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Savage gone AGAIN?

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I'm going with Warrior still, though the margin is getting smaller and smaller..

I don't think Warrior would have demanded the belt.


No, it would have been worse. Warrior would have demanded the mic.


I'm still under the belief that Monty Brown NEEDS the title now. The guy has defeated Raven and Abyss and right now is the only guy in position to demand the match.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

How have we all of a sudden decided Monty is ready for the title? He's not. There is nothing a guy as green as he is could do for the belt. He needs to be pushed a lot more to be a credible champion. There are several other guys who could be ready quicker, with less of an effort.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

His match on Impact with Jarrett Friday convinced me he needs the title. The fans are into him and he proved that he can work an extended match.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

1 credible match deserves a title reign? Because he's only had 1, and it wasn't even fantastic. I like where he is headed, but pulling the trigger too soon coul hurt his career, hurt TNA, and further damage the already hurting NWA title.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

The fans want him though. I've talked to several new fans that catch Impact and are slowly getting into the show and he's always the first name that comes up with them.

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Guest Fook_Theta

You know what? Hector Garza through heavy use of his latin heritage, could draw a non-papered crowd down there in Florida. Hector Garza vs JJ for the title wouldn't actually be a bad deal of booking with two and a half months of buildup. It might be able to draw some PPVs if TNA could push it down in Mehico/Puerto Rico/comedy Cuba.


Interesting idea, but would require a lot of work to get something out of it.

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1 credible match deserves a title reign? Because he's only had 1, and it wasn't even fantastic. I like where he is headed, but pulling the trigger too soon coul hurt his career, hurt TNA, and further damage the already hurting NWA title.


WMD, on the other hand, if they wait too long, they could miss the boat completely with him, like I was saying WWE did with Booker T. This is the first real shot they've had at making a legit homegrown star in alomst 2 years. The fans want to see him in the top spot, and he's proving he can handle more than his steady diet of squash with his match with Jarrett and the match with Raven and Abyss at VR (I haven't seen TP yet). Besides, he's already gone over Abyss and Raven, who are clearly TNA's stepping stones to the belt. Who's left in TNA to put him over? I say have him go through the Outsiders to get to Jarrett and put the belt on him.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
The fans want him though. I've talked to several new fans that catch Impact and are slowly getting into the show and he's always the first name that comes up with them.

That's true, he is the guy generating buzz right now, but I think that's all the more reason to delay the inevitable.


WMD, on the other hand, if they wait too long, they could miss the boat completely with him, like I was saying WWE did with Booker T.


My only problem with that comparison is that Booker had been around for like ten years. I don't think they need to wait ten years to give Monty the ball. Maybe if he took on the outsiders 1 at a time, for a couple month feud with each guy. (If they would properly put him over) Then, in 4 months, start the program with Jarrett. After a 2 month feud, Monty comes out the champ. So maybe 6 months total.


You know what? Hector Garza through heavy use of his latin heritage, could draw a non-papered crowd down there in Florida. Hector Garza vs JJ for the title wouldn't actually be a bad deal of booking with two and a half months of buildup. It might be able to draw some PPVs if TNA could push it down in Mehico/Puerto Rico/comedy Cuba.


That's actually a fantastic idea. Way too smart for TNA. In the process they could acheive several goals.

1) Make a star of Garza.

2) Bring in new fans in a new market.

3) Make Jarrett a credible champ.

4) Bring value to the title.


Great idea, seriously. I would love to see something like that happen.

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Hahah, he wanted the belt. He could barely do more than punch at the PPV. This is good news since TNA would be going backwards if they truly booked Jarrett/Savage at Final Resolution, had all these people tune in (and according to my unscientific poll, there is an interest in TNA's PPVS) and have everyone come away with a stinker. Now let's get behind Monty Brown.

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Guest whitemilesdavis

I still think a great championship match at the next PPV would be better for TNA than Monty winning an OK match.

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Hahah, he wanted the belt. He could barely do more than punch at the PPV. This is good news since TNA would be going backwards if they truly booked Jarrett/Savage at Final Resolution, had all these people tune in (and according to my unscientific poll, there is an interest in TNA's PPVS) and have everyone come away with a stinker. Now let's get behind Monty Brown.

We need the Monty Brown Needs the World Title Club (or, the MBNWTC).

