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Gary Floyd

Most Disappointing Movie(s)

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Guest Mindless_Aggression
Resident Evil: Apocalype, MA? Come on, what were you expecting? :P

Oh I wasn't expecting it to be good or anything, but it was just ridiculously bad. From the dozens of "LOOK HOW FUCKING COOL THIS CHARACTER IS" shots to the one soldier killing one of the dogs and saying " I GOT THEES BEETCH!" to my brain melting around the 60 minute mark, it was just pound for pound one of the worst action movies I've ever seen. And I've seen Over The Top.

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i have no sympathy for anyone who expects anything from jimmy fallon.

He's really funny but Taxi was not the right movie for him. He was funny during his scenes with Jennifer Esposito since it was just Jimmy being Jimmy. But the stuff where he tried to be an action star was terrible

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Matrix Revolutions. Ok, yeah, close to everybody hated it but I tried to keep an open mind. I WANTED to like this movie, but the ending just left me bummed out.


More to come as I remember them.

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Revolutions was actually 2003. I expected NOTHING from that after Reloaded however.


I gotta go with Van Helsing on this as well...I love the Univeral horror movies and this movie (especially that ass that played Drac) pissed all over those movies.


Kill Bill Vol. 2 kinda disappointed me mildly. The first 90m or so was good but once the Bride met up with the Mexican pimp the movie just became a talky bore.


Spidey 2 also mildly disappointed me...I don't go to see a movie called Peter Parker 2...I go to see SPIDER-MAN 2. That movie had way too much dreary talk and not enough of Spidey fighting Doc Ock.


As far as Azkaban goes that was a real good movie, best of the series thus far. Certainly better than Shrek 2 or Spidey 2 among the big summer sequels.

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Revolutions was actually 2003.

My bad.


Agreed on Kill Bill 2. I expected a bit more from that last fight scene.


And for those who say it's because David Carradine is too old to do this, just watch the Damoe Deleted Scene from the DVD. (which also re-enforces the awesomeness of David Carradine) The man can still go.

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Cabin Fever wasn't 2004 was it?


And that movie was almost good do due dumb comedy.


"What are you going to do with that rifle?"

"Go shoot squirles."


"...cause they're gay."

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Along Came Polly

From the writer of "Meet the Parents" and starring Ben Stiller I thought this would be good. Instead I found all the best gags were shown in the trailer and the rest was just bland.


Van Helsing

I really wanted to like this film but it was just a constant barrage of mind numbing, headache inducing special effects and why was it so damn LOUD anyway?

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I'm telling you, Stephen Sommers got away with shitting all over the original Mummy movies, mainly because aside from the Karloff original (which isn't exactly how one THINKS of the Mummy) and maybe Mummy's Hand (which IS how everyone thinks of the Mummy, bandages and such) there really weren't too many quality Mummy movies. So when Sommers had a bald Shane McMahon as the Mummy I was a little irked but not up in arms over it.


But in Van Helsing he had that idiot as Dracula (Lugosi must be rolling over in his grave), and I might be the only one who was pissed at the way the Wolf Man was used. The Wolf Man is a SPECIFIC CHARACTER, Lawrence Talbot. I didn't see Lawrence Talbot in this film, did you? There were werewolves in the film, but NOT the Wolf Man.


The Frankenstein monster was actually done fairly decent in this film, though I've never gotten used to an articulate monster. The way it was done originally with the Monster being mute in the 1st, then learning to speak in the 2nd was the best way to do it.

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I'd have to throw Troy up here. I had such high hopes for that movie, but when they started butchering the whole story, my faith was lost.


I'd also say Alexander, but I haven't seen it yet. From the sounds of it, it looks to be incredibly disappointing.

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I thought the Quidditch scene in Azbakan was total bad-ass. That whole movie scared the hell out of me. Apparently in Azbakan they win the Qudditch Cup so some fans were unhappy they left it out. It would've just bogged down the movie though. I was hoping Curon would stay on for Goblet of Fire but he got replaced by Newell.


That wasn't the biggest complaint, although some people bitched about it. The only match in which anything significant happens is the first one where the Dementors attack Harry and his broom is destroyed.


