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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Name the most average band you've ever heard

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Guest ken adams



Learn how to play guitar & you'll realize that they were a garage band who got lucky. If Kurt would not have been killed, I mean, committed suicide, he would have been exposed as such.


As for the distinguished gentleman who suggested Van Halen, I offer the same advice. Learn how to play guitar and you will learn how naive it is to suggest that VH is average.


Before all the sheep come out & yap about Kurt's lyrics, blah, blah, blah, my commentary is about his lack of musical talent.


If you think I'm wrong, take a few months to years to learn how to play Van Halen, & then take a few seconds to learn Nirvana, and I will accept your apology.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I vehemently disagree. Lividity is a shitty band and you know it. They have a song called "The Urge to Splurge." End of discussion.

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As for the distinguished gentleman who suggested Van Halen, I offer the same advice. Learn how to play guitar and you will learn how naive it is to suggest that VH is average.


Before all the sheep come out & yap about Kurt's lyrics, blah, blah, blah, my commentary is about his lack of musical talent.

Now that I know that "musical talent" consists of the ability to solo and wear spandex pants, I'm going to throw out all my Bob Dylan records.




is way too bad to be average. Though as far as average-sounding, they're way up there.

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I got sick of making this point on this board a couple of years ago, but musical talent has more to do with writing a good song than technical expertise at an instrument. I pity people, like "ken adams," who are so closed-minded in his tastes that he can only enjoy rock music with wanky guitar solos.

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Anyone can realize that Nirvana isn't as great as people claim them to be.


I'll list some


Mars Volta


The Strokes

Creedence Clearwater Revival.

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Guest Fire and Knives

Well, yeah, the Kurt Cobain Is The Best Vocalist And Guitarist And Lyricist Ever people are strange and different, but calling Nirvana average because of them is reactionary. Also, stupid.



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I'll second Pearl Jam..they never struck me as a band that was particularly good at anything, be it playing or songwriting.


The Nirvana bashing/Van Halen pimping is silly. Both are great bands, but are worlds apart in WHY they are great. VH more to technical expertise, Nirvana due to hooks in the songwriting. If anything being technically awesome is a detriment to a band, it leads to constant wanking with guitar or even drum solos which mainly hurts a song instead of helps it.


All you have to be is good enough to play it ONE time right in a studio and you can be The Man.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Van Halen is below average into one of the worst bands ever.

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Guest ken adams

At what point in my post did I equate "soloing" as equal to "musical talent." I didn't.


At what point did I EVER mention soloing. I didn't.


I also mentioned nothing of spandex, but I'm sure it made you feel good to type it.


I made a detailed post about good country music, which also mentioned nothing about solos. Apparently, I can play guitar AND listen to music that doesn't have "wanky" solos.



It's funny that the people who cry about being close-minded, are the ones with the least open mind. Eddie Van Halen has written some great songs, but I'm sure you knew that since you are so "open-minded."


There is more to guitar than soloing. Why is wanting to be an expert at your craft a bad thing? Don't you think you can write better songs if you were a technical expert? I find the people that complain about solos are the ones who also can't perform them. Jealous, perhaps?


When all you can play are a few power chords and scream off-key at the top of your lungs, why would you be surprised if some people don't think it's a big deal.


My Nirvana comment was not in reaction to the "Kurt Cobain Is The Best Vocalist And Guitarist And Lyricist Ever people," I was pretty clear about it. Try reading it again slower. Must have hit you pretty close to the bone to get you all riled up like that.


"Anyone can realize that Nirvana isn't as great as people claim them to be."

- Obviously not, since I'm taking a huge ass-ramming for bringing it up.


To Incandenza: How can you write a good song if you don't know how to play your instrument?


Playing all power chords is equal to the punch-stomp-kick wrestling that everyone complains about.


I'm pretty sure Bob Dylan knows how to play guitar. But good thing you brought him into the mix since I never mentioned him.


At least cabbageboy can make an excellent point with a logical thought, but then I'm surprised I could comprehend it since I'm so "stupid" & "close-minded".

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I forgot about Led Zeppelin.


also Soundgarden

I was about to say Soundgarden was average, but I don't know anyone here that really likes them, and I like to strike a nerve when I name shitty bands.


Can we not ruin every thread with Nirvana? There's no point arguing, since none of the people that argue ever get anywhere, and most of the people that bash them don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Nirvana was a great band, if you disagree fine, but just shut the fuck up about it.


Van Halen is horrible. One of the worst bands I've ever had the displeasure of listening to. Ken Adams' post wasn't even worth reading, since I already knew this.


I already went through the debate a few months back about how technique doesn't equate with greatness in terms of music, or art in general, but people don't seem to listen. Go listen to your Steve Vai, or Yngwie Malmsteen or whatever. Good thing most of those guys don't post anymore. This folder would be flooded with Yes and Marshall Tucker Band threads.


Oh yeah, Rush is pretty damn average.

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Okay, now you're just namedropping.


Bollocks man, Bollocks. :D


By the way, I'll go with U2. Watch them play live and watch Bono's charisma carry three of the dullest, lifeless musicians ever.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

You know who is really shitty? Rod Stewart. Except for Maggie May. Motherfuck does that song rule. Lets talk about Maggie May instead of Ken Adams. It'll help our sanity.

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Guest Coffey

Any Metal band, ever. All of them. All the bands that get praised for being either "punk," "underground" or "groundbreaking" too. For that matter, any "artist" that has a video or a song getting airplay probably sucks too.


We should go back to just slapping rocks together to make noise and call that new music.

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You know who is really shitty? Rod Stewart.

He was alright in the Faces. Still, dude's mostly awful.


And ken adams, quit being an idiot. Bob Dylan was, at best, an average guitarist. Kurt Cobain knew enough of the basics and was able to work within his limitations. That's what it takes to write a good song.

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