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Art Sandusky

Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

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See, now I bet it probably is mental. Cause I was doing that because I'd heard of this first timers thing and trying to circumvent it.

Being a city boy, I'd never bothered to learn to ride a bike, but I was so high I got on my brother's bike and rode it to the store to buy Combos (the pretzels with cheese in them, you know). Except I had forgotten to bring any money so I stole them and ate them in the parking lot.

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Guest cosbywasmurdered
I'm told I smoked about five times what someone normally would for their first time, and all I did was maybe talk a little more.

A good portion of people don't really notice any effects the first time or two they do it. The first time I smoked I was a little giddy. It wasn't till I started smoking weed more often that it began to have an effect.

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Guest Vitamin X

First time I smoked I was taking bong hits at a gangsta party in the San Fernando Valley. I felt a slight buzz like I would after drinking a few beers, but other than that I only really noticed it just made me extremely hungry. This still holds true today, but I think there's only three different stages of being high, all quite different from each other. There's the slight fade, which would be the prologue as well as the epilogue to the high, the, just being plain ol' high/stoned/baked/whathaveyou, and then finally with enough marijuana, achieve FTO (Faded to Oblivion) before reaching fade status again. I don't like FTO too much when I have work and school as it can fuck me up for a good day or two. The residual effect is pretty harsh, but I still maintain that smoking blunts and joints are a waste for this reason, that you can't really be any higher than high. With alcohol, you can get more and more drunk with drinking more, but once you're high, that's it unless you want to reach the FTO plateau, and even then, that's just a climax and it'd be over soon thereafter anyways.


Forgot to mention something. Oh man, I'm on drugs right now.

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People talk a lot of shit about moonshine, but done properly, there is no drunker.

I love moonshine. I was not speaking ill of it. Only suggesting the IDRM take up the cause of brewing his own.

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I'm bumping this thread for a bit of prose. Also I like this thread. Since this thread, I have done DXM three more times. I drank two bottles of tussin and puked them up, as recently mentioned. Another time I took two and kept them down. I remained in the first plateau. Another time I took three, and some mild muscle relaxants. That time I wrote some things down for a while. When I could take what was in my head and express it in a singular thought, I would write it down, for posterity. This is what I wrote in the throes of DXM:


Who's your disassociative daddy?

There is much to be found in my mind. In my brain.

Much is in there now.

I can hear chanting and sirens.

You can't break me all at once.

You have to break me a little at a time.

I see Indians chanting.

They are beating drums.

About the cactus they dance.

The cactus is my brain stem.

I am floating far away, but I know I am still here.

Here I sit.

I can feel that other place.

I am not there.

But I know I could go there if I wanted to.

I can hear it.

I can hear Indians chanting and beating drums.

I scratch my ear like a dog.

The sound and shapes are changing.

There is a pipe organ here.

And a man with long, red hair.

Springs are bursting forth with music,

but the man is capping them.

His limbs are long and he is very tall.

There is something floating in my head, and I can't quite...

understand it.

It is a musical note.

And yet a physical thing.

Many images are pressed upon me.

They are from all throughout my life.

I am a child again, and at the same time, wavering smoke.

My whole body feels like a tongue.

Now I sit on the end of a red stage.

Playing chimes and gongs.

Head's got me... I'm in my chair.

Everything is moving.

Everything is soft and alive, like this was the jungle.

This is a strange hallucination.

Because I understand it is one.

I see nothing.

And I see everything.

If that doesn't make sense, turn back now.




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Guest Vitamin X

That reminds me of the Simpsons were Homer trips out on `cid or peyote, I forget which. He talks to a coyote and all that.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
I see Indians chanting.

They are beating drums.

About the cactus they dance.

The cactus is my brain stem


Best part.

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Who's your disassociative daddy?

There is much to be found in my mind. In my brain.

Much is in there now.

I can hear chanting and sirens.

You can't break me all at once.

You have to break me a little at a time.

I see Indians chanting.

They are beating drums.

About the cactus they dance.

The cactus is my brain stem.

I am floating far away, but I know I am still here.

Here I sit.

I can feel that other place.

I am not there.

But I know I could go there if I wanted to.

I can hear it.

I can hear Indians chanting and beating drums.

I scratch my ear like a dog.

The sound and shapes are changing.

There is a pipe organ here.

And a man with long, red hair.

Springs are bursting forth with music,

but the man is capping them.

His limbs are long and he is very tall.

There is something floating in my head, and I can't quite...

understand it.

It is a musical note.

And yet a physical thing.

Many images are pressed upon me.

They are from all throughout my life.

I am a child again, and at the same time, wavering smoke.

My whole body feels like a tongue.

Now I sit on the end of a red stage.

Playing chimes and gongs.

Head's got me... I'm in my chair.

Everything is moving.

Everything is soft and alive, like this was the jungle.

This is a strange hallucination.

Because I understand it is one.

I see nothing.

And I see everything.

If that doesn't make sense, turn back now.




Disassociation, feelings of being omnipotent yet not having the articulation to express what you know, cyclical periods of clarity and delrium, random rapid-fire hallucinations... yep, that's definitely the Dex talking. Let me once again proclaim my love for Tussin. It's one of the few drugs I've ever tried where I actually felt smarter afterwards.

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Guest Vitamin X
Some I guess never allow themselves to be high. It happens if you're a particularly wired guy


not much and u

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Call me a nerd or dork all day, but never call me some fuckin' fanboy.



MMH, all I'm saying is you don't have to stand up for Spoon if someone makes a crack about him. He's a good poster; he can handle himself(which he does all the time huh huh huh).

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A girl I hung out with today suggested that we get smokers to stop by having them smoke a joint every time they want a cigarette. She's currently the most attractive girl I know.

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I just figured I'd bring this up because I tried DXM tonight, and I didn't like it at all. It just made me feel incredibly sick and tired. Well, eventually I puked and after that it was somewhat better, and I started to feel somewhat of a buzz but it just doesn't seem like it's worth it.


It doesn't really do anything fun that drinking or pot wouldn't, but it kicks your ass and makes you all antisocial. Maybe I should have done less or something. I had 2 beers before I started, and then another one while I was drinking it, and I finished a bottle of it in about 15 minutes.

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