The main problem people have storywise was that they didn't explain the backstory of the Marauders enough (Prongs = James, Padfoot = Black, Wormtail = Pettigrew, Moony = Lupin), and the other three all learned how to turn into animals so that they could be with Lupin during one of his 'episodes'. I already read the book, so I didn't really care if this was in it or not, and I just assumed that it would be mentioned later because it becomes important in Order of the Phoenix when explaining Snape's past.


As to the main topic, definitely Alexander. Van Helsing I expected to be a fun Mummy-like film so it disappointed, but Alexander was supposed to be an Oscar contender.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
I'm telling you, Stephen Sommers got away with shitting all over the original Mummy movies, mainly because aside from the Karloff original (which isn't exactly how one THINKS of the Mummy) and maybe Mummy's Hand (which IS how everyone thinks of the Mummy, bandages and such) there really weren't too many quality Mummy movies. So when Sommers had a bald Shane McMahon as the Mummy I was a little irked but not up in arms over it.

Nobody got up in arms about the first Mummy movie, because it was a popcorn adventure flick and people like those.


The second one was just terrible.

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Resident Evil 2 - I wasn't expecting greatness, but wow the director and whoever wrote the script just took the biggest shit possible on the franchise.


The Clearing


The Village

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I'll second The Day After Tomorrow. I've no idea why I thought it would be good to begin with.


Also, not that I expected a lot from it, but Birth was absolutely godawful.


And another thing, I hope you people bitching about Spider-Man 2 realize that the movie is a perfect reflection of the comic book. If you had problems with it, it's your own fault for expecting an out and out action movie or whatever. Spider-Man 2 is quite obviously one of the best comic-to-film adaptations ever.

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Yeah but sometimes you gotta jettison some of the more soapish stuff in the comics. I mean, I for one was relieved when Singer tossed out the constant Cyclops/Jean Grey crap that bored me to tears on the old cartoon. Instead of downplaying this stuff Raimi actually focused on it. Thing is, that stuff is the SIDEPLOT, not the main plot. The main plot should be Spidey stopping the madman Doc Ock for destroying the city, with the Mary Jane/Aunt May/personal crisis stuff as the sideplot.


I liked Troy a lot actually, but I've never read the Iliad so I wasn't up in arms over liberties taken.

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Guest krazykat72
I'm starting to think that Rowling is really just a hack writer that got lucky with her first couple of stories

That's flat out wrong.

The book's have gotten progressively better (sort of, they peaked with 4, and 5 was on the level of 3 as the next best). The amount of detail omitted in Azkaban is huge, although I did enjoy the movie.


-Paul Jacobi-

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Day After Tomorrow.  I guess I expected it to be more than just a plain old disaster movie and that's exactly what it was.

You never checked the production details and saw who was writing/directing? :huh:


Alexander: Never saw it and don't wanna, but I liked this quite from bongonews.com...


Alexander the Great, who killed, raped and plundered his way across 90% of the known world, is portrayed by Oliver Stone as a gay, benevolent despot who’s just trying to get away from his mother. This tells you more about Oliver Stone than about Alexander.

Jack Palethorpe


Rating: 1 1/2 *


Resident Evil 2 - I wasn't expecting greatness, but wow the director and whoever wrote the script just took the biggest shit possible on the franchise)


How so? While it was very stupid and did indeed suck, there's a genuineness about the it that's "okay, let's make a cheeseball action flick that has zombies in it that loosely follows the game(s) storyline" that I appreciate a lot more than PWSA's "lookie, lookie! I'm trying to make a scary movie! I suck ass at it but I'm trying damnit!" I'll actually admit that I thought a lot of the scenes in the church worked.


Unfortunately, since it was directed by a 2nd-unit director taking his first crack in the main director's chair (basically, a guy who shoots scenery not involving the main actors) close to Anderson and it was written by PWSA (big shock, huh?), it was doomed to a) suck, b) star the chick that WS is currently fucking, and who he wants everyone to know he is. Good for you, WS, now try making a movie that doesn't ****ing suck.


I went to see AVP with a friend who was in utter denial that it would absolutely blow. He's now a rabid WS hater :)


Also, no Paul, a PG-13 rating isn't an excuse for your movie being bad.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20
The Terminal. It's Spielberg and Hanks, for God's sake.