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I still think a great championship match at the next PPV would be better for TNA than Monty winning an OK match.

They don't even have to put in on last, as they've shown they're not afraid to put on "the best match last". I think no matter what the NWA title situation is, they should book an Ultimate X between Petey, Sabin and Skipper, give them 20-25 minutes and have them close the show. I think if TNA can get into the habit of ending their shows with spectacular matches they will leave a lasting impression on the audience and continue to grow...

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I still think a great championship match at the next PPV would be better for TNA than Monty winning an OK match.

They don't even have to put in on last, as they've shown they're not afraid to put on "the best match last". I think no matter what the NWA title situation is, they should book an Ultimate X between Petey, Sabin and Skipper, give them 20-25 minutes and have them close the show. I think if TNA can get into the habit of ending their shows with spectacular matches they will leave a lasting impression on the audience and continue to grow...

Well they put AMW and XXX last at turning point... so maybe they're already set to that thinking.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
I still think a great championship match at the next PPV would be better for TNA than Monty winning an OK match.

They don't even have to put in on last, as they've shown they're not afraid to put on "the best match last". I think no matter what the NWA title situation is, they should book an Ultimate X between Petey, Sabin and Skipper, give them 20-25 minutes and have them close the show. I think if TNA can get into the habit of ending their shows with spectacular matches they will leave a lasting impression on the audience and continue to grow...

True, and a good point. But, when you put on a classic match, AND it's for the world title, there's just nothing quite like it.

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I don't think Savage wanted to win the NWA Title at all. I think he was just looking for an excuse to bail out and/or avoid putting Jarrett over, and this was it. He knew TNA would never agree to his request/demand, and if they hadn't sent him home, I have no doubt that Savage would have walked out anyway.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
I don't think Savage wanted to win the NWA Title at all. I think he was just looking for an excuse to bail out and/or avoid putting Jarrett over, and this was it. He knew TNA would never agree to his request/demand, and if they hadn't sent him home, I have no doubt that Savage would have walked out anyway.

HTQ, I really think you're underestimating Savage's dedication to TNA.


Just kidding. You're probably right, and they are better off without him.

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TNA is WAY better without him, as I couldnt believe how horrible he was (and looked) in that six man at the ppv. There would be no way he could even carry his own in a singles match, but then much yet be put in a position to headline a ppv? I can see intitially why TNA wanted to do Jarrett-Savage, thinking it MIGHT be a draw, but I dont think it would at all, and even if it was, once anyone who would order that next ppv and see that match would have been turned off from TNA more than it would have helped them long term. It may have literally killed the company to have Savage in for another 6 weeks and have it lead to what would certainly be a shitter of a match only to put over Jarrett again (which is a bad idea, Jarrett needs to give that title off ASAP) and against one of most washed up hasbeen workers in modern history. Talk about a bad mix. Seriously, if you didnt see the ppv, Savage looked THAT bad.


So after that last ppv, the verdict is in on Savage's value to the company and it unquestionably is NONE. So this was probably the best thing that could have happened right now with Savage walking out again, as it would have cost the company more overhead to pay for his worthless ass, and hopefully now it will lead to the original plan for this time period of Monte Brown getting the title (the other option was to Sting, who was who TNA was trying to get in Savage's place for Victory Road when he showed up). Thats the best thing for business, no doubt about it.


Honestly, with all of this talk about TNA having to turn the company around, this may have been the biggest blessing in disguise to happen, if it forces their hand to give the belt to Monte Brown at the next show, and that just might assist a potential turnaround in the organization. I just hope they dont have Dustin Rhodes v. Jarrett instead!

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Guest LooneyTune

Ground Breaking News: Moments after Savage left the TNA Janitors Office, he slipped in a puddle of urine and broke his hip! More updates to come later on.


Credit: DumbassNews Making fun of old wrestlers who can barely throw a punch.com

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I'm going with Warrior still, though the margin is getting smaller and smaller..

I don't think Warrior would have demanded the belt.

You never know.


Rumors are that when he was asked to join ECW, he would agree only if he got to have a shoot fight with one of the wrestlers, and if he was standing after 30 seconds he'd get ownership of the compnany.


Back on topic though...I have to wonder if Hogan coming in to replace Savage is really that bad of an option now...


...that's scary to think of...NWA World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.


...course, back in the late 80's/early 90's...WWF Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair would have been just as bizarre until it happened.

