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Chris Masters

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Sorry if this has been brought up, but I didn't see it.


So whats the word on Chris Masters can he work?

He obviously has a good look, and looks to be getting a narcissist type gimmick.

Chris "The Masterpiece" Masters.


Whats he use for moves? Hoss set #3? Finishing move?

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I found it funny that his vignette was pretty much given the Narcississt treatment.. just like Jindrak.. yet he looks like every other generic musclehead who works for the company right now.

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He's been mediocre at best in OVW. Though he and Brent Albright made a good team as The Troubleshooters, so of course they get split up so Masters can come in as Jindrak Junior.

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Is it bad since I've never heard of him?

Unless you follow OVW, you wouldn't have.

People actually follow OVW in the Northeast?


Or does one have to work at a wrestling place to do so?


EDIT: Right, you can trade tapes.

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Being able to get the tapes through work is a bonus, but I've followed OVW since 1999-2000 or so. That's why I'll stick up for The Bashams on occasion, or bitch about the misuse of Rob Conway in La Rez. Because I know they're capable of better. Watching these guys in OVW is a complete 180 from seeing them on RAW and SD! (well, most of them).


This gimmick won't go anywhere, because it's a redux of a gimmick they just tried six months ago. Although it's not as bad as calling up Melina to be Faceless Bimbo #34 on RAW rather than utilize the awesome MNM trio (Joey Matthews, Melina and Johnny Nitro) that have improved tenfold since they were grouped together.

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I saw Masters wrestle a house show match against Val Venis a few months ago. He was pretty bland. He used a full nelson falldown slam for his finisher (which was stupid considering he worked Venis' leg the whole match).


Generic hoss #13. Move along, nothing to see here.

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So we have a guy who's gimmick -what makes him "unique"- is that he is muscular. You know what? What gets someone over is their uniqueness. Austin was different at the time he got over. The norm today is a well-defined body -someone who looks like a bodybuilder- and what's different is someone who doesn't look like that. Once upon a time, muscles meant that person was strong and could kick your ass. Now it means nothing. How can a muscular wrestler get heat with other muscular wrestlers if what supposedly makes him a heel is that he has a good body? It's the same thing with Simon Dean - there is only one fat guy on the roster, which makes him worthless. So rather than mock the wrestlers, they mock the fans, and that doesn't make money. Who do the fans identify with then, who do they get behind? Eugene didn't get over because Coach mocked the fans, he got over because Coach mocked him. They are clueless. Absolutely clueless.

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So we have a guy who's gimmick -what makes him "unique"- is that he is muscular. You know what? What gets someone over is their uniqueness. Austin was different at the time he got over. The norm today is a well-defined body -someone who looks like a bodybuilder- and what's different is someone who doesn't look like that. Once upon a time, muscles meant that person was strong and could kick your ass. Now it means nothing. How can a muscular wrestler get heat with other muscular wrestlers if what supposedly makes him a heel is that he has a good body? It's the same thing with Simon Dean - there is only one fat guy on the roster, which makes him worthless. So rather than mock the wrestlers, they mock the fans, and that doesn't make money. Who do the fans identify with then, who do they get behind? Eugene didn't get over because Coach mocked the fans, he got over because Coach mocked him. They are clueless. Absolutely clueless.

I was gonna say something about how this wasn't different all that shit and how it's another OVWite with an overdone gimmick, but Rudo beat me to it. Someone please tell me how this is different from Lex Luger and Mark Jindrak.

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Whats his gimiock even supposed to be? From the viginette on RAW< he looked like some kind of homosexual body builder.

He's apparently supposed to be a "Masterpiece" because he's chisled and all that shit. In other words, it's Narcissist version 3.0.

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Whats his gimiock even supposed to be? From the viginette on RAW< he looked like some kind of homosexual body builder.

He's apparently supposed to be a "Masterpiece" because he's chisled and all that shit. In other words, it's Narcissist version 3.0.

That would make him a homosexual bodybuilder.

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Whats his gimiock even supposed to be? From the viginette on RAW< he looked like some kind of homosexual body builder.

He's apparently supposed to be a "Masterpiece" because he's chisled and all that shit. In other words, it's Narcissist version 3.0.

That would make him a homosexual bodybuilder.

Narcissism often is an expression of repressed homosexuality. Hell, look at HHH...

...and remember that HE SCREWED CHYNA.


I really like the Simon Dean gimmick, but I agree they kinda, well, ran out of ideas once they did the skit with Rosie. When you can't even go a full 2 months without completely running out of ways to use a character, you're a shitty booker.

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I saw Masters wrestle a house show match against Val Venis a few months ago. He was pretty bland. He used a full nelson falldown slam for his finisher (which was stupid considering he worked Venis' leg the whole match).


Generic hoss #13. Move along, nothing to see here.

I too saw a house show match between Masters and Venis. However, in at the Augusta, Georgia show, Masters won with the HAWSTASTIC SPINEBUSTER!!! I'll give him credit though, because he did slam the shit out of Venis with it.

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Whats his gimiock even supposed to be? From the viginette on RAW< he looked like some kind of homosexual body builder.

He's apparently supposed to be a "Masterpiece" because he's chisled and all that shit. In other words, it's Narcissist version 3.0.

That would make him a homosexual bodybuilder.

Narcissism often is an expression of repressed homosexuality. Hell, look at HHH...

...and remember that HE SCREWED CHYNA.


I really like the Simon Dean gimmick, but I agree they kinda, well, ran out of ideas once they did the skit with Rosie. When you can't even go a full 2 months without completely running out of ways to use a character, you're a shitty booker.

And they have only other fat guy on the roster besides Rosey and that's Vis. And honestly, do we wanna see a Vis face turn?

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I have no problem with Viscera. He moves fairly well for being as massive as he is. I became a fan of his in late '99 when he and Big Show had the match on RAW that was 10 times better than it had any right to be.


Back to Masters though. His moveset was your standard Hoss arsenal of clubbing forearms, punches, sidewalk slams, and the SPINEBUSTER~! I honestly can't say that I'm looking forward to his debut.

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You know I really wouldn't mind seeing Vis teamed with Henry when he comes back. It would make for an interesting tag team.


As for Masters I guess I should just wait and see before I decide if he's crap or not. Anyone know about his mic work?

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Guest Desperate Housewife



The guy has, frankly, a bizarre shaped head, if nobody minds me saying it

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So we have a guy who's gimmick -what makes him "unique"- is that he is muscular. You know what? What gets someone over is their uniqueness. Austin was different at the time he got over. The norm today is a well-defined body -someone who looks like a bodybuilder- and what's different is someone who doesn't look like that.

Although not quite the same, given his appearance, Snitsky is a good example of your "different leads to over" argument.


He started to get over given the most absurd gimmick of the year (i.e. the poor man's abortionist) simply because he was someone completely different.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
As for Masters I guess I should just wait and see before I decide if he's crap or not. Anyone know about his mic work?

He's not bad, nothing brilliant but he does have some charisma. I don't know why they just didn't keep the Troubleshooters together and just give them a new gimmick. WWE desperately needs new teams, Masters and Albright were a pretty good team.

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Guest JMA

WWE really needs to start calling up OVW tag-teams instead of individual wrestlers. The tag division is scary right now. If I see Hurricane and Rosey face La Resistance one more time I'm going to go crazy.

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