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The Czech Republic

I want to be as funny as Vanhalen

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start acting more British...
























on second thought, don't.

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start acting more British...

I listen to British bands, I'm a pompous elitist, I watch House of Commons on C-SPAN, and I apologise (yeah with an s, not a zed) even when it's the other guy's fault, just to be polite. But oh, I how I love a good row! Followed by tea, of course.


How much more British can I act?

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Change your name to Van Hagar. Infuse your posts with sweet synth hooks and fill the words with syrupy sentiments of love.

Val Halen would be better.

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He should change his name to Van Hammer. Then if any mod tries to change your name to Private Stash, DON'T LET THEM DO IT. You are far too good for that lowly rank. You are a Major!

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start acting more British...

I listen to British bands, I'm a pompous elitist, I watch House of Commons on C-SPAN, and I apologise (yeah with an s, not a zed) even when it's the other guy's fault, just to be polite. But oh, I how I love a good row! Followed by tea, of course.


How much more British can I act?

Start coming up with digusting, inedible food combinations.


Oh, and hit yourself in the mouth with a hammer.

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start acting more British...

I listen to British bands, I'm a pompous elitist, I watch House of Commons on C-SPAN, and I apologise (yeah with an s, not a zed) even when it's the other guy's fault, just to be polite. But oh, I how I love a good row! Followed by tea, of course.


How much more British can I act?

You're Canadian, except for the tea part. Maybe even with it.

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