception of Benjamin) holds no appeal to me.


Plus, we would eventually have to hit Angle/HHH, and GOOD LORD I've never seen two good workers (maybe Jericho and Austin) who just constantly put on some of the crappiest matches like these two did.


Angle Has...




I really want to see that.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I don't want the buildup. Just give us the 25-30 minute match on Smackdown and then Angle can move over to Raw or have Shawn with his expired Raw contract come over to Smackdown at the Rumble to screw Angle out of the rumble match ala Lesnar to Goldberg but reveal Shawn is the newest accquistion of Smackdown.


Raw won't miss Shawn that much, we aren't really waiting for the blow-off to the thrilling Edge/Shawn program anyways.


I still think a Benoit/Taker, HBK/Angle, HHH/Orton, JBL/Cena is a more appealing WM Top card then what they seem to be headed towards


Angle/Taker, HHH/Orton, Cena/CCC and Benoit in some mid-card match likely with Jericho teaming against E&C.


Fine, I guess putting Shawn over on SD works for the time being and Angle can always be drafted to Raw after the HBK program anyways. The problem is, Undertaker is the head of Smackdown, he won't like having a major program for what should be his last WM ever and he has said he wants that "classic" match...


He won't get it with anyone else on the sd roster unless they turn him or eddy and that's a reach.


If we do get Angle/Taker for the WM Program...then they can always do Shawn/Angle at Summerslam with a longer build because Angle or shawn can get drafted after WM anyways. If they do go with Angle/Taker...we end up with Edge/HBK and that would be the SAME match as the Jericho one in 2003.


There's so much they can do with Angle, Benoit, Shawn right now and yet they seem to be trapped in a block of confusion. Shawn's coming back for another run with a blonde canuck, Benoit's stuck in tag team/mid card meaninglessness likely will end up with the lesser blonde canuck and Angle's squashing jobbers.


since we already went off topic... Where does Eddy Guerrero end up for WMXXI?


one way or another Angle/Taker will be for the title if it happens and I doubt they will prolong the JBL/Eddy thing that much longer. Is he going to end up stuck in the traditional thrown together at the last minute tag team match with rey or haas or something? perhaps he and rvd can just have a match over the U.S Title. Hell make it a ladder match for added bonus.


I'm really afraid of what vince does to WMXXI when he could have a potentially ass kicking card. I just KNOW snitsky gets a high profile match while Benoit jerks for the semi-annual wm battle royal/ multiple man tag match.

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Here's the deal.


New Year's Revolution, early January.


It's going to need a heel as World Champion to defend a "chasing" challenger. New market, new PPV date.


Who's going to pay to see a token title defense?


Granted, I predict the Puerto Rico PPV will have the LOWEST BUYRATE IN WWF/WWE HISTORY...but just saying.


That's all I'm saying.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Here's the deal.


New Year's Revolution, early January.


It's going to need a heel as World Champion to defend a "chasing" challenger. New market, new PPV date.


Who's going to pay to see a token title defense?


Granted, I predict the Puerto Rico PPV will have the LOWEST BUYRATE IN WWF/WWE HISTORY...but just saying.


That's all I'm saying.

If HHH survives with the title, I'd expect Jericho or Benjamin to get the meaningless token title shot.


With Benjmain, you could promote "CHAMPION VS CHAMPION" at least.


If HHH loses this monday, it'll be Jericho or Benoit taking the title for a meaningless 3 week reign to drop it back to HHH at NYR and thus breaking the Orton gets no title shot ruling (since the HHH reign ended, they can say legally, the stipulation was waved). Which means, Orton doesn't HAVE to win the rumble to face HHH at Mania.

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Guest Anglesault
Oh, and can you guys please STAY ON FUCKING TOPIC.


This thread isn't for discussing a possible Kurt Angle move to Smackdown! and/or who Shawn Michael has/had great matches with. Go start your own.

Just a note. Not the best idea to post an angry rant on others going off topic immediately after you yourself do the same exact thing.

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I'm gonna say it'll end up being Batista and HHH as the final two. HHH will tell Batista to step over and elimate himself, Batista will then refuse and it goes from there.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
Oh, and can you guys please STAY ON FUCKING TOPIC.


This thread isn't for discussing a possible Kurt Angle move to Smackdown! and/or who Shawn Michael has/had great matches with.  Go start your own.

Just a note. Not the best idea to post an angry rant on others going off topic immediately after you yourself do the same exact thing.

In his defense, he didn't go off topic. All he said was that HHH would retain and that no one would pay for NYR for a token title defense.

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Guest Anglesault
Oh, and can you guys please STAY ON FUCKING TOPIC.


This thread isn't for discussing a possible Kurt Angle move to Smackdown! and/or who Shawn Michael has/had great matches with.  Go start your own.

Just a note. Not the best idea to post an angry rant on others going off topic immediately after you yourself do the same exact thing.

In his defense, he didn't go off topic. All he said was that HHH would retain and that no one would pay for NYR for a token title defense.

What does that have to do with Edge's gimmick?

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