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Tekken 5

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I was messing around a bit, and it seems like adding a second jab after the first knee actually makes the timing of the second knee easier. I'm doing knee, 1, 1, knee, 2, 4 now, getting it like 70% in practice mode.

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I just figured out the CD WS+1 thing. The notation is d,d/f, n, 1 but it's kinda tricky. You have to be exact.


f+3+4,4,2 into the wall is brutal.



BTW, have you been able to beat the one player arcade game since Heihachi arrived? You always face him on stage 7 now and there's a little cutscene that plays before the fight. If you're playing as Raven there's a special one where Raven sees his alive, turns on his radio and is like "Heihachi Mishima........is alive." There's another if you're Jack where Hei freaks out thinking Jack is going to blow up. Pretty neat.

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How did Kazuya come back? I thought Heihachi defeated him and threw into an active volcano at the end of T2?


Also why did they switch back Forest out for Marshall after the initial switch?

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Kazuya did die. His body was found by a genetics company named G Corporation, who brought him back to life a few days later.


Namco thinks Marshall looks cooler than Forest. I agree too, his mustache is cool. He looks like a pissed off Bruce Lee.

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I actually went through Devil Within and the 1,000,000 G bonus for beating it almost pays me back for wanting to maim everything in sight during the Stage 4 Boss level. Friggin' platform jumps...friggin' camera angles...

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