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The SHield Seaosn 4 Spoilers

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Here are some major spoilers for the first three episodes of "The Shield"


New characters:


Capt. Monica Rawling- Glenn Close joins the cast as the new Police Captain in charge of the Barn. Unlike Acaveda she'll cut a deal with Vic right away where they will work together as opposed to feuding with him. However she will have some sort of agenda going on, one that involves the entire Farmington District so she won't be the ultra-naive new kid on the block.


Antwon- A former gang member turned community activist, he'll end up being recruited by Vic and Captain Monica to stop a coming gang war that threatens the community


Armando (AKA Army)- A former Marine turned police officer, he's Shane's new partner and is basically pretty naive and trusting of Shnae, who he looks at as his mentor. Shane of course is going to totally going to exploit Army and see how far he can get Army to cross the line of acceptable police behavior as Shane seeks to carve out his own reputation independantly from Vic.


Brief episode spoilers:


401- Glenn Close debuts and forms an alliance with Vic despite Acaveda warning her about how Vic is not to be trusted. Vic and Captain Monica will seek an alliance with Antwon and that some how their plot will cross over with the B-Plot involving Dutch and Claudette investigating the murder of an entire family.


402- A spotlight episode for Shane and his new partner creating havok on the streets and Shane being a bad mentor to his rookie partner. Meanwhile Vic and his wife get involved in a lawsuit in the B-Plot, as Vic and Corrine decide to sue a drug manufacturer for causing their kids autism when they find out their two youngest kids took defective medication.


403- Gang war breks out and Vic tries to get the Strike Team back together. Unfortunately for him, all of the anger of the group's fall-out now seems to be directed at him, which forces Vic to do a plan B involving him recruiting Antwon to keep the peace. Dutch and Claudette have their own B-Plot involving robbery/murder and Julian and Dani have an as of yet stated storyline for the episode.

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I hope Glenn Close doesn't overshadow the rest of the cast.

With Chiklis around, you don't have to worry about that.


So with the Strike Team broken up and new characters coming in, are Lem and Ronnie gone from the show now?

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I hope Glenn Close doesn't overshadow the rest of the cast.

With Chiklis around, you don't have to worry about that.


So with the Strike Team broken up and new characters coming in, are Lem and Ronnie gone from the show now?

They are all on the show still but from what the spoilers are saying, we may not see them (or Dani and Julian) until the third episode of the season. However I seriously think we might see them in the first two episodes in some shape and form if only to establish their current status and set up the third episode....


That being said, it's seriously looking like this Antwon will be this season's Poochie in that all of the storyline will revolve around him and everyone talking about him in terms of the plot ala Mara.

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Guest krazykat72
Is Aceveda still going to be on the show?

Yes. Aceveda is returning....I think if you go to tvtome.com, they link you to upcoming nesw about the show.




-Paul Jacobi-

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