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College Roommate Trouble

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Here's the situation: I'm currently living in the dorms at my college. I moved in a week late to an empty room, and I never got a room mate. Every once and a while I would get a slip saying someone will move in without two days, but nobody ever did. Tonight, this guy knocks on my door and says he's moving in tomorrow. Meanwhile, a friend from down the hall has a foreign exchange student as a room mate and he apparently doesn't like the smell of hot indian sex, so he wants to move out.


So here are my options:

(1) I could wait it out, hope the guy doesn't move in, and continue to have my own room.

(2) Wait it out, the guy moves in, I'm living with a stranger

(3) Ask my friend to move in with me, possibly screwing myself out of my own room if the other guy wasn't going to move in.


Having my own room is obviously the ideal choice, but I was wondering what you people would do in this situation.

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Guest Shutterspeed

Unless something happens where neither guy can move in, you're not going to retain your full room without hurting someone's feelings.


You can, with ease, however, select who you want to move in with you, and it would naturally be your friend from down the hall, right? You can't just tell each about the other guy and to hang out and see what happens, because the bottom line is that someone will move in eventually, again unless either get hit by a cab and die or something similar. Let your friend come and live with you.


Alternatively, you could hatch some sort of a plan to make sure that no guy comes in, but that's not going to happen naturally. You could also tell them that you're sick, but I'll leave you to ponder those options.

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Might as well bite the bullet and live with the friend.


Of course, living with a stranger is a big part of college, so maybe you should just bite the bullet on that one as well.


In closing, I hope you appreciate me offering no solution whatsoever.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I scared my first college roommate so bad he moved out and never talked to me again.


His name was Chris, and was a mild-mannered Computer administrating somethingorother major, with a minor in something religious. I'm pretty sure I had drunk sex right in front of him at one point. I came staggering home one night with something awful I found, and I remember just flopping onto my bed without turning the lights on or anything, and going at it loudly while he possibly slept or laid awake disturbed in the bed across the room. The next morning I awoke bare-naked and exposed with a somewhat ugly but at least fairly thin girl, also nude. He wasn't there, and didn't return for several days. He might've gone out of town or something beforehand, though. Truthfully I can't remember, and he never mentioned anything (though he never once confronted me no matter how obnoxious I was. I made a game of it after a while). He moved out about two weeks after this happened.

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I had the same situation in college. I had a friend move in with me after the first semester. I dunno what your school is like, but mine would force someone on you whether you liked it or not.

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Rant, when I first read the title before opening the thread, I thought the same thing.


I'd say wait a few days, see if that stranger moves in, and if not? Bring your friend in.

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