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I'm going with Warrior still, though the margin is getting smaller and smaller..

I don't think Warrior would have demanded the belt.

You never know.


Rumors are that when he was asked to join ECW, he would agree only if he got to have a shoot fight with one of the wrestlers, and if he was standing after 30 seconds he'd get ownership of the compnany.


He said that as a joke after Heyman told him if he wanted to come in he would have to put over Taz or Spike Dudley in 30 seconds.

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I'm going with Warrior still, though the margin is getting smaller and smaller..

I don't think Warrior would have demanded the belt.

You never know.


Rumors are that when he was asked to join ECW, he would agree only if he got to have a shoot fight with one of the wrestlers, and if he was standing after 30 seconds he'd get ownership of the compnany.


He said that as a joke after Heyman told him if he wanted to come in he would have to put over Taz or Spike Dudley in 30 seconds.

Are we ABSOULTELY sure that he was joking about that.


I mean, this IS the master of "Destrucity" here...the guy who made a comic where he molested Santa...

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I'm going with Warrior still, though the margin is getting smaller and smaller..

I don't think Warrior would have demanded the belt.

You never know.


Rumors are that when he was asked to join ECW, he would agree only if he got to have a shoot fight with one of the wrestlers, and if he was standing after 30 seconds he'd get ownership of the compnany.


Back on topic though...I have to wonder if Hogan coming in to replace Savage is really that bad of an option now...


...that's scary to think of...NWA World Heavyweight Champion Hulk Hogan.


...course, back in the late 80's/early 90's...WWF Champion "Nature Boy" Ric Flair would have been just as bizarre until it happened.

Actually bringing in Hogan might not be a bad idea IF the company can rebound and do 5-6 months of ppvs like last Sundays and in due time, get a better timeslot or network for Impact. I think word of mouth about the top notch ppv from Sunday will help if they can keep those up, and then in turn that will sooner or later lead to a better rating for Impact and an upgrade. Signing any big names would be ridiculous though for anytime soon since they cant afford it and having big names on a show not many even watch or know about (due to piss poor PR and advertising on TNA's part) would be pointless. This should have been the rule of thumb for signing up guys like Hall, Nash, and Savage too - since they (assuming) come with large price tags they shouldnt have bothered with them until they got on solid ground by themselves without the big names and found a better timeslot/location, as well as a better way to promote the product.

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RedJed: I'm inclined to agree with you on that, but only if TNA follows two guidelines:


1) If he gets the NWA World Heavyweight Title, have him job it to a younger, up and coming start to get them over somewhat.


2) Above all else...do NOT...DO NOT...DO NOT!!!!...give Hogan creative control over his character like they did in WCW.

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RedJed: I'm inclined to agree with you on that, but only if TNA follows two guidelines:


1) If he gets the NWA World Heavyweight Title, have him job it to a younger, up and coming start to get them over somewhat.


2) Above all else...do NOT...DO NOT...DO NOT!!!!...give Hogan creative control over his character like they did in WCW.

1) Even in "putting over" other talent, Hogan has the magic somehow to overshadow them in a loss (see match v. Warrior and match v. Rock) - so it would have to be a well laid out situation. I thought that when Hogan took on Lesnar, that was damn near about the best sort of job Hogan could do, but with that said, he probably wouldnt do it that well again.


2) I agree totally, and that was one of the things Hogan demanded per that meeting at Victory Road. I think a fair compromise would be have in the contract a title run for x number of months, and perhaps even he has creative control leading to the title win, but following the allotted month run, then its TNA's desicion what to do. Thats even pushing it!

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Hmm...if Hogan did win the NWA title, he'd be only I think the second competitor in history to hold the NWA, WCW, and WWF/E titles in history.


The first, of course, being Ric Flair.

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Guest LooneyTune

Hogan, although seriously declined of in-ring quality still has an aura around him that makes me want to watch no matter what. I suffered through Smackdown in the Spring-Summer of 2002 when it was mainly garbage, so maybe I could go through a few TNA shows without being disgusted again.

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Hogan, although seriously declined of in-ring quality

I'm a somewhat Hogan mark, and even *I* have to admit that, as far as wrestling quality, he didn't have that much to offer in the first place.

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Guest LooneyTune

It's the nicest of way of saying he stinks in the ring now, except for 1 or 2 rare occasions.

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