Really? Other than Catherine Zeta-Jones, I enjoyed The Terminal.


Van Helsing - When I first found out that Hugh Jackman (Badass) signed on for the lead, I got excited. When the trailer was released, I couldn't wait. Then... I saw the movie. ;)


The Village - Damn M. Night Shymalan and his endings.


Blade: Trinity - I'm a huge fan of the Blade Trilogy. While the ending leaves the door open for another, if this was the 3rd and final movie... I'm dissapointed. If you thought Richard Roxburgh was a bad Dracula in Van Helsing, wait till you see what they are working with in Trinity.

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Cabin Fever wasn't 2004 was it?


And that movie was almost good do due dumb comedy.


"What are you going to do with that rifle?"

"Go shoot squirles."


"...cause they're gay."

Came out 2003

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Van Helsing - When I first found out that Hugh Jackman (Badass) signed on for the lead, I got excited. When the trailer was released, I couldn't wait. Then... I saw the movie. ;)

See, I never got past the trailer.


I heard about this movie, new it was being produced, and I was psyched for it.


Then the trailer came out, and it was so fucking cheesy that my "Bad Movie Alert" warning beacon started to sound off.


I was still willing to give it the benefit of the doubt, for two reasons: a) I'm a monster movie mark, and b) Kate Beckinsale, Kate Beckinsale, KATE BECKINSALE.


Didn't actually bother seeing it, though, because at least a half dozen friends of mine saw it on its opening weekend and ALL of them hated it. There weren't any differing opinions, no "I thought it sucked / I disagree, it wasn't great but it had its moments... / etc", it was all "This movie blew. Save your money."


Only way I see this is maybe when it comes on free TV.


Blade: Trinity - I'm a huge fan of the Blade Trilogy. While the ending leaves the door open for another, if this was the 3rd and final movie... I'm dissapointed. If you thought Richard Roxburgh was a bad Dracula in Van Helsing, wait till you see what they are working with in Trinity.


Dracula here is played by Dominic Purcil (for those who were John Doe fans), and I've seen some of the trailers, and he just looks corny. Blade vs. Drac could be major, but the fact that they're not even promoting Drac as the main villain should be warning enough.


I'll still watch the flick sometime in the next few days, cause though the Blade movies are mindless action flicks, they're good popcorn flicks.

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The first movie I thought of when I saw this thread was Van Helsing. That movie sucked on so many levels...


And I thought Azkaban was good, though I can see why a lot of people had problems with it (after reading the book). Personally, I can't wait for this time next year when Goblet of Fire comes out.

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Van Helsing may not have sucked if they hired people who weren't in top high school drama club form for the Vampires.


I have NEVER seen worse overacting than those Brides and Dracula. He delivered his lines with a cheese factor off the scale.


And the CGI in the first vampire death scene couldn't have been worse.


Yet, I own the DVD. It's the Road House for a new generation. There is no way anyone involved in the production didn't know with all the overacting and all the bad line delivery that this movie wasn't bad. It is my firm belief this is a great film because everyone involved intentionally made it bad.

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Road House is awesome. Ditto Next of Kin. Let us all bow down to the awesomeness of Swayze!


(In all seriousness Liam Neeson is cool as hell in Next of Kin.)


I heard about Drac being the heel in Blade:Trinity and thought to myself "Isn't this a bit....anachronistic?" I mean, Dracula represents the oldest of old school vampire gothic horror, whereas the Blade series represents vampire movie as actioner. Just try to picture Bela Lugosi or even Christopher Lee busting out the kung fu against Blade (well ok I can imagine Lee since he fought Yoda).


Holy shit I stumbled onto a good idea: Why didn't they get Christopher Lee to play Drac in this? He's older than dirt but as Ep. 2 showed he can do a bit of physical stuff. Get a stunt double to do the really strenuous stuff.

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Guest Jimmy Saint

Road House has Sam Elliot and Terry Funk in it. For christ sakes Terry even busts out the crazy old man oversell during a fight for you. Its not a so bad its good film its a good 80's cheesey action flick.



I'd say Starsky and Hutch for most disappointing this year. It had one or two decent gags but its a let down compered to Anchorman and Dodgeball for the frat pack